Article:[World] Irstden
Author(s):Kamilla/Raven Nightfoot(same person)
Other development:N/A
Additional Info: An idea to make summoning more appealing as a world magic and less restricting, as well as to encourage cross experimentation of multiple magics. Also , just to increase the limited supply of summonables with one diverse creature.
Peer Review Thread:N/A
Founder Review Thread:N/A
Synopsis:Irstden is a low world which is entirely covered in strange egg-like creatures that remain in constant hibernation until awakened. It was discovered by Alahean mages long before the Valterrian and is inhabited by The Irst, strange armadillo like creatures who's scales are unstable and therefore extremely adaptive, taking on the first property they come in to contact with. It can be reached either directly or via Fyrden using a focused circle to dictate whether through it's light or dark face, which allows for the summoning of either flame or glacial Irst, respectively. The Irst are unable to survive the complex makeup of Mizahar's atmosphere in their un-evolved state and therefore summoning them directly from Irstden requires additional magics in order to ensure that a single pure element is introduced before it can survive any others. They are rabid creatures with no uses outside of violence, they can be directed at a target but will eventually attack everything they find, even the summoner, until they are killed.
Outline: IntroductionSynopsis here
HistoryName: The Irst, (Nader-Canoch for veil, to veil, to be veiled in) referring to the adaptive scales of the creatures as well as the planets surface which is entirely covered in the creatures
Discovered by Alahean mages
Thought to have been a once thriving planet that was ravaged by the creatures which are now stranded and remain in hibernation until awakened by evolution.
Planet is speculated to house a Queen Irst at it's core, which maintains the amount of Irst on the surface.
The Irst
Hideous insect like armadillo creatures with razor sharp teeth and six legs with large talons.
Unawakened - About one cubic meter egg
Awkakened - About the size of a large dog
Newly summoned Irst remain sleeping in their curled up, armadillo like shell until awakened by evolution.
Molecularly unstable scales lining their outer and inner body, which take on the properties of whatever INORGANIC substance it comes into contact with first. The rest of their bodies remain vulnerable and organic.
Scales are relatively easy to break/pierce unless the Irst has been introduced to a more dense element, such as stone or steel. Certain weakspots remain no matter what property the Irst has taken, such as the sensory holes, underbelly and soft tissue between the scales.
Terrible eyesight reaching up to only 10meters in distance, which is why they tend to attack everything in a general area, regardless of who or what it is..
Great hearing only used to find the direction of its next pray.
Note: Irst only have one set of sensory holes and cannot see and hear at the same time, they need to alternate between senses.
Though they are able to slash, bite and traverse most surfaces, the Irst are not much stronger or faster than a common wolf, their true power lies in their ability to adapt to any one property.
Instant adaptation
Fire-breath, Icy-breath, Stone/Steel-Armour. Depends on the property introduced.
Unintelligent , rabid, violent creatures which attack anything it finds.
Leash may be used to initially 'direct' the Irst toward a target area but will eventually attack everything it finds, including the summoner, until it is killed.
Note: To send an Irst back to Irstden is to kill it, as only it's un-awakened state can survive in the vacuum of space.
Summoning[*]1.Direct Summoning
Requires use of other magics in order to maintain a quarantine until a single PURE element has been introduced and the Irst had taken it's form.
[*]2.Summoning Through Fyrden
Using a Focus Circle to specify whether through light face or dark face for summoning flame or glacial Irst, respectively.
Unable to be tamed or negotiated with.
Novice summoners are able to summon up to two at a time, but are encouraged to stick to one, due to their violent and uncontrollable nature.
NOTE: It is NOT recommended to summon an Irst with no means of protection as they WILL eventually attack the summoner if they arent killed first.
OOC NOTE: Although the Irst may seem overpowered considering the amount of skill required to summon them, they are limited by the requirement of additional skills to survive, summon alternate versions.