Flashback Shathisae (A Bond Story)

Thuma bonds with her Wind Eagle, Shathisae

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Shathisae (A Bond Story)

Postby Thuma on November 17th, 2014, 7:06 am


Thuma | Yania | Shathisae | You

24th of Summer, 511 AV

"How far is it Thum? It feels like we've been walking for hours." Yania protested from behind Thuma, lagging behind as Thuma continued walking with purpose.

"I told you it would be far, Yani, stop whining." Thuma was getting tired of her sisters' constant complaining. The duo was going on one of the adventures that Thuma liked to go on. This time Thuma had found something extraordinary, and was hoping it hadn't disappeared since she had been there a few hours ago. Yania was not the adventurous type, like Thuma was, but Thuma knew that her sister would appreciate Thuma for showing her this.

What she had found was remarkeable, she wanted to show more people but was afraid to because too many people would be too loud and surprising in such a small frame of time. Thuma was able to get away without being noticed, and was back. She knew the animal would definitely have moved since she was there, but could not be sure how far it had gone.

"Seriously, come on we're practically at the top of the mountain now. It's summer and I'm cold, just tell me what it is." Yania was growing impatient now, Thuma could hear it in her voice. It was true though, they were in the higher regions of the mountains, the snowier regions. It wasn't snowing now but there was a light sheen of it covering the ground. Thuma recognized the area they were in and started looking around for the tree she had marked earlier. There, a small branch wrapped with a green silk.

She walked to the tree and untied the knot in the thread. This was the area she had first seen the incredibly rare ungulate. She had even almost missed it, and would have walked right past if it hadn't happened to step on a branch, making Thuma immediately duck for cover and look for the foe. She couldn't see it at first glance, it's brilliant coat blending with the environment. She had gasped in utter shock at the creature, making it look up and check it's surroundings. Thuma was afraid she would scare it away, so she stayed crouched like that for another half hour, waiting for the creature to have moved away far enough for her to make her way back to Wind Reach as fast as possible.

Now, looking around, she realized that the rare specimen was no longer in the area. Yania was beginning to voice her discontent again.

"What are we do-"

"Shut up would you?" Thuma hissed at the girl, "Now, do not make a single sound and tread as lightly as you possibly can." Yania was surprised at Thuma's interjection, but understood the girl, nodding shortly. Thuma decided to try for going the way the creature was originally heading when she was here a few hours ago. She walked with the lightest footsteps she could muster, practically tiptoeing.

It was slow progress. The air was cold and everything was white, making it hard for Thuma to focus on individual things at once. Her breath came out in a mist. They traveled a few more miles like this, and Thuma could sense Yania getting careless, stepping heavier than she should. She shot a few angry glances over her shoulder at the girl as a reminder to stay silent.

After another hour of this, when Thuma was just about to give up. She saw it.

It's coat gleamed with an almost bluish hue, and there were random speckles of black throughout it. It's antlers stood tall from it's head, at least 2 feet high. Thuma stopped in her tracks and held her arm out to stop Yania as well, and crouched low to the ground. Yania crouched too and instinctively reached for her bow, staring in awe at the beautiful creature. Thuma looked and shook her head once, trying to tell her that this creature should not be shot.

"Is that..." Yania whispered, almost too silent for Thuma to even hear. Thuma nodded and gave her signature half smile, dragging up only one corner of her mouth.

"A Likenstorm Elk." Thuma confirmed, whispering just as quietly. The two were hidden imperceptibly behind a bush, only able to look through it at the incredible elk. The creatures ears twitched as it seemingly aimlessly walked through the forest. It's steps were careful, and it was constantly watching all around it, looking and listening for any sense of danger.

Yania smiled and the two continued to watch the creature. It was a magnificent thing to behold. Something so rare and amazing could not be properly formed into words. Thuma had never seen a Likenstorm Elk, and was sure that not many others had either. This was something that she could hold in her memory for the rest of her life. The prospect of it made her so genuinely happy, she hadn't realized that her face had been lifted to a real smile. One with her teeth showing, her eyes glowing with exhiliration. It wasn't often the girl smiled, it felt good to be happy.

