Solo A Cloudy Day

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

A Cloudy Day

Postby Keene Ward on November 21st, 2014, 8:24 am

The eighty-fifth day of fall, 514 AV.

Swirling his thin strands of res through the air with small ticks of his fingers, Keene finished up with the cloud spell, the last vestiges of the water he'd pulled in from the surrounding atmosphere dripping onto the moistened mound of earth. He was finding drawing water from the environment was much easier than it had been when he'd started. The repetition was certainly part of the equation of improvement, but as Atziri had explained to him near the beginning of his initiation, magic was meant to be explored. If the wizard or magus or whatever title they preferred chose to stick with only what was familiar and safe, the magic itself stagnated. Keene, despite the tedium of monotonous cloud making, had striven to find new ways to create the rainfall, the most effective, by far, was utilizing the humid air already around him. It was a simple solution, but it had proven much more difficult that he had initially thought it might. Now, however, he had little issue with it. The progress was pleasing, though it in no way meant he had finished with his exploration into the world of reimancy. He was still only two elements in, and while he felt much more capable, he'd yet to produce a flame or stone by will.

Setting aside his reimantic advances, Keene eased himself down into the familiar crisscrossed mess of legs that he usually sat in to still his mind. It wasn't the most comfortable position, but the unusual pressure of where his weight pressed into the ground gave him something tangible to both focus on and push away from. Of course, the discomfort was something that remained whether he gave it attention or not, but it was a good way for him to take his mind off of all that it tended to deal with and allow him some peace. Breathing slowly, he remained still, each exhale sinking deeper into as relaxed a state he could manage. Since his discovery of the semi-variable nature of materialized djed, Keene had spent most of his time practicing to simply produce the cloud-djed over the scale. It had been slow going the first few days, but the more he had done it, the more used to it his djed seemed to become until it seemed to be the default. He'd even started playing with density and mass, finding super compact clouds required fewer layers, but were almost more prone to developing cracks or holes.

As his mind focused on the djed that composed his hands, the familiar quivering sensation rose up from his palms. Embracing the feeling, Keene let it continue up his arms as the wisps of djed slipped from his fingers, drifting down into an ever growing cloud as the djed was extruded from his body. Unlike the scales, the cloud took up a much larger space unbound, rising up before him in fluffy pillars. As it was produced, Keene once more focused on light. He chose the particular task because it was, by far, the easiest to evaluate the actual shields with. Of course, if the darkness was not absolute, and there were no holes in the area, it was merely a failure to task on his part. However, for the most part, the blocking of light had given him much insight into how his shields were constructed, what issues they faces, and what triumphs he managed to stumble upon. Without the tasking, things just as holes or cracks in important areas would have gone unnoticed. While he found the repetition of task a bit on the unfortuante side from a standpoint that supported dynamics as an important part of learning, his ability to task against the occluded light of the island came easier each time. Shielding was much less dynamically inclined than reimancy, and repetitive practice certainly seemed to pay off.

Enough djed produced to aptly cover from his fingers to his shoulder, Keene started to wrap the substance over his fingers, attaching the fluff in a massive, woolly blanket as he worked. Once the first layer was applied, he pressed down against his, the gesture more for the sake of visualizing his will than actually physically affecting the opalescent material. With the pressure, the cloud dramatically decreased in size, forming to the contours of his body like a sleek sheet of liquid. Within it swirled a myriad of hues and tints, twisting about each other but never mixing. He continued on in a similar fashion, evenly coating his arm in layers of fluffy shimmer, pressing it down in a streamlined barrier, then gathering more and repeating the process until the djed had all been used and the shield on his arm shimmered with health. The darkness beneath was relatively absolute, though there were areas were cracks ran along the shield in areas where the cloud-djed had only appeared to be in contact. It was the biggest problem with his new form of application: the large fluffy nature of the clouds prior to being "locked" into their positions were a bit more difficult to determine if he'd properly aligned them. He had yet to pinpoint just how much of an overlap he should account for, and wondered if there was perhaps another way of manipulating the material to gain a more complete coverage.

