by Colombina on October 23rd, 2010, 5:00 pm
Both Ahnatep and Yahebah are open to rp in, Eloab and Hai require my permission to enter. There's a handful of people on the boards, PM-ing them asking if they want to do a thread seems to be the best option. Or feel free to recruit people to come down and write here. There's only one mod (me) for the region, but I'm pretty mellow about self-modding.
Also as a Chaktawe I'll mod your searching (albeit slowly) but I will. Another Chaktawe is floating about, Sharakai, if you want to grab her for a thread.
[Insert awesome picture of scantily clad woman and something with wings here]
Feeling very poorly lately, have mercy on your absentee merbadger. (2/20/13)