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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on May 4th, 2016, 2:47 am

We're in the final month of Spring!

Don't forget about your job threads and make sure you're gaining the skills necessary for survival in the Sea of Grass. [See the PC Creation Guidelines for help] Remember, existing players have until the end of SUMMER to reach the basic goals.

I am loving some of the threads and ideas coming out of the writing being set forth. You guys really are great and while I don't get to interact with as much as you as I would like, I do get to read most of it so thanks for the stories! By season's end, I will have some more tasty nuggets of awesomeness to add to our fair city and also some exciting announcements so stay tuned to this station for a chance to win $1000!

...Wait... No money...but cool stuff regardless!!! As always, I am available for questions, concerns, ideas, etc so hit me up whenever. If I haven't said it before I'm saying it now.

Summer is going to kick arse. That is all.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Pearl on May 4th, 2016, 4:19 pm

Still working on Pearl's return. I apologize for the delay, I had a bit of an upset IRL that I had to tend to, but things are back on track now and I'm looking forward to getting Pearl's sorted!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Amunet on May 4th, 2016, 4:24 pm

im super excited too. if you need any help let us know. all of us cant wait to thread with you.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on May 4th, 2016, 10:45 pm

The Pavi Word List has been updated. There's not a lot of changes but we have some new members and I added three different words for love |:) . For those interested, there is a discussion thread in our development forum for possible words or phrases to add.

That is all.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Ixzo on May 6th, 2016, 1:23 am

Ooh yay, new words! Also, welcome back Pearl, so glad to see you again!

I didn't really announce my leaving but with exams, and moving, I got a little busy IRL. I'm back now and will quickly be sorting through my threads and PMs this week to get back to people on things as well as sort out my brain on what I was doing before I left. xD

I already told some people, but just to let ya'll know, I won't be starting any new threads this season. I already have quite a few planned, but other than that I won't be starting any new threads until summer, sorry!

Alright, I'm done spamming the OOC with my personal updates, bye! :P
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Kaitanu on May 7th, 2016, 8:11 am

Wohoo! Welcome back Pearl and Ixzo! I'm definitely looking forward to threading with both of you if and when you have the time. Also, new Pavi words :D
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on May 8th, 2016, 12:38 pm

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing women!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on May 8th, 2016, 8:25 pm

New Drykas Lore!


That is all.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Shimoje on May 8th, 2016, 8:28 pm

Wow Prophet, I love it!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Caesi Starguide on May 9th, 2016, 2:53 am

The Rituals Lore is amazing Prophet, thank you! Now it makes me wanna do Flashbacks .. lots of Flashbacks... and Plot for future threads :D. I love how the Drykas now have a way to communicate and come together!

Credit Goes to Prophet for the beautiful Signature!
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