The elk slowly wandered away, and Thuma was okay with that. She didn't want to follow it and cause it any fear. Yania let out a breath behind her, she was smiling too. Thuma looked at her sister and joined in the reverie.

"That was incredible!" Yania gasped, and jumped up from her spot, whooping and throwing her fist in the air. Thuma stood up too and smiled. Yania was always free-spirited and easy to excite. Thuma almost didn't bring her due to the girl's sheer spontaneity. But she knew that Yania was a natural hunter, and knows how to careful around animals she means to kill.

Yania's eyes suddenly went wide with terror, and her face dropped into fear. She was looking at something behind Thuma. Thuma immediately became serious and froze in place. She heard a low growling not far from her. Yania's hand went to her bow, and she took it off from her shoulder. As she drew an arrow from the quiver she spoke slowly.

"Kougara," Yania stated in a whisper. Thuma's adrenaline picked up and she was incredibly afraid. Kougara are large felines standing up to five feet, and from her nose to the tip of their tail can grow to nine feet long. They are extremely territorial, aggresive, and could easily tear apart another human, "Big one." Yania clarified.

Thuma needed to get out of the vulnerable position she was in. Her hand moved incredibly slowly to the talon sword at her waist as she turned to face the predator. It growled once more, making her wince. Yania had finally gotten the arrow to the bow and was pulling it, making the string taut.

She was just about to let the arrow fly when a loud growl resonated from beside her and she was pounced on by another one of the large felines. She let out a surprised scream, the arrow she had shot off into the distance, missing it's target entirely. She hit the ground hard, and the Kougara immediately started slashing at her. Thuma unsheathed her Talon sword and in a fit of rage swung at it's head.

She hit it with a blowing strike, cutting a deep gouge into it's skull. The thing merely cried in loud protest and backed off to glare menacingly at Thuma. It's eyes were cold, dead. What were they doing up here so high? And why were there two of them? Kougaras don't travel in packs, or in pairs. The Kougara Thuma hit was bleeding profusely from the head. Thuma saw Yania's neck had been deeply slashed and her side was also gouged. She needed to get to the girl's aid right away.

But now she had the two felines stalking her, both of them ready to pounce in an instant. She kept swinging at them, making them back away slightly, but they kept closing the space, smaller and smaller. Thuma knew better than to deal the first strike, and waited for something to happen. She adrenaline was coursing through her so fast that she could hear nothing but her own heartbeat and her vision was tinged with red.

Suddenly, the one that hadn't been gouged pounced, Thuma was barely ready for it and only managed to get her talon sword raised before she was knocked heavily to the ground, the wind knocked out of her. She screamed as the creature tore into the flesh on her shoulder, and snapped at her with it's enormous teeth. It's friend was now coming in, to close the kill probably.

Thuma's senses shut off, and she was ready to accept her fate.

Last edited by Thuma on November 17th, 2014, 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Shathisae (A Bond Story)

Postby Thuma on November 17th, 2014, 7:08 am


Thuma | Yania | Shathisae | You

The day was absolutely perfect. The sun was high and hot, as it should be in the middle of summer. A light breeze was making it's way through the aeries and Shathisae just did not want to be bound to her one aerie for the rest of the day.

Three yasi were in her aerie today. Annoying little bugs, Shathisae thought. They were busy cleaning the floors, the walls, and talking amongst each other. Usually an Eagle will try talking to some of the yasi that come to their aeries, to see if they would make a good bond. Shathisae didn't waste her time. She knew that none of them were right for her. If she couldn't feel an immediate connection with any of them, she didn't try to force it. Why waste the effort on something that will be for naught in the end?

She sighed and stood from her perch, shaking out her feathers and spreading her enormous wing span as she did so. Not even fully grown, and the Eagle's wing span was larger than average. Many times she was told she would become a great warrior. The three younglings gasped in surprise. Shathisae just inwardly smiled then took to the air.

