[Note by Crosspatch] Kah

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Kah on November 9th, 2014, 9:36 pm

Race: Jamoura
Gender: Male
Age: 514
Birthplace: The Spires, Taldera
Location: Syliras

Appearance: Kah stands an impressive 8'2", and weighs 600 lbs. He is covered with a very thick black fur, now growing lighter in due to his age. While his dark eyes hide ages of memories both good and bad, they are filled with an empathy and softness in personality that is in stark contrast to his imposing frame.

Character Concept
Kah is an extremely quiet and peaceful Jamouran. While he is slightly larger than others of his race, he is rarely, if ever, violent. Nor does he use his size to any type of advantage. Unfortunately, however, the world is a terrible, violent place, and Kah has been forced into conflict on enough occasions that he has become somewhat familiar with the martial uses of his staff. He keeps the incredibly large, iron quarterstaff with him most of the time, but usually keeps it strapped behind his back, for it is more of a deterrent to would-be offenders than any actually practiced tool of warfare.

Kah considers himself an intellect and a pupil of the entire populace of Mizahar, taking from all interactions with others lessons that will aid him on his quest, which is simply to learn about the other races and cities as much as he can, as well as teach others about the proud Jamouran race.

Character History

Kah was born during the Valterrian, from a mother who survived and an alpha male father who did not. Unlike most of his kind born after the changing of the world, however, Kah was actually conceived before the Goddess Caiyha elevated the Jamouran race, meaning the Kah underwent the transformation into a more enlightened and intelligent Jamouran while still growing in his mother's womb. The stigma of being the first enlightened Jamouran born, sometimes a positive one and sometimes not, follows Kah until this day, though it is not one that even all Jamouran's acknowledge, and even many more never even learned of.

Around 180 years old, Kah became one of the youngest alpha males in the Spires. This was partially due to his imposing size, but was mostly based on the lore surrounding his birth in the smaller circles around his family.

For 200 years and more Kah was the alpha male of his family, though more so was he a spiritual leader. Many Jamouran's from neighboring families defected to the spiritual Kah family, until the family swelled to 25 proud Jamourans. However, it became apparent that the family would grow no further, for it appeared that, due to Kah's strange parentage, was unable to bear children.

Wishing the family that he loved a long a healthy parentage, Kah decided to leave, and make his new life's mission that of teaching the outside world of the proud Jamouran culture, and hopefully, bring more worldly education back to the Spires.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Jamouran
Poor Language: Nari


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Teaching 26 SP 30 Competent
Caiyhesence 10 SP 10 Novice
Weapon: Quarterstaff 5 SP 10 Novice
Botany 9 SP 9 Novice
Wilderness Survival +10 RB 10 Novice


History : Jamouran culture
Religion: Caiyha


-Oversized Iron Staff
-Large Brown Cloak
1 Waterskin
1 satchel which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel

Heirloom: A simple quarterstaff, the top end of which exists a tribal symbol fashioned by his parents.




Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Customized Iron Staff -40 GM (Price based on price list + extra materials - rebate for items taken out of starting package?) 60 GM

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Character sheet


Postby Crosspatch on November 23rd, 2014, 12:40 pm


Hello there!

I'm Crosspatch, one of the friendly CS Liaisons on Mizahar! I've been looking over your Character Sheet, and I have noticed some minor issues that need to be resolved and fixed. Sadly these need to be done before you can continue roleplaying, so let's take a look at them shall we?

  • You appear to be missing a date of birth. The Date of Birth must include a day, season and year. More information can be found on the Mizahar Calendar.
  • Males are 8' tall, not 8'2".
  • How did your PC come across Nari? Nari is a very difficult language for outsiders of the Inarta to learn and would require a lot of practice with a native speaker - please take this into consideration.
  • Please check your skill totals, they do not all add up.
  • 'Caiyhesence' is not a valid skill, please select another skill.
  • Due to being Novice in Wilderness Survival can you please clearly state somewhere the one environment type your PC is familiar with? (Example types include: Desert, Forest, Hills, Marsh, Mountains, Plains, Sea or Underground).
  • An Heirloom can be any one free item as long as it is under the value of 50gm and is meaningful to the character. You do not have to pay for your staff.
  • What starter housing package have you chosen? At creation you are allowed to pick one of the starting housing options, please select one and clearly state it on your CS.

Once these problems have been dealt with, drop me a PM and I'll remove this intervention and approve your CS for you. Also if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and I'll do my best to answer!

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