The connection at his shoulder was, of course, the weakest area. The shadows beneath were cut through with obvious lack of layers, making the tasking weaker and allowing more light in. A full body shield was within his abilities, but the application time for just his arm was about fifteen to twenty bells, putting a full body cast somewhere between a bell and a half upwards to three. He also wasn't sure how much djed it would require to do something of that scale, and producing too much was a waste. It was better to get a firm grasp of basics before moving onto the more advanced. That had been a lesson he'd learned early and never forgotten. There was as much to be learned from taking small, shuffling steps as there was to be learned from lengthy strides. What might have seemed tediously incremental to others was merely what Keene believed to be the most efficient use of his magic and development of his understanding. Of course, it didn't change the fact he'd had the magic for the majority of the season and was still unable to shield the mouth of the cave against anything but that which was perceived by the senses. The area was also about the same or maybe even larger as the total surface area of his body, meaning, again, that the amount of time it would take him to apply the djed was much longer than his djed could exist outside of himself.
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A Cloudy Day

Postby Keene Ward on December 20th, 2014, 9:55 am

As the shield about his arm began to fade, its light flickering, Keene held his free hand over it, the tingling his his palm starting up again. Instead of producing the djed in his material form, Keene pressed his hand lightly against the surface of the shield. A gentle glow emanated from where his palm made contact, and while his physical hand passed through the barrier at some points, his djed began to "recharge" the shield, its shimmering luminescence returning to a healthy glow. Withdrawing the hand, Keene frowned back down at it. He hadn't infused much more djed into the shield, and it had already started to loose its multi-hued shimmers. This time, he let it fade, disappearing into the air and taking with it the shadows. He stared down at his skin for awhile after, the small hairs, smaller pores, and slim scratches and cuts that lined his fore arm. The biggest, the one he'd made a few days back, was still a dark, scabbed line. He tapped on it, the sensation of something attached to his skin was there, but it didn't hurt or really feel much like anything.

Uncrossing his legs, Keene extended them out in front of him, shaking them out to get a little more feeling into them. He looked up as he did so, leaning back to put his weight on his hands. The clouds above were nearly undiscernable from the sky itself. Their wispy grey bodies were in such quantity that they seemed to compose the entire firmament, rather than exist within the domain. They diffused the light, shattering it and scattering it about the wold below them like dust, gently sprinkling the scraggly trees and rocky crags. It was peaceful, in a sense. The light had a gentle tone to it that was juxtaposed with the harsh reality of the island. Surely, Keene lived more comfortably than most; he also had plenty that was required of him to continue doing so. Foraging was made much simpler with reimancy, but it didn't change the fact that it was still a time consuming process. There was nothing to be gained for free on Sahova. Even the beauty came at the price of realization that the world was not - never, even - as it appeared. There was a bittersweet quality to it that Keene found strangely appealing. He was quite used to hard work, though it had been less in a physical capacity and more so in the mental realm. Still, though his body was still adjusting, it hadn't been that big of a switch.

Much of what he spent his time doing was relatively mentally tasking, there was just the added "grunt labor" that was taking time to get used to. He had a difficult time thinking of when his legs didn't ache and he had had the full range of comfortable movement in his arms. He couldn't complain, however, as the training (however subtle) was helping him to improve. In Zeltiva, he had never really thought there was much of a reason to build strength in muscles when he had strength of mind, but he had learned very rapidly during his time on the island that there were instances in which magic wasn't enough, wasn't a quick as he required, or simply couldn't cut it. During those times, he had suffered the effects of overgiving, something he generally considered a foolish outcome of a foolish mistake. He was all too aware of what could happen if he became over reliant or confident of his magical abilities. The hiking, climbing, digging, cutting, and patrolling were all contributing to making him a more effective, well rounded individual, and by proxy, a better initiate.

However, with his constitution naturally improving at a steady - though unknown - rate, his magical studies had become even more prominent. While he was quite aware the ability to run a mile without feeling as though his soul was ripping away from his body to go join the countless others who had passed before him, Keene didn't want his physical abilities to surpass his arcane ones. It was a bit of a foolish fear, as it would take him many, many years of hiking to surpass his reimantic abilities, but he still stood firm in the identity of what he believed was a wizard: first a foremost a master over his art. Whatever came as secondary, tertiary, and so on was important, certainly, but the key of the wizard was his skill at his craft and the knowledge behind it. When it came to shielding, he was sorely lacking in wisdom. It was on a trial and error basis he conducted himself, making sure to take equal note of success and failure alike. When it came to shielding, the majority of his notes were on failures. He found that was the best way to learn, however, especially when it came to the defensive art. There was a point at which he simply couldn't exude any more djed. It was as if the magic itself refused him. He had found it obnoxious initially, but the more the thought about it, the more he appreciated it.

