60th, Fall, 514 AV
The dogs barked raucously in their kennels, wagging their tails, jumping at the gates, and wrestled to try and get to the front. William moved along each one, sliding their fresh food and water in and watching the hounds bound at their meals with excited zeal. Soon all he heard was the combined sound of chops slapping, tongue lapping, and happy grunts of delight as they all wolfed down their meals. The man stacked his empty buckets carefully and hoisted them up in his arms so he could return the precarious load back to storage. He couldn't help but smile as he carefully put everything away. He found that he enjoyed the job, and it was honest work. He was more comfortable around the animals now, and their company had grown on him. Even the horses.
Once everything was back in storage, William found a spot to relax. He helped to take care of the animals here, but he was also hired on to guard the business itself. His usual spot was an old wooden chair and a little end table near the entrance. William sat down and stretched out his legs, rubbing the sore spot in his thigh where he'd been stabbed by a dagger earlier in the season. It had healed well, but the scar was hideous and the wound still gave him a little trouble now and then.
It took him a few moments to get comfortable, but he soon found a position where he could relax. On the table beside him was a small lunch that Hannah had left for him, and his stomach rumbled at the sight of it. The sun was high in the sky and he'd been there since dawn, with little more than bread and some almonds for breakfast. She'd left him a cheese wedge wrapped in cloth, a few large legs of some still-warm turkey, half of a small loaf of crusty bread, and a cup with a small wineskin. It must not have been sitting here long.
Eager and hungry, William dug into his late lunch. He tackled the turkey and cheese together, experimenting with eating each alone and then together. He found they complimented each other well, so he carved the wedge into small slices with his dagger and wrapped them around chunks of meat pulled from the bones. Will savored every bite, chewing slowly and smiling all the while. He'd started to gain weight again now that he had some income, and thanks to Hannah feeding him so often. His face wasn't so gaunt now his body so thin. It would be a while before he was back to the way he had been, but the light had returned to his haunted eyes, and his stomach wasn't always empty now.