Saraphina Skyglow
10th Day of Winter 514 AV
T he woodlands around the Fortress City of Syliras were not so different from those of Zeltiva. The chill of Morwan's hand was in the air, but compared to her homelands icy embrace, it wasn't as harsh as Saraphina was accustomed to. So her thick black cloak was thus far, more than enough to keep her warm. That, coupled with the warmth her Bloodbane put off made her feel almost comfortable. Almost. The chill still bothered her a bit, but for now she had a task to complete. After travelling and finding a job within Syliras as a freelance Hunter, she needed a base of operation. A new campsite to settle into. The trees, now striped of leaves and decorated with a layer of hoarfrost made the coming winter wonderland a breathtaking site to behold. Shimmering beams of sunshine lit the white crystals with a dazzling array of colors. But finding a cleared site with enough trees to act as good cover for the winter season might be trickier than Saraphina first thought. The deciduous trees would be of no use, without leaves they provided no protection from wind, snow or potential dangers from predators or raiders. She needed an area of thicker foliage. Having only just travelled off the road and into the Bronze Woods, Saraphina pulled on her hunting and foraging skills to point her in the right direction.
T he land she travelled on now was most flat with small rolling hills. Plants and ferns that were likely tall and thick in the growing season were pressed low to the ground under the weight of snow and slush. But the area had probably been cleared by loggers to make way for the roads, so deeper into the forest and closer to the mountains would likely yield the thicker, older trees she was seeking. Touching her toes to Abaccus's flank, the ginger Kelvic encouraged her mount to move deeper into the forest. She kept her eyes peeled for tracks and narrow pathways as they moved. That would indicate movement of animals in the area. Animals didn't remain in territory where food was scare or there was no source of water, so tracks and signs of life were a good thing to keep a look out for. Listening to the quiet world around her, Saraphina's acute hearing could pick up the sounds of squirrels and pine marten scurrying through the trees. Winter birds that hadn't migrated to warmer climates flitted about, chirping occasionally. That was a good sign as well, birds didn't tend to sing much if there were a lot of predators about, so she'd likely stumbled upon an area where there was little competition.
A s Saraphina had hoped, the forest around her started to get thicker and harder to navigate. Thin, leafless saplings grew slowly into wide, green branched spruce trees with thick needles coated with snow. Pulling her horse to a halt, Saraphina slide off the saddle and took the reins in hand. Navigating on foot would be easier here, she needed to fine a nice ring of trees with a cleared area in the center. That way, she could set up her tent under the branches to keep the wet snow from damaging the canvas, make a wind break area so Abaccus had cover from the cold and a cleared area for a fire pit and perhaps a tanning stand for some of the hides she'd collect over winter. Then, of course, she'd have to mark the territory as her own to frighten off any predator from wandering in. So much to do. Smiling softly, she weaved around the rough trunks of the trees. Several areas she passed through were considered, but the big problem she found was that none had a nearby water supply. Even a small stream or river would be suffocate, but she needed something to provide clean water. After all, melting snow was fine in the winter, but she intended to be in Syliras for a while. So a good campsite was an important first step. She didn't want to settle into one area, only to have to pull up everything in the spring and move to another location.
A fter about another bell of wandering through the wilds, she perked up her ears. Faintly in the distance she heard the soft, trickling sounds of water flowing over stone. Grinning in triumph, she headed towards the noise. Abaccus snorted a bit, getting annoyed at the pointless walking. Patting her horse's nose, she murmured softly, "Bear with me Abaccus, you should be able to graze a bit in a few chimes." Her stallion tossed his head into the air, but followed without much more fuss. The steam they came upon was actually larger then Saraphina had thought. There was ice forming along the edges of the shore, but the middle was still flowing strong. Abaccus lowered his head to the fridge water and drank deeply, seeming happy to have found some liquid. Looking around, the Tiger Kelvic tried to pick out a good place to set up camp near the stream. To the north, a thick bundle of spruce trees seemed to speak to her. Nodding to herself, she waited patiently for her stallion to finish his drink before guiding him through the prickly branches.
P assing through the cluster of trees, the two came upon a small clearing. The ground was dusted with snow and a few lonely trees stood in the middle. The outside of the meadow was surrounded with large, thick branched coniferous evergreens. It was, in one word....perfect. Saraphina clamped down on the urge to yell in victory, for fear of spooking her mount. A water source was nearby and there were no signs of other animal having claimed the area. No strange scents were plastered on any of the trees, no claw marks or dugout burrows. A few tracks of herbivores, deer, elk maybe a few rabbits had passed through, but the prints were a few days old. Also a good sign, prey animals in the area meant good hunting. Which was something she liked. Rubbing her hands together, she looked back at her Bloodbane with a grin, "Welcome to our new home Abaccus....lets get settled in, shall we." Leading her horse to a spot where the trees broke a bit, leaving a wide enough opening for her stallion to stand comfortable and be shielded from the wind, Saraphina spent a few chimes tethering Abaccus to the trunk of one of the trees. Unsaddling and unloading her gear, she patted her horse and started to carry everything into the clearing.