There was little more than laughter that escaped from him, a nervous titter of noise as he caught the flash of dark skin within his eye, and then had it snap away from sight. It made him, if anything, feel a little hot - uncomfortable that such attention had been placed upon him in such away. Part of him squirmed within, the eyes darting away to his surroundings - who was and was not watching? - and the cheeks catching the smallest of blushes. Clearing his throat, he forced himself into playing the idle game, "I think, I will not be the... final one either?" He gave a pause then, brow creasing as he considered his words and if they were correct, "Very pretty though."
Taking up his drink once more he took another slurp of it, his features falling into disappointment once it was drained. His own personal masker had run dry and it would be up to him to consider refilling it. In good time of course, the Eypharian was still answering his questions and it would be rude to simply get up or shout over her for another. Still, she was smiling - for what reason he was yet sure. Perhaps it was his own expression or something he said. he could not bring himself to decide, not yet at least. He caught the wave, his eyes flickering over to the bard who seemed to only glare back in annoyance and forced Zydrunas to speak up, "I will not keep you if you need to carry on. It be work for you, no? But... if that be your want..." He stood at that point, and nudged his chair over to the Eypharian, "Take, I will get another while you catch air."
Continuing his listening he watched for the small social cues, the little hints in the expression as he listened as close he could. His mind was really focusing on translating it as quickly as possible - a trying task as the words came together and formed into large sentences. His eyes gave a blink, his brow furrowing as the conversation leapt about once more, his mouth opening and then closing as the question finally hit him. He was barely able to grasp upon a stool and drag it over to the table at this point, his expression falling blank as he stared and the rest of it finally caught up, "I do... get what you talk about?" He lowered himself down upon the stool, finger and thumb rubbing his chin as he focused. There was a few 'big' words in there that caught him off guard, "Choreo-graph-y, dah?"
"Me? A Ben'hira? No, no," he shook his head then, "But, I have much... He tested the word in his mind before continuing, "Revere for them. I did a lot of work with them. Many year back." Zydrunas watched the smile sprout and grown on her face, that glimmer of realisation at him over something. What information had she exactly gleaned, he wondered as his brow frowned. He could barely keep up, but that did not excuse him from letting the own snippets of himself wriggle free into the open, "Dah, I did. The fir-sst, it be... magical."
His own lips tugged into a curl then, the memory flickering about in his mind, "It be a long time ago, I be... very young. A child. My uncle and a few friend had gathered out in the open, away from Ahantep. Then altogether they began, hand reaching up," his hands rose then fingers curling in as if he had taken hold of something, and then gently begun to pull it down back to the table surface, "And then pulling down. Ass they did, they pulled it past, turning lowering and flicking their hand back up. Pull it down, then let it go. All in a," his finger drew a circle in the air, "It rained... eventually. Then we all dancssed."