51st Day of Fall, 5 B.V.
51st Day of Fall, 5 B.V.
Stalking through the Great Library of Sahova since the first site of Syna's Domain had risen some bells earlier. Nal’reim had been looking through the general area of books, scrolls, and other written and recorded knowledge. The young nuit still not fully used to the benefits of the island and his new life. He did not ask or use the library golems due to only being a nuit for a few weeks, his skin had reached the potency to harm the books, therefore was still able to search for himself. The specific information he was looking for pertained to voiding, the void itself, or any other information pertaining to the subject that some master had written sometime long ago. Every few volumes down the shelves the summoner would take out the leather bound text and open it up to search through the pages. If the book seems to be worth while he would keep it for later study, but if it was just a brief mention of the knowledge he sought. The book would be put back on the shelf in the correct place so not to face the wrath of the keepers of the tomes. Continuing down the massive valleys of space between the canyons of shelves to which the books were laid upon.
Strolling through the rest of the shelves that held the references of the darkness and its portals. Finding his allotted five books that could be taken from the library without punishment. With the thought of punishment, the wizard checked over his shoulder to seek out any of the librarians close by. Not finding the masters of the scrolls close and only seeing another nuit at one of the tables and golems roaming the shelves far away. The fresh undead placed the books into his leather satchel over his shoulder and starting towards his laboratory to review the text. During his reviewing of the book he would be able to start his research and experiments. Walking back through the massive wooden shelves, passing the golems at work placing or taking books from the same shelves the nuit passed just a moment ago. Walking through the main sitting area, where the single other nuit in sight was hunched over reading some text on some subject Nal’reim know not of. Leaving through the closed wooden doors of the Great Library.
Shifting the strap of his satchel, the dark haired mage walked down the hallway and then down three fleets of stairs to the third level. Walking to laboratory labeled ‘D’ and opening the door to let himself into the public workspace he had chosen shortly after joining the ARMED project. He quickly, as his now undead body would let him, made his way to the oak desk next to the table he would use for his experiment. Withdrawing the books of varying size out of the bag. Which when it was empty was hung next to the desk. Laying the books in a pile, he took the top one as he sat down in the wooden chair. Opening the leather cover he turned to the first page and began the long process of deciphering the ancient tongue of his people. With the parchment next to the book and a quill, from the corner of the desk, in hand the summoner took notes anytime be found any information that he deemed important enough to remember. Knowing the basics of voiding, he sought information to extend his knowledge and skill with the magical discipline. Bells and chimes passed, Syna and Leth both passed multiple times, not that it was easy to notice four levels under the realm of Semele, as the nuit read and wrote, read and wrote. Finishing one book to open the next and continuing the process with each book till finally, after who know exactly how long, the nuit had finished all five the book he had brought back from their home. Before him laid a decent size pile of notes and other information he had copied from the books for his following experiments in the days to come. Closing the last book and sitting back in his chair the nuit rubbed his hands as a nervous habit. Something he had always done after a long day of researching and note takin. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, the nuit remember just a few weeks ago and the promise he made then. Wiping the ichor tear with his finger, the nuit turned back to his research and made a mental list of what equipment and items he would need for his research.