[Verified by Crosspatch] Sarina

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Postby Sarina on November 15th, 2014, 6:37 pm

Sarina Carefer

Basic information:

Name:Sarina Carefer
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Birthdate: 31st, winter, 495 A.V.
Race: Human
Language: Common(fluent), Tukant(common), Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)(poor)
Height: 5'6
Weight: 112 lbs.
Birthplace: Sunberth
Profession: Self employed thief

Physical Description:

Sarina has always been an attractive girl. Her body is thin and fairly curvaceous. While she isn't extremely tall, she stands at a good 5'6 feet. Her gray/blue eyes are contrasted by long black curly hair that is so dark it can be mistaken as black. Her skin is a bit pale but not very noticeably so. Her skin has a few scars here and there. Light freckles adorn her cheeks and over the bride of her small nose.

Character Concept:

If Sarina had to be described in one word it would be calculative. She knows what skills and qualities she, other people and the terrain have and knows how to use them to her advantage. She is great at making and carrying out plans. Unlike many people she wants her genius to be known. Although, she could just steal things in such a way even the shop owner would never know, she much prefers for them to know and to know who did it. She is a bit theatrical in her ways of doing pretty much everything. Her wanting to be showy and flashy has created more problems for her than it has solved. She has done many things to try and create a reputation for herself including using the name Emerald Rose as a sort of stage name. When talking with anyone she works to give them the impression she is superior to them through sarcasm and being a bit full of herself. Under most circumstances Sarina is cool, calm and collected but if something doesn't go according to plan and she doesn't have a back up she get aggressive and impulsive. Not knowing what she should do or what is going on makes her feel vulnerable bringing out a more rash nature and because she isn't good at making split second decisions she often makes bad ones. She craves the thrill of danger and enjoys challenges. She needs exciting things to happen in her life in order to keep her happy.


Sarina's mother and father were both merchants. After Sarina was born, they raised her in the art of staying alive. Sarina's mother, who was a blacksmith, trained her to use a Tamo Daggers and eventually when she thought Sarina was advanced enough made one for her. Her mother also taught her to do other types of fighting skills. She helped to teach her to predict what her enemy would do next based on their movements allowing her to calculate a move to counter it beforehand. Her father, being more of an intellectual, was set on teaching her how to read and write in various languages. Reading and writing were easier for her than the more physical activities she took part in. In her early teen Sarina started working as a thief she always liked the thrill of carrying out her jobs. Her parents disapproved of her career choices and wanted her to be come a merchant like they were. She had a number of arguments with them until she finally left and went to like on her own. Sarina still does care for her parents so she cherishes the Tamo Daggers she got from them. Now she is determined to become famous as a thief, famous enough that her parents would hear about her, to prove to them that being a thief was a good choice for her to make.
Last edited by Sarina on March 7th, 2015, 7:55 pm, edited 14 times in total.

Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)
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The Emerald Rose
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Joined roleplay: November 15th, 2014, 12:49 am
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Postby Sarina on November 15th, 2014, 10:48 pm

Image Skill name Exp. Notes
to be added brawling 1 pt. n/a
to be added escape artist 1pt. n/a
to be added running 1 pt. n/a
to be added interrogation 2 pt. n/a
to be added Intimidation 1pt n/a
to be added Rhetoric 2 pt. n/a
to be added Observation 6 pt. n/a
to be added Blacksmithing 1 pt. n/a
to be added Engraving 1 pt. n/a
Image unarmed combat 15 pts. +15rb
Image Weapon: Tamo Daggers 15 pts. +15sp (she can only use one at a time)
Image Intelligence 11pts +10sp
Image Stealth 11 pts. +10sp
To Be added Subterfuge 1 pt. n/a
Image tactics/ strategy 6 pts +5pts.
Image Larceny 11 pts. +10sp


  • Never Let Them See You Scared
Locations People and Items
  • layout of Sunberth
  • Silver Bracelet: Important to the Blacksmith's Wife
  • Location: The Dust Bed
  • Being a thief
  • Terror Among the Tombstones
  • Lost in the Mist
Last edited by Sarina on July 14th, 2015, 9:49 am, edited 7 times in total.

Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)
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The Emerald Rose
Posts: 89
Words: 85248
Joined roleplay: November 15th, 2014, 12:49 am
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Postby Sarina on November 15th, 2014, 11:37 pm

  • simple black shirt
  • simple dark brown pants
  • undergarments
  • light weight simple black cloak
  • thick dark green cloak
  • leather boots
  • leather gloves
  • eating knife
  • flint and steel
  • Tamo Daggers(Heirloom)
  • Toiletries (comb, brush, soap, razor)
  • waterskin
  • food for 1 week
  • backpack

Item Price total
Starting Package +100gm 100gm
Fall living expences -45gm 55gm
Fall wages(TBA) TBA TBA(55gm)
Thick Dark Green Cloak -15sm 53gm 5sm
leather gloves -10sm 52gm 5sm
Winter living expenses -45gm 7gm 5sm
Last edited by Sarina on July 14th, 2015, 9:55 am, edited 12 times in total.

Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)
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The Emerald Rose
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Joined roleplay: November 15th, 2014, 12:49 am
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Postby Sarina on November 15th, 2014, 11:46 pm

Sarina lives in a 20x20 house/room in the Sunset Quarters. It has a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.

Adrien Strade**
Aliara Cantrell*
Firenze *

Last edited by Sarina on November 23rd, 2014, 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)
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The Emerald Rose
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Postby Sarina on February 28th, 2015, 3:47 pm

Fall 514:

Date Thread status results
6th An Apple A Day Attracts The Emerald Rose in progress n/a
18th Give Respect, to Get Respect graded skills:
  • Observation +3
  • Intimidation +1
  • Rhetoric +1
  • Location: The Dust Bed
  • Never Let Them See You Scared
  • Terror Among the Tombstones
  • Lost in the Mist
49th Stealing A Meal in progress n/a
63rd An Alliance For Necessity in progress n/a
89th Honest Work, Dangerous City in progress n/a
? Reflections in progress n/a

Winter 514:

Date Thread status results
20th Snow, Snow, an More Snow in progress n\a
25th Find and Retrieve in progress n/a
78th Stealing Steel graded
  • Skills
Subterfuge +1, Brawling +1,Escape Artist +1,Running +1,Interrogation +2,Larceny +1,Rhetoric +1,Observation +3, Blacksmithing +1, Engraving +1,Intelligence +1, Stealth +1, Tactics +2
  • Lores
Silver Bracelet: Important to the Blacksmith's Wife

Spring 515:

Date Thread status results
5th Slippery As A Cat in progress n/a

Winter 514 AV
  • Buy a Winter-appropriate article of clothing.*
  • Discover a victim of the blizzard.
  • Walk the Ice Bridge.
  • Witness a gang skirmish.
  • Warm up by the fire with a friend.
  • Investigate the "strange symbols" appearing all over town.
  • Escape the cold with a visit to the Hot Springs.
  • Try a mug of warm, berry cider.
  • Spend some time playing in the snow.
  • Meet a Daggerhand. Circumstances are completely up to you.
Spring 515 AV
  • Join a gang (If already in a gang, work towards advancement)
  • Run from a fight
  • Catch a cold
  • End up naked in Baroque Bay

  • Slip and fall in the streets at an inconvenient time
  • Meet a magic-user
  • Suspect someone of being a Night Eyes member
  • Try an Eypharian beer

  • Make a plan for the future
  • Start a business (If already owning a business, work towards expanding it)
  • Pray to a god you've never prayed to before
  • Wish you had never been born.

Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)
User avatar
The Emerald Rose
Posts: 89
Words: 85248
Joined roleplay: November 15th, 2014, 12:49 am
Race: Human
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