The breeze was wonderful. It ran through and over her feathers. This gave her a sense of enlightened ecstasy. It was absolute peace to be flying. She belonged in the sky, belonged being one with it. She flapped her wings a few times until reaching a steady wind current, then rode that for comfort. Such a beautiful day could not be spent inside.

She decided to go farther than usual, not knowing why. Scaling the mountains, up into the snowier regions. It was close to ten miles from the aeries, an easy distance for her. It began to get colder now. It was not snowing at the moment, but the ground was covered in a fine layer of white.

Something felt off, but Shathisae couldn't quite place what it was. The sun was shining, the trees were peacefully swaying, and the city was silent. But Shathisae could feel something, something like absolute terror in the form of a thought. It was around her, below her. She looked down, scanning the immediate area with her advanced eagle sight. Nothing was there, except for a Likenstorm Elk, slowly making it's way down the mountain with no sense of purpose. Shathisae kept going, looking around for something. The feeling wasn't going away. Then she saw it. There, two Kougara attacking two young Inartan girls.

Shathisae's first thought was, What are they doing up here, so far from the city?!. She didn't waste a second and tucked in her wings, dive-bombing to the ground as fast as she could. This time it didn't feel exhilirating, there was only the need to save these young Yasi. When she got closer she opened her wings to catch herself.

Shathisae screeched loud and clear as she came closer, making the Kougara on top of the girl pause it's attack and look up in surprise. The trees were too close here for Shathisae to stay flying, so she tucked in her wings and landed heavily next to the Kougara. She screamed at them, but the Kougara did not shy away. One of them had a huge gash in it's head that was bleeding ferociously. But now she had their attention, and they were stalking towards her. At least they weren't on top of the girls now. Shathisae chanced a glance to the two girls, checking if they were okay. One was on the ground, silent, her head turned away and bleeding from a wound in her side. The other had her eyes locked with Shathisae's. This one only had a deep wound in her shoulder and a couple of scratches on her face, but she was alive and breathing.

The Eagle turned it's attention back to the two threats at hand. She screeched at them again, it echoed off the mountain. Shathisae spread her wings as far is they would go in the tiny space to make her appear larger. The Kougara without the wound was not impressed. It showed it's teeth and growled low in it's throat. It was time for an attack.

Without wasting time Shathisae screamed at the unhurt Kougara then went for it. It didn't have time to react. The eagle grabbed the feline by it's throat with her huge beak, feeling the heart beating fast, it's fur rubbing against her, then flung it as far as she could into the forest. It cried loudly the whole way there, and when it thudded to the ground it was silent.

The other Kougara still standing backed away, fear apparent in it's eyes. It turned to run, but Shathisae grabbed it by the tail as it turned around, stopping it short. The thing cried loudly, and slashed at Shathisae, getting the area just above her eyes. Shathisae ignored the pain, and launched into the air, still holding the feline by it's tail. Up into the air, hundreds of feet, until the two girls still on the ground were barely visible even in the eagle's eyes. She did the same thing as the other, and flung this one away. It flew through the air, down and down, a thousand feet probably. There was no thud to be heard this time, but Shathisae was sure it would not be coming back.

The eagle dive-bombed back to the ground as fast as she could, knowing she needed to get the girls to the Infirmary, and fast. She slowly settled down to the one that was unconscious. Such a small thing with a frail body. The other girl was still watching Shathisae, but not with fear or respect, but with understanding. They kept their eyes locked as the girl stood, struggling slightly, but still stood. Then the girl looked around for something, and when finding it, picked it up from the ground. It was a talon sword, a beautifully crafted one too. It seemed too large for the girl though, but Shathisae noticed she was taller than a usually Inartan girl, even at this age she should be much shorter. The Yasi was nothing but muscle and bone, she was perfectly made for a talon sword.

Are you well enough to ride on my back? Shathisae telepathically communicated with the girl. The young one nodded once, not even taken by surprise at the eagle's voice in her head. She wasted no time putting the talon sword back in it's sheath. But before hopping on she picked something else up from the ground, a longbow, and put it over a shoulder. She then looked to Shathisae, whom nodded, and tried her best to hop up on the eagle. Shathisae had to lower herself further to the ground so the young one could reach. The Yasi immediately fell in to a comfortable position.

