Kechaiya listened to his apology, starting to think that maybe she'd been a little hard on him. This whole night had been such a fluctuation of emotions from the highest of the highs to some very awkward lows, and she tired. She just wanted comfort, and wanted him to bring it to her. She rolled over and took the cup from his hand, knowing what it meant when she drank it. All she could do was stare into its steaming depths. The thought of having to choose between what two different parts of what she wanted was exhausting. If he thought it best, she would agree with him. So with a deep breath, she slowly downed the foul liquid at once.
It was done. Sure, she could not take the tea over the next few days, but the decision had been made. She would keep making it and drinking it until her Leth cycle came, sooner rather than later. And with it, the baby would never exist. She listened to his explanations, his thoughts, his half baked request. She was too tired, emotionally and physically, to give it a lot of thought. He wanted her to help him get some children from Brega's. Normally she'd have a deluge of questions, but instead she nodded, "I go with. I want go if you want me go."
He looked as tired as she, and she was sure he was. After all, she hadn't been alone throughout this entire ordeal. She placed a gentle palm against his scarred cheek, pulling his face from his palms, smiling lightly. "Thank you Noven. I glad is you. I glad is you I couple first. I glad is you make tears. I glad is you make pain. I glad is you make yell." When he moved to to join her, she scooted over, facing him as he laid next to her. She pulled herself up next to his face, watching as he stared to the empty ceiling above.
Her hand upon his cheek once more, she pulled him to look at her, and lightly pressed her lips to his for a few ticks, and pulled back. "I want all you. Good, bad, ugly. I want give all me. I want know you. I want you know me." She then nestled in the crook of his arm, resting her face against his chest so she could hear his heart beat, and put an arm across his torso. "By way, my color best like is purple. What you?" This was an offering, hopefully to show that she understood the choices made tonight, to show that they weren't ready for to not drink the tea. She waited for his answer, then nestled her nubile body closer to his, to drift into glorious sleep to the percussion of his heart and breathing.