"It’s… It’s close. You’re not lost," He said, wrapping his arms inside her cloak to try and get some warmth from it. She raised an eyebrow at him. Not lost? How would he know that? She had no idea where she was other than somewhere in Syliras. Why did it matter if she was close? The way streets twined in and out of each other, she could be on the wrong side of the wall and not even know it. Even if she did know it, it could take her an hour to wind back around to that side. So yes, she was lost. It didn't require being far away from a place to be lost. All it took was not knowing where she was.
He was cold though. Even moreso than herself, it sounded like. She gave a tight nod and hurried forward, looking back to see if he was following. Really though, he should be leading, as she didn't know which turns to take or which streets to follow. Then he moved ahead, entire demeanor changing. He was back to how he had been when he first appeared. Bold. Confident. Lacking in common sense. But perhaps, that was common amongst the squires. Or maybe it was some initiation she didn't know about. Why in Priskil's name would someone go out in a tempest without a shirt?
"What brought you out here in the first place?" There was a casualness in his voice. It was understandable, after all. She'd done the same thing on occasion, judging by his actions and speech a few moments beforehand. Try to seem normal. Act as if nothing had happened. Pretend to be invincible, implacid as a frozen lake. She understood that.
"I...went to check the stables," She said, measuring out her words in slow dollops, "The horses, and then... the storm grew stronger." She hadn't even made it to the stables, musty with the smell of horses and hay. Cozy though. Safe. Not nearly as starkly cold as the citadel either. Not necessarily in temperature, but in how it felt. Horses were trustworthy. They were kind. They were usually gentle. If they weren't, it was because someone had done something stupid and wrong. Not some whim or simply feeling cussed.
She followed behind him in silence for quite some time, winding through rain-lit streets as everything grew darker. She shivered again, and tensed slightly at the thunderclaps and lightning. Not as much as before though. Those flashbacks had passed. It was merely a storm now, its fury having driven off the phantoms that lurked inside her head. What had Sera Lyonia called them? Mindghosts. Dead things that still lurked in her brain. They'd pass on eventually. She just needed to work at it. Learn to fight them. In time, they would diminish. Whether or not they would ever leave completely, Lyonia had said she didn't know. Everyone was different.
The streets and corners were more familiar now. She smiled, surprisingly warm given the circumstances and picked up her pace somewhat. Then she paused mid-step and turned to him, tilting her head slightly to one side, before going on again. More confidently, as they were very close now, and she knew her way back to her dormitory.
"I... don't think... you gave me your name," She stopped again, looking to see what his reaction would be. "I am Imellion."