by Arand on December 3rd, 2010, 1:01 am
Arand searched for the missing arrow among the haystack, but with little luck. He contemplated simply forgetting the arrow and carrying on with his day, but soon enough he saw what looked like an arrowhead sticking out of the back side of the pile. He grabbed hold of the arrow head carefully, and slowly pulled the arrow from the haystack, being sure not to cut himself. He tucked the arrow back into his quiver. Arand glanced back at Dymphna, who seemed to be enjoying her time on the ground. Atleast she could laugh at herself, Arand probably would have stormed off and beat himself up for the rest of the day if that were to happen to him. But regardless, Arand let loose a small smile in response to Dymphna's comment.
"Noted" Arand said with a small grin.