So emeralds was the secret behind the sparkly Pycon. Ashryn wondered if that was expensive. She wasn't sure how much jewels costs as she never used them or had any jewelry with them embedded, but she figured it couldn't possibly be cheap. how often did the Pycon have to renew her emerald supply? Where did the emeralds go once they were gone? Or did they even go away? Was it a one time thing to crush the stone? The herbalist wanted to ask Nivel all these questions but she didn't want to pry or be rude so instead she just told the the thing was blemishes were. "Blemishes are simply a number of skin deformities. For example a blemish could be a scar, an old faded injury that hasn't quite gone away. Or it could be a place where someones skin is a different shade, like a birthmark, a skin discoloration someone was born with. Acne is another not very pretty skin thing that usually teenagers and dirty people get. Its just when someones skin gets a little red bump, it eventually goes away but many like to hide it when it appears." She hoped that made sense, it was funny, Ashryn felt like she was talking to a child. She never had to explain what a blemish was before. She almost giggled.
Ashryn actually giggled when the Pycon refereed to clay as 'normal' food. Yes, technically for a Pycon clay was normal, but it was still strange - the race gap was noticeable. Although it did intrigue her to know that the clay things slept. It made sense, in some weird way, if they ate like normal humans then they must sleep like normal humans. Another odd thought popped into their heads. She instantly shook it off, it was an unsightly thought, and would be very rude to ask of course, but did they...pee? Or anything like that? Curious...
The girl shrugged off Nivel's obvious attempt to avoid that subject of how it found that Lumishroom, she was too busy being excited with the find. On another occasion she probably would have pressed it more, seeing as how curious she was about the Pycon to begin with, she would lvoe to know exactly what this 'Pycon thing' was, but she dropped the subject and focused more on telling Nivel what this strange fungi was.
"Ok, so unlike the Octiweed, this mushroom does not have a lot of uses. Actually it only has two and one of them is not admirable." She held the water-filled jar in her hand up to eyesight level, peering into the glass and studying the details of the fungi as it swayed in the water. "The most important use is that in the dark, it glows. It's bright out now, obviously, but its a lovely glowing thing. I've heard that the Konti use it as a light source in the their underwater homes... I mean I don't know for sure, I've never seen it, but it seems practical." Ashryn said, beginning to ramble just a tad.
Then she had a thought, "Perhaps if you eat this, like your emerald, you would glow in the dark!" Ashryn exclaimed excitedly... Then it faded as she realize not one, but two flaws in that statement, she explained the to Squire, "Except its an aquatic plant and without water it would die... So then it would be just rotting in your clay... And also if consumed it is poisonous."
"Actually that its other use," Ashryn said, her excitement returning, "If someone eats it is causes nauseousness and diarrhea. In really bad cases, is someone eats too much of it, they could be paralyzed. Which, of course, is bad." Ashryn then stopped herself, she had to keep her poison crafting a secret, some people didnt look upon it in good favor. "But it's also kind of neat, you know?" She realized that anyone who bought the poison probably didn't have a goody-two-shoes use for it, but Ashryn chose to disregard that, she loved poisons, it was something she was extremely interested in studying.
Getting on with her work she quickly ran back over to wear they found the Octiweed, kneeled down and picked up the jar of the weed she had placed on the ground and then stood back up with both the Lumishroom and Octiweed jars in her hand. She went over to TwelveKnives, who was still lounging around, chomping on some grass, and opened his pack. She placed the two jars side by side, hoping that TwelveKnives would keep the jars safer than in her jostling backpack. They were thick jars so it was very unlikely they would break, Ashryn still worried just a bit though.
Then she turned back to the Pycon still settled on the small dog and said, "So ready to move on?"
WordCount: 803