It was strange, Shathisae had never had a rider before. But she felt something was right about this Yasi. Why had she never been to Shathisae's aerie before? Actually, she might have been, but almost all of the Yasi children looked the same, so she didn't waste her time acknowledging just one of them. Is this what a connection feels like?

The Wind Eagle looked down at the still unconscious girl, then gingerly picked her up as lightly as she could in her clawed feet, wrapping her talons safely around her. Once she had a good grip, she took to the air.

There was an intake of breath from the Yasi on her back and Shathisae would have smiled if she could. Then she started heading toward the city as fast as she could, which wasn't quite as fast as many of the other Wind Eagles, considering her body was meant for strength and withstanding an extended period of flight time and hard weather than for speed.

Last edited by Thuma on December 13th, 2014, 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Shathisae (A Bond Story)

Postby Thuma on November 17th, 2014, 7:11 am


Thuma | Yania | Shathisae | You

Thuma sat atop the magestic creature, absolutely terrified. It was one thing to seem confident and unafraid, and a completely other thing to actually be unafraid.

First, when she was on the brink of completely letting the huge Kougara rip her to shreds, not caring that her life would soon end, she was okay with that. Then this creature comes swooping in literally picks up the nine foot animals like they're sacks of flour and just tosses them effortlessly over it's shoulder. If she wasn't already horrified, that confirmed it. Yania was on the ground, unconscious and bleeding out all over the place. She had lost her bow when the first Kougara pounced on her, but her quiver of arrows was still on her back.

Now, atop the Eagle's back, she couldn't see down to her sister, but she assumed the girl was still heavily bleeding. Thuma held on to the bird's feathers so tight, she was positive she was hurting the thing. But the strangest thing was, she felt like something was pulling her to the bird, something connecting them on a deeper level than words.

The Eagle was absolutely beautiful though. A dark sheen of black feathers that were so dark they actually looked blue. The bird's feathers seemed to shimmer, one angle they would seem just a regular jet black, but from another angle a strikingly dark blue. On the eagle's back were two white strips that met at a point which basically framed the bird's shoulders. Such a graceful creature, and it had chosen to save Thuma than to leave her to die with the Kougara. Thuma knew she would be eternally grateful to the bird.

Who are you? A voice was suddenly inside Thuma's head and she jumped, before realizing that it was the bird. She knew they spoke telepathically, but it had never been done to her so was surprised by the feeling of it. None of the birds she had ever visited in the aeries during her Bendis were interested in her, and so she didn't know what it was like to talk to one. Was she supposed to think back? No, she recalled, you just speak back like you're talking to a regular person.

"I am Thuma," She had her eyes closed against the wind that was blowing fiercely at her, making her cry, "The one you are holding is my sister, Yania." The bird did not respond but continued to ride on what seemed to be a strong current. After a few minutes, Thuma spoke up again.

"What is your name?" She asked the Wind Eagle. Still the bird did not respond.

"Okay, No Name, where are you taking us?" Thuma didn't think that it might be rude or anything, her Inartan traits made her blunt and right to the point, no time for lollygagging or beating around the bush.

The Infirmary, The Eagle informed Thuma. Thuma nodded against the Eagle's neck. She knew that she too was bleeding heavily from her shoulder, and now she just felt so tired. Her eyes were still closed. The air up here was soothing, Thuma could easily fall asleep. She was just about to let herself doze off when the bird interrupted her thoughts again.

I am Shathisae. She told Thuma. Thuma would have smiled, but her entire body was too exhausted to even move her arms. The best she could do was hold on to the bird to keep from falling off.

"Thank you, Shathisae." The flight was quiet for the rest of the way to the city. The Infirmary was deep inside the city, connected off of one of the many tunnels that led people throughout the whole city. Shathisae had to drop to a courtyard and order people to take the two girls to the Infirmary as fast as possible.

