This was excellent. Amazing, even.
Her muscles rippled under the soft touch of Kayiri, he truly was a lover of horses. He was gentle, and he twisted his fingers in her mane, trying to untangle it, to keep it on one side.
And he stared into her eyes. It felt so special, so personal. Probably because he was one of the only people Tebridiar had ever met who had seen this form. Who had seen her in two different ways. Lots of emotions flooded over her, and she tried to sort of "smile" in a horse-like way. It wasn't easy, but Kayiri seemed to understand. He could read body language in these animals.
"I'm sorry I doubted you. I hold no regrets for my actions," Then he said something else, that she couldnt quite pick up, or understand. And although she couldn't talk back, she felt as though he understood everything she meant to say.
She was so happy Kayiri didn't want to go back. He felt he had made the right decision in saving her, and that felt good. It made her feel like she was worth something, for one of the first times in her life. He was perfect.
Wait... woah! Tebridiar mentally told herself to calm down... she liked Kayiri. Its best to keep it that way. And she'd only just met him, she hardly knew him, even though she felt like he was an old friend already.
Tebridiar trotted about for a few minutes, loving the feeling of the grass tickling her flanks, making happy bubbling noises with her nose and mouth, and tossing her head up and down. Then she settled down in the grass and began to graze for a few moments. But slowly, her eyelids began to droop, and she found it a struggle to keep her kneck up. She transformed unintentionally, she was so tired she barely knew what she was doing.
So, naked in the grass, she fell asleep, closer to nature and to herself than she had been in a long time.