Where reimancy merely started to mess with the wizard's djed, shifting it about, writing it with a few flaw here and there until fatigue, sickness, or serious trauma occurred, shielding simply... stopped. It was a strange sort of finality that had signaled an end to his shielding practices early on, and presented itself less and less as he grew to be more efficient with how the djed was used and how much was consumed. He still hit his limit often enough, but it was no longer the sole reason he set about doing other things anymore. That, at the very least, had been a major improvement from when he'd began.
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A Cloudy Day

Postby Keene Ward on December 20th, 2014, 9:03 pm

Taking his time, Keene closed his eyes, the shimmering bits of cloud drifting in his mind as he considered different modes of application. If the method of "tearing and sticking" wasn't working, he wondered if he could just manipulate the entire thing. It would take much more time, and the massive fluff would be difficult to manage, but it had the potential to solving the issue of parts of the cloud not connecting with others. He wondered if the pressurization of the particles once he was finished would result in a compact, properly thick shield, or if it would prove too ungainly and be weak in its irregularity. There was also the possibility of "wrapping". If he pulled the fluff, stretching it out like a gauze and applying it that way, it required a lengthy process of tightening it around his arm like a bandage. That application, however, would only be applicable to three dimensional objects and would most certainly have irregularities.

His frown sat on his face as his continued to contemplate. Sticking his arm straight into the mess of cloud and then pressurizing it was a possibility. The chances of malformed shields, however, was pretty high. He figured, if it was absolutely necessary, he could try changing the basic makeup of his manifested djed again, but he was pretty partial to the cloud. There was a way to make it work, and he was sure of it. He had a theory that the djed wouldn't take a form that couldn't be used for shields. If there were more efficient and effective forms, he wasn't aware of anything that he would find easier to manipulate than what he currently had. Manipulating the whole cloud didn't necessarily have to be ungainly, he reasoned. Moving it about section by section, keeping the whole of the mass together but working with specific parts at time had the potential to be effective. Pulling his head back and opening his eyes, Keene tucked his legs back into position. Taking time to switch focus from techniques to the light above, Keene drew steady breaths, in and out.

As the cloud began to form at his hands, Keene let it grow to a sizable amount before stopping his production. With careful, meticulous movements of his left hand, he began to apply the cloud to his fingers, doing his best to maintain an even coating on each finger, similar to slipping on a glove. Pushing the cloud down and around his palm, he pulled it through, connecting both sides by pressing them into each other until they once more became a single mass. Making sure the bits around his fingers were properly set, he began work around the wrist. Pressing, pulling, twisting, he worked the cloud around his hand, gently applying pressure to make the cloud more manageable and compact without sealing it into position. He found the more he compacted it, the thicker and slower it was to move, but the more fluidly it slid into place where there were holes or not enough djed. He worked on the "glove" for a good amount of time, tucking bits between his fingers, adjusting, readjusting, then adjusting again the different distributions. The shimmer of the cloud ran as a lumpy surface as it passed of knuckles and dipped into straight areas. While the shield appeared uneven, Keene had spent quite a bit of time doing his best to make sure that the areas were of a uniform thickness.

Once he was finished molding it, he pressed down in the air with his hand. The wispy nature of the cloud shrunk into the gentle, writhing opalescence that shimmered as a solid layer over the shadows beneath. As he inspected his work, he was surprised to see it was by far the most complete structure he'd created thus far. There were no holes anywhere, though there were weak spots around the inner sections of his fingers where the darkness beneath was more hazy than true lightlessness. It was a small area, however, so the minor imperfections were actually much larger given the scale. He further inspected it, gaging the shield's elasticity and flexibility. It seemed sturdy enough, though it only lasted a handful of chimes for it faded into nothingness. Progress had been made. Keene tapped on his hand, his djed swirling within him as it morphed itself into thoughts, energy, fatigue. The different attributes shifting and changing with each passing tick. The fluidity of his djed had been reflected win the swirling quality of the shimmering opalescence of his shields. He wondered if that had any relevance to the magic itself.
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A Cloudy Day

Postby Keene Ward on December 23rd, 2014, 9:26 am

His next pause in training was spent pacing between the two distinct edges of the plateau, the first that which led back towards the way he'd arrived, and the other into a sizable drop-off. As he moved, Keene ran over the potential for the single unit of cloud. He had a bit of a better control over the substance, able to affect the size and mass even after it had been produced. The more malleable the djed was, the more control he had over his shields. If he could gain a better understanding of the application process, it was likely he would be able to construct much larger shields with less time. Though, the time he put into creating a shield seemed to be directly correlated with its eventual longevity. Time was an asset, rather than an obstacle, so he quickly brushed the idea of "faster shields" out of the way. He turned his focus on bettering shields. While the djed itself could only exist for so long without being "recharged" as it were, Keene had a limited amount of time to craft his shields, unless he wanted to exude extra djed to keep the barriers functioning.