A lot of surprised looks were directed at the bird, but two men hauling supplies abandoned their tasks and ran to Shathisae's aid. Shathisae let Yania go from the claws, and realizing Thuma had fallen unconscious, ordered the taller of the two men to carry her off of her neck. When the girls were taken, the two men ran off with them in their arms, and Shathisae lingered in the courtyard, looking after Thuma long after she was out of sight.

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Shathisae (A Bond Story)

Postby Thuma on November 17th, 2014, 7:15 am


Thuma | Yania | Shathisae | You

The next morning, the sisters were told to stay in the Infirmary to let their wounds heal. Yania turned out to be worse off than Thuma, which wasn't a surprise. She was completely grief-stricken when hearing that the wound in her side would leave an enormous scar probably for the rest of her life, but in good news the one on her neck would be a light scar, still there but not nearly as bad. Thuma's shoulder was a deep one too, and it's scar would be noticeable for the rest of her life as well.

Thuma did not want to stay in bed all day though. She owed Shathisae. Even though she knew of nothing to give the bird, she felt she owed her something. While Yania was perfectly content in wallowing in her own pity, Thuma snuck out of bed, a heavy bandage around her shoulder, and pulled on some clean clothes.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yania suddenly spoke up from her bed. Caught, Thuma thought she was asleep. Better to just tell the truth, no point in lying.

"I'm going to the aeries, to see the Eagle that saved us." She admitted. Even though Thuma was still slightly weak from yesterday's close encounter, she felt up to the task of climbing up Mt. Skyinarta to get to the aeries. Yania didn't reply for a moment, just staring at Thuma, but then said simply: "Tell her thank you," She laid back down against her pillow, wincing at the pain it caused, "I owe her my life." Thuma nodded, willing to pass on the information, then snuck out as quickly and quietly as she could, less she be seen by one of the nurses.

Once out of the confines of the Infirmary, she checked her surroundings, looking for the familiar route that would take her to the aeries. Once finding it, she followed it at an almost jog, but not quite. It became steeper and steeper until she was practically climbing up the mountain. Others were passing by her, older Endal and Avora, giving her strange looks as she passed. It was intimidating, being looked on in such a way. She tried to ignore it and then made it to the door of the Aeries, before being stopped.

"Woah little Yasi, what are you doing so far up here?" An Endal standing watch in the doorway stopped her in her tracks, looking down at her with a friendly smile, which Thuma did not return.

"I need to see Shathisae." Thuma said shortly, trying to make herself taller. She usually would not do this, preferred making herself seem smaller. But in front of a full grown Endal, she needed to appear older and more mature. There was no wiping the smile off of the boys face though.

"You don't have anything with you, no cleaning stuff or bedroll so you must not be on a Bendi," He squinted his eyes at Thuma, seeming to think, "Wait... are you that stupid Yasi that Shathisae risked her tail for to save?" Now the boy's look was more demeaning, and his smile was replaced with a scowl. Thuma slowly nodded, feeling as if she had done something wrong. Now the boy stood up straight and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Shathisae is one of our most popular Wind Eagles, very important to the Aeries and the city as a whole. When she's bonded, she will make a great warrior. Yesterday, those Kougara could have killed her!" The boy was yelling at Thuma now, and Thuma knew that this was what she had done young. By adventuring out in the mountains and getting attacked by Kougara, it was suddenly her fault that Shathisae had decided to go flying and decided to save her life. Thuma was angry now, and could feel her cheeks heating up in anger.

"That is hardly my fault!" She spat at the boy. The Endal seemed surprised that she had even decided to speak back, being only a Yasi one technically wasn't allowed to talk back at an Endal, but Thuma couldn't stop now, "I did not call out for Shathisae to save me, I did not ask for anyone's help! It was entirely Shathisae's fault for her being there! And honestly, she took those two Kougara out so quickly, she wasn't in any kind of danger to begin with!" The boy stood shocked, his eyes wide. Even Thuma was a little bit startled by the outburst. She wasn't usually so loud and outspoken, not to anyone and especially not to Endal.

