[PC Plotnotes]Alija

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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on December 14th, 2014, 9:10 pm

These are Alija's plotnotes. Stuff to come!
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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on December 14th, 2014, 9:51 pm


To Alija, religion is the one thing she isn't sure about, as in she doesn't know what she thinks about it all. Her mother was a strict follower of Eyris and Gnora, also worshipping Kihala. Alija took on her traditions, although less strongly. She feels it is part of her duty to worship Gnora and Kihala, but feels a strange bonding with Eryis, connected with her need to learn. Her father had nothing to do with the Gods, never even mentioning them.

Alija also holds Laivku, Izurdin and Avalis close to her heart. Laivku as the God of the sea is someone she grew up worshipping, as well as Izurdin, who she claims to be the God who helps her blacksmithing skills. Avalis was introduced to her later on, when she learnt Auristics. Someone had claimed that she had granted humans that gift, and although now doubts that theory, still thanks her for the sight she has on other auras.

I'm considering getting a gnosis from Eyris, or Izurdin, them being the only ones not available on birth, but honestly, don't know which. Lykata seems so similar to Auristics. It fufils Alija's urge to gain knowledge, and seems rather fitting. Howver, so does Izentor. Alija takes care and pride in her craft , and would never give it up if she had the chance. I think accepting one of these Gods fully would be a nice character development. I think I find myself leaning towards Lykata though. It would be a nive development - Alija discovers her true feeling towards knowledge.
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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on December 14th, 2014, 9:58 pm

To do:

Long term goals:
Learn Alchemy

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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on January 16th, 2015, 8:29 pm

Rough Timeline

Date of Significant Events
Location Age
Summer 7th, 495 AV Zeltiva 0 Born
Fall 23rd, 505 AV Zeltiva 10 First time she ever had a go at blacksmithing
Spring 76th, 507 AV Zeltiva 11 Started to work under her mother's sewing
Spring 39th, 509 AV Zeltiva 13 Met the wizard who taught her Auristics
Summer 81st, 511 AV Zeltiva 16 Parents left for Nyka
Fall 76th, 514 AV Zeltiva 19 Started working as a blacksmith
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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on May 9th, 2015, 1:48 pm

The Curse

from Elias :
So its very old, obviously, and goes back to a time before the Valterian when a cult of Viratas started to really get into the whole draining people to absorb their powers, which is a gift of Viratas's gnosis. Basically, these guys get way out of hand, draining entire families, and eventually even their own kin. Its not long before they've become a powerful but twisted version of what their god stands for.

Disgusted, Viratas tasks his other faithful/enemies of the family to undo this stain on his name, but his people are overwhelmed by these jacked up vampires and their new blood magic (This is the one and only time I'll call them vampires by the way... I really hate vampires :angry:) and so is forced to curse them and the entire bloodline instead.

I'm thinking the initial curse was a pretty potent means to an end, more like a culling in that it would see Calderas dying long before they ever reached adulthood, but either because of their ever growing abilities, or the Valterian itself, the curse is weakened to the state that is now and is pretty much forgotten about by the Calderas of the present

What the curse does is actually kind of vague, but in essence the Caldera's are doomed to destroy themselves in one way or another. Like for example Elias who has just actually murdered Torian, his father, and gotten himself thrown into jail for it. Then there is Isolde, whose husband murdered her and turned her into a nuit.

So basically family tragedy runs in the family I guess, but its not always just straight up kinslaying. Other things can bring them down as well, so there's room to work with.

Definitely need to get into this a bit more.
Ideas: hurt Kial while blacksmithing
him getting in danger because of her snooping around in the dead body thread is perfect
get to a stage where she is terrified of hurting him - maybe hire mercenary for him instead?


She has more family...
I need to keep track of all this

"And I wish to know. I'm curious by nature, my father always claimed, like his brother was, always asking questions and wanting more – more explanations, more details, more information. He only said that I had the strength to hold the curiosity in, while my uncle didn't. As they say, curiosity killed the cat. He became too curious one day, found out too much, went too far, and he was killed. My father never talked about him much.”
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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on June 28th, 2015, 8:42 pm

Clothing purchases:
white silk shirt - 2gm 5sm
leather breeches - 1gm 6sm
two trousers - 1gm 6sm
dark blue cotton skirt - 1gm 1sm
fine wool shirt - 3sm
two cotton shirts - 2sm 5cm
sandles - 2sm
four pairs of cotton undergarments - 5sm
corset - 3sm
white lace trimmed gloves - 2gm
two cotton chemises - 2sm 5cm
ramie tunic - 8sm 8cm
cotton blue dress - 2gm 2sm
cotton green dress - 2gm 2sm
leather apron - 6sm
leather gloves - 1gm
belt - 2sm
cotton blouse - 1gm
fur lined half cape - 10gm
satin ribbons - 3gm
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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on September 2nd, 2015, 10:49 am

Thegans Redcrest
Name: Thegans Redcrest
Race: Human
Association: Friend
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Zeltiva
Date of Birth: 27th of Summer, 495 AV
Blacksmithing: 13
Wilderness Survival: 12
Weapon: Longsword : 13
Riding: Horse: 12

Other Information: Thegans was apprenticed under Jaiden Piper's tuterage from the moment he was old enough, and became swift friends with Alija. The two became friendly rivals over Blacksmithing, although Thegans dreamed of becoming Syliran knight one day.

