35th of Fall, 514 AV
Alleyway in The Slums
20th Bell
Alleyway in The Slums
20th Bell
It felt as though he had been working non-stop since he agreed to work for Jillene. The Sunberthian woman had been somewhat of a taskmaster. Cooking, cleaning, constructing, de-constructing, and that was all before Syna's rays were direct over head. He'd have traded his current situation to do all of those things at the same time.
Jillene had instructed him to increase his vigilance in the area immediately around the Orphanage in the wake of more gang activity. He wasn't to start any trouble, but she did want to be aware of the danger was growing closer to the orphanage. Guards like Orion were effectively her eyes in a deadly slums. Despite a handful of days working under her and her stern
"What good is a fucking guard if he gets lost in this fucking dark?" Annoyed mutters crept from his lips as he took another turn, hoping to see something he recognized. Cursing again under his breath, the ex-squire took a deep breath and continued his trek through the night.
A gentle breeze picked up and the torchlight flickered, creating dancing shadows which teased the edges of Orion's vision. Monsters which could very well be there taunted him from the blur between reality and imagination. The increased violence which had been plaguing the city did little to aid his nerves. The last he could afford to do was be lost. As that ship had sailed, he had a new task at hand: Not letting anyone realize that he was lost. The city preyed on any sign of weakness. All Orion could do was walk with purpose.
The night sky offered little in the way of light for the lost guard, clouds obscuring what little illumination could have aided him in his desperation. Subconsciously his hand wandered to the hilt of his blade. He would defend himself if he had to, but he'd rather have avoided meeting anyone. Another turn, another line of aged, unsafe buildings that looked the same as everything else he had come across.
"...Where am I?"
With a sigh, Orion leaned against the wall of a structure that seemed safe, hoping to come up with a plan. "If I can locate the river, I might just be able to..." The torchlight waved wildly with another breeze, and out of the corner of his eyes he caught the glint of something shiny. Someone had lost a coin.
"At least I can afford a drink, now." The guard leaned over to retrieve the silver miza.