Instead of replying with another rude remark or even worse, kicking her out. The boy paused and seemed to be listening. After a couple moments he rolled his eyes and looked angrily at Thuma.

"She's asking for you. Up the stairs, third floor, you'll see her." He didn't wait for her response and instead stalked off, his hands balled into fists. Thuma gave a sly smile at the concept of being specifically asked for by a Wind Eagle and managing to piss off an Endal at the same time. She wasted no time and ran for the stairs, taking them two at a time despite her weakness.

By the time she reached the third floor she was breathless. Bad idea, no more running, she decided. The Endal boy was right, Shathisae's aerie was practically directly at the front, and the graceful creature was perched near a window that opened out to a balcony, staring at the sky.

So you came. Shathisae's voice once again cut through Thuma's mind like a knife. She needed to become accustomed to it. It was so strange having someone dig their fingers around inside your own mind, it felt like ants crawling around, poking at things and making it tickle.

Thuma stepped forward and inside the aerie, closing the door behind her.

"I did." She confirmed, not sure what else to say. Shathisae turned and looked at Thuma, and casually scaled her eyes from Thuma's feet to her nose.

You look better today. The Eagle informed the Yasi. Thuma just nodded and stepped a little bit closer to the eagle, not sure how far she could go in the Wind Eagle's most personal space.

"I came to thank you, for saving mine and my sister's life yesterday. I owe you very much." Thuma thanked the bird, then planned on leaving as soon as she was done, but the bird stopped her.

You have already thanked me, why thank me again? Thuma hadn't thought about a response to this answer, and was a little bit dumbfounded at first.

"I... well um... Yania, she was unconscious at the time. She wanted to thank you as well." Good save.

The bird seemed to smile, but just nodded and blinked.

It is my duty as a protector of the city to save those in harm's way. She said matter-of-factly, making Thuma smile.

"Are you bonded? If so then your Endal is very lucky to be bonded with such a beautiful Eagle." Thuma told the bird, feeling that her thoughts should be shared instead of hiding them in her own head. Shathisae actually conveyed a sense of soft laughter inside of Thuma's mind, but answered the question.

I appreciate the sentiment, but no I am not bonded. Not yet. The bird was incredibly polite, Thuma realized.

"Well... why not?" Thuma asked. The bird was still watching her, and the two had eye contact locked.

I have not found the one I want to bond with yet, Thuma didn't realize it was that difficult. Even though no eagle had bonded with her so far, she had seen it happen many times with other Yasis, and it was always a quick selection. She didn't realize that the eagles were allowed to be picky, Although I think I have now.

Thuma was taken aback when she could suddenly feel the living essence of Shathisae inside her mind. What was happening? It seemed to be insinuating something, a connection. No, deeper than that, a bond.

Shathisae was trying to bond with Thuma! Thuma was overjoyed at the concept. She naturally knew exactly what to do, and reached out to the eagle with her own mind.

Their minds melded and formed and joined each other until they were one. Thuma could see herself in the view of Shathisae, knew what it was like to fly, to feel the wind in her feathers. It was incredible, two amazing experiences in two days that were her own to savor for the rest of her life.

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Shathisae (A Bond Story)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 30th, 2014, 7:12 pm



XP Award:
  • Socialization +2
  • Observation +3
  • Stealth +1
  • Leadership +1
  • Talon Sword +1
  • Endurance +2
  • Riding: Wind Eagle +2

  • Yania: Not the adventurous type
  • Attacked by Kougara, saved by a Wind Eagle
  • The Rescue: A terrifying though epic scene
  • Shathisae: My Wind Eagle
  • Talking back to an Endal
  • Telepathy: hearing a Wind Eagle’s voice in your head

Wow, this was great! It was a nice tale you wove there, I could see it clearly in my mind, everything coming to life. I enjoyed this quite a lot, thank you for that :)

Please edit or delete your request in the request thread.
Comments, questions or concerns regarding your grade? Why not send me a PM?

credit goes to Adelaide Sitai
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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