Timestamp: 3rd Day of Fall, 514 AV Get to know his captive. Easier said than done. There was far too much between them. Too much fear and hatred for him on the girl's part. Too much...what on his part? Too much arrogance? Too much superiority because he was a Drykas, and she was not? Too much of a coward, fearing to discover that his captive was, in fact a real person? Lian frowned. He didn't like the tone his thoughts were taking. Lian was no coward. Waisana's words at their last meeting had left a deep impression on him. They rang through his heart with an unpleasant twang. It annoyed him deeply. But there was a kernel of truth within them. It wouldn't kill him to try to get to know his captive a little. So he would try. Speaking of which... Lian glanced over at his captive. Seirei was watching him warily. The expression in her eyes suggested that she thought he was going to attack her without warning. In the past, he might well have. He'd learned that if he rushed her, not giving the girl a chance to brace herself when he wanted to use her, things went a lot better. She didn't have the physical strength to resist him, but if he gave her the chance to mount a resistance, he was forced to use extra force to overwhelm her. Then he had to discipline her when he was finished using her. Both caused the girl unnecessary injuries that risked her health. Worse, since she was pregnant...the unborn child was at risk as well. But none of that was important right now. Lian watched his captive carefully, giving himself a few ticks to gather his thoughts. She watched him in return. There was a look of fear in her eyes. But Lian could also see the light of anger and defiance hiding behind the fear. Lian sighed. He really didn't know how to go about getting the answers he wanted. Seirei had no reason to trust him, no reason to give him anything. And yet...if he could offer her something in return... "Seirei." Lian hesitated for a tick. "I know that you aren't happy here. I also know that it's my fault that you aren't. I'd like to get to know you better. You have no reason to trust me, no reason to want to answer my questions. And that's my fault, too. I haven't given you any reason to trust me." The silence in the tent was cold enough to freeze water despite the warmth of the season. Lian sighed again. "I have a proposition for you. For every question you answer of mine, I will answer one for you. I know that you've done some exploring while I'm out hunting. But there are many things that you won't learn by just wandering around on your own. Things that an outsider will never learn unless they learn it from a Drykas." And some of the information she learns from me may well help her on her way to freedom if it inspires an interest in my people within her. he thought as he waited for an answer. "To show you that I am sincere in this, I will even allow you to ask the first question." Lian could see his captive considering his words. All he could do was wait. Would she take him up on his offer? |