He left Zeltiva aged 16 and undertook a long journey, discovering that his desire to reach Syliras was not because he wanted to become a knight, but because he loved to travel, and instead spent his time travelling across the world, exploring places far from Zeltiva.

He arrived at Nyka in the year 515, and found his old master there, supporting him and aiding him through his struggles.

Jaiden Piper
Name: Jaiden Piper
Race: Human
Association: Father
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Place of Birth: Zeltiva
Date of Birth: 27th of Summer, 465 AV
Blacksmithing : 26
Weaponsmithing : 9
Metalsmithing: 8
Armourer: 7

Other Information:
Jaiden was born to an average family, who quickly got him apprenticed to the first man who would take him : in his case, a blacksmith. Jaiden grew up in the forge, learning his ways in and out of the trade and slowly accumulating money. Eventually, he left his apprenticeship, preferring to study at the university instead. Although it was more expensive, Jaiden enjoyed being surrounded by people the same skill as he was.

He eventually joined a blacksmith and rose up the ranks steadily, the owner impressed by his skill, dedication and raw talent. Jaiden became settled in at the top, and a year later he met Fiona.

The two had a what started as a quick thing, but developed into more as Fiona became pregnant. They married as soon as they knew, not wanting shame, and also because they knew it was love. Three seasons later Alija was born, and Jaiden spoiled her and taught her the ways of his trade.

Then, in the summer of 511 he left with his wife to find his sister in law, who had sent a worried letter to them about her illness.

Fiona Piper
Name: Fiona Piper née Caldera
Race: Human
Association: Mother
Gender: Female
Age: 49
Place of Birth: Ravok
Date of Birth: 3rd of Winter, 466 AV
Sewing: 26
Acting: 14
Unarmed Combat: 10

Other Information Alija doesn't know her own mother. To her, Fiona is an old weak and feeble woman whose only skill is sewing. After all, that is all she had ever seen of her. However, Fiona had a life in Ravok that she hides, one where she was something different than she is now. Memories and skills from that life remain but ignored.

She had traveled to Zeltiva with her sister, seeking refuge. There she met Jaiden, and decided to stay. She took up a new skill, something long and boring, something that she would have never done in Ravok. She hoped that she would be able to start a new life and forget her old city.

Then, in the summer of 511, a letter came from her sister asking for her company, informing her of an illness that was limiting her life. Fiona had no choice but to go.

Kial Seagrass
Name: Kial Seagrass
Race: Human/Svefra
Association: Adopted son/brother
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Place of Birth: Zeltiva
Date of Birth: 87th of Spring, 509 AV
Swimming: 10
Socialisation : 10
Animal Husbandry : 10

Other Information Kial's mother was a young Svefra when she met his father, a charming young Zeltiva man. They fell in love quickly and before they knew it, they were married and his mother was pregnant with him. Swept up in this whirlwind romance, she decided to stay with her husband and son in Zeltiva, while teaching both about her Svefra ways. However, when Kial was three, his father died, and his mother was distraught. They lived three long years without him, Kial too young to remember his death and Ms. Seagrass struggling to cope with the little money she could scrape together and a young son. Then, Ms. Seagrass left Kial on the 4th of Spring 515 and got a job as a sailor, sending money home to pay an old lady to look after Kial. When they received a letter informing them of her death, Kial's caretaker left him in the orphanage, where Alija quickly picked him up, being his neighbour and good friend.
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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on September 21st, 2015, 9:27 pm

2 good beds: 40gm
Average bookcase: 2gm
2 good end tables:1.4gm
2 good dressers: 10gm
Good wardrobe: 5gm
Average wash basin: 2gm
Bar of soap: 0.3gm
Toothpaste: 1gm
2 toothbrushes: 6gm
mirror: 10gm
2 blank books: 6gm
2 vials of ink: 2gm
3 quills: 0.15gm
good table: 3gm
4 good chairs: 4gm
Good hutch: 5gm
4 cup: 0.24
4 bowl: 0.12
4 dish: 0.12
Knife and cutlery box: 2gm
4 fork+knife+teaspoon+tablespoon : 0.12
serving spoon: 0.03
Bread knife: 0.01
fireplace: 15gm
fire tool: 0.2 gm
common large basket: 0.3
couch: 6gm

Total:.122.03 gm
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[PC Plotnotes]Alija

Postby Alija on February 21st, 2016, 10:57 pm

Last edited by Alija on February 23rd, 2017, 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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