70th of Winter, 514 AV 9th of Bell And off day. Just what she needed. Vanessa pushed through the doors orf the Archive, noting the design and interierior of the new surrounding. It was quite a large building, and was nothing compared to the view outside. True, she'd never entered beofre, the whole place was new to her, but her Patron had said it was a good place to learn. So here she was. She walked quietly through a small chamber, and came to a halt at a small desk where someone was busing themselves with some soret of document. On either the side of him there were amrored guards, most likely for protection of the Library. Not sure what to do or where to go the raven haired woman made her way to the desk. There she looked around before clearing her throat lightly. "H-hello. I was wondering if I may enter ther Archive. This is my first time here." The man looked up, his eyes inpecting her before he let on a small smile. He looked rather wise, and he had that intellegent air about him. Black hair covered by a small cap, and a grwey shirt. He nodded a spoke up. "Yes welcome. I am Ser Otryn. Your name please?" "Vanessa; Vanessa Lawson. Squire to Ser Alvin." She stated clearly with a nod of her own. He seemed to write something down before looking up again. Apparently he was keeping record of who came and went, but it didn't bother Vanessa. It was probably a safety measure, so it was of no concern of hers. "Well thewn Vanessa. It's a pleasure. The door on the right leads to the inner Archives. Be aware that certain sections are off-limits to Squires such as yourself." With a nod Vanessa thanked him and parted ways, entering the forementioned door with wide eyes. Inside there were large tables, and walls lined with books that contained more knowledge than she could have in a life time. After the intial shock fled, sjhe decided to look around. Torches lit the way, but the rooms were all well-lit by the morning light. On every side to the room she could see mulitple doors, most likelty leading to more secluded rooms. There were already a few Knights gathered here, each absorbed in their own books. After a bit of wandering, she decided to get started. She wasn't wearing her armor, but she was wearing her Father's Broadsword as always. She removed the cloack she had around her shoulders, folding it neatly beofre draping it over her arm. With a content sigh, the woman made her way to a shelf, soon discovering the Label Religion and Philosophy. Well, now was as good a time as any to learn, so she decided to look at the Religion section first. Flicking her eyes from spine to spine, she landed on a Book Titled 'Eyris', and pulled it from the shelf. A small smile played her lips. Her family had been a firm believer in this deity, but she didn't know much about her. Book in hand, Vanessa fund herslef an empty table and sat. Today would be fillled with a lot of lessons, so it was best that she started early. |