This is a rant about April Fools day and what I think is chill and what isn't. If you wanna skip this I in no way blame you but it's something I need to screech at the top of my lungs about cause it happened like three times today.
So first a little context. I haven't been completely honest with you all about why I left cause honestly I hate talking about this and, going through my scrap, it's largely negative and I didn't wanna bring it down further. But now that the majority is over I think it's wise that I come clean. I wasn't only leaving cause of the college thing, though that was indeed a large part. I left because of that, and because I had recently been diagnosed with cancer.
Yeah yeah I'll spare you the boring "whoopdy doo" details, all you have to know is that it was really. fucking. scary. and I wanted to do everything I could as fast as I could cause, with what I had (have, kinda), I shouldn't be alive right now. That's why when I typed out that message on my scrap, I began with "I never thought I was going to have to say this" or something along that sort. I won't scare you with statistics, but I can tell you chances of me being okay like I am now were below an estimated 10%.
I am a living, breathing miracle.That being said, I've noticed some stuff as well. Namely, cancer jokes. And I'm not saying "herpy derp all cancer jokes are bad don't do a the cancer joke" I'm just saying sometimes it's not chill. As an example today three times did I hear the apparently
classic April Fool's line "oh and also I found out I have cancer yesterday"
Aight a few things with that
1. The obvious just whatthefuck that everyone immediately reacts with
2. Not even funny. Just... A bad joke.
3. Okay here's where I rant
Let me spell it out real easy for some who might be confused as to why this is a concern.
I T I S N O T C O O L T O F U C K W I T H P E O P L E W H O C A R E L I K E T H A T.
It's not.
At all.
And sometimes, and I try not to let this surface as to not be a spoilsport but it's hard to ignore, it just seems a little... Insensitive. I understand that under normal circumstances a lot of people wouldn't care and under normal circumstances it simply wouldn't matter but now that I've seen what it does to individuals, particularly what it does to people who love you, I've learned that worrying people who care about your safety, your life and everything you are on purpose? Not. Cool.
Here's what I've learned about cancer, folks. The worst part for me wasn't the "ever present reminder of mortality" or whatever, it's what I did to my family, my loved ones, my friends. As an example of the toll this takes, on a particularly difficult evening I had searched "how to deal with cancer." Know what I got? I didn't get ways to be okay or words of encouragement. I didn't get coping methods. What I got were only sites and videos that were speaking to families and caretakers about dealing with cancer patients. I got ways for the family to cope, how to be okay with this uncontrollable disease I had. For just a moment, I thought "Why? Why would people focus on them? Don't I have the harder part?"
Then I realized.
Maybe I don't.
I don't have to deal with the hole I make. I don't have to deal with loss of anything but myself. I don't have to take care of a dying son, brother, friend. I just get to be the subject. I get to be the subject of everyone's issues until I leave, and even then afterwards.
I then grew a new appreciation for these people. It makes my heart swell. I love them all. I will never in my life forget that feeling.
That being said, don't play with other people's love. Even as a joke. It's not something to take for granted. I've seen the pain they experience when they know it's real. I've seen the trouble.
Please. Please don't make them hurt.