That was certainly a possibility. The drain of djed for shielding was different from that of reimancy. Where the manifested djed could be felt by the shift of the flow in his essence, it was a calming sort of sensation, a safe one. Shielding had a definitive limit, which meant if he came to it, his magic simply stopped. It was a bother, but it was also a blessing. There was a natural safeguard to keep him from overgiving. That aspect of shielding gave him a bit more leeway to experiment, and maintaining the djed of his shields, especially with the slow increases in quality and durability, was becoming more of a potential skill to build upon. He had done it a few times previous, a separate though similar feeling to when he allowed his djed to take form out side of him. It was like exhaling, though instead of air, it was djed. He wasn't sure how well it would work while the shield wasn't complete, but he supposed trying it out wouldn't hurt all that much. After all, his chances of overgiving were slim. He found that to be one of the many appealing aspects of the defensive magic Atziri had taken the time to initiate him into.

He settled down where he stood, his new goal firm in his mind. Pushing it to the back of his consciousness, Keene once more focused on light, gently pressing against his djed's flow, allowing it to pass from himself into that which was not himself. As the cloud grew, he let hit become about the size it had been before, the chimes spent drawing it out revolving mostly around the essence of the light around him. Once it was done, Keene drew the cloud around him, patting it into place with gentle movements as he slowly worked his way from his fingers to his wrist and back again. The process took time, Keene meticulously working with the condensed cloud matter, making sure to cover the areas first in a more sloppy "coat" before returning to guide it into a more refined layer. As the shimmer of the cloudy djed began to fade, Keene stopped his molding, instead turning his attention to the djed itself. Taking a deep breath, Keene concentrated on the nebulous substance before him. He could feel it, though the sensation was far different from touch or sight, rather it had a sense about it that was ingrained in his being. The familiarity was easy enough to locate within his own self, and from it sprang forth a faint glimmer about his fingertips as his djed was added to that which was already before him, reigniting the cloud's spark.

He continued on for many more chimes, revitalizing the shield in progress when it faltered. As he worked, however, the toll of the process began to creep up on him. Up until recently, his shields had been relatively short bursts of effort. His time spent on the current shield, however, had brought fourth more sweat than usual. His left arm had taken on a quiver, as if he had been using it to lift heavy objects. His breath came to him in a more labored manner, and despite his progress with the shield, he felt his back curl to compensate for the strange addition of weight upon his frame. Taking his noticeable fatigue as an indicator it was time to be done, Keene pressed the shield into place. The result was more satisfactory than anything he'd done previous. Darkness swirled beneath the pearly sheen of the completed shield. Though it was not absolute, the weak points were concentrated around his wrist and, again, the inner areas of his fingers - the two areas he had spent the least amount of time on. Overall, it was a much more complete looking barrier, a clean edge between the shield and his skin beyond. He glared at it, his weary, appraising gaze gaging it for any irregularities.

There were slight bumps where djed had been moved around and forgotten about, and the shinning, swirling quality of the shields that seemed to be related to the single unit of cloud-djed were not as fluid as he believed they should have been. Overall, however, it was tasked better than he'd been able to do previous, and the thing served as an impressive testament to his steady improvement. He waved his arm about a bit, testing it in different areas, tapping it against the ground and playing with his skin to test the shield's durability. It held up quite nicely, and despite his hampered breathing and thoroughly saturated clothing, Keene found he was rather content with the day's training. He had intended a few more gos at it, but his current state required rest, and he wasn't sure he had much djed left to spare. He could have found out if he'd wanted to, but he had practiced reimancy long enough to know when his body was telling him it was time to stop. So, instead of rising up to pace once more, Keene lay back, letting his arms spread out to either side of him as the shield began to fade. He gazed up into the sky with heavy eyes, the thought of clouds and magic flitting through his mind as he drifted off to sleep.
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A Cloudy Day

Postby Ink on January 31st, 2015, 2:31 am


Fate has dictated the conclusion to your journey...

...And now, only Fortune awaits you.

I am Ink, Mistress of Sahova; and it is my pleasure to award you with this bounty of XP and Lore. If you have any questions regarding this Grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM. Fret not, I tend not to smite...often.

  • Shielding 4
  • Observation 1
  • Tactics 1
  • Research 1
  • Shielding: Overgiving is Mild
  • Shielding: Longevity Testing

With Regards,
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