My Words | Your Words | My Thoughts
Well, the girl had some determination to start an argument, there was that much to be said. There was nothing left but to accept it.. she wasn't going to leave them alone until she had a fight. ".. Sorry about this, Narick." When he turned back to look at the lad, the confusion on his face was as obvious as the unruly hair on his head. Back and forth, over and over; it wasn't the relaxing evening he'd hoped. "If you want to go and find Cameron, I don't blame you. Mind letting me off here?" In moments, a hand was offered and guided him down to the floor swiftly afterwards, leaving just the squirrel by himself as Narick went off to try and find the other squire. Cameron was long-gone, thanks to the complete blank put on all his advances. Poor guy. Sure, they'd all hear about how it was just one of those bad days, but they'd spent enough time together to know that every day was one of those bad days.
That would be later. Something to look forward to, when he was done here. Oh boy, how could he possibly wait. "Alright. You think I'm afraid of you." The diminutive squirrel wheeled on one heel to stare at Vanessa, arms swinging at his sides. "Go ahead. You want a spar, you got one. Give me a reason to be scared of you." They'd barely started but the squirrel was already impatient to see what made this one think that she was any scarier than the other knights he'd seen.
Though, something that struck him rather suddenly was what was expected. "Wait." There was a long pause as the squirrel mulled over words, chewing them. "What are you doing? Sparring with a squirrel. Do you expect me to be a good fight? Do you expect to win, do you expect to lose.. what do you want here?" Goodness, he was an idiot not to ask such things sooner. A lazy clay fist struck his own chin, partially in anger at his own stupidity and partially to see if it would knock any more sense into his dense little nexus in the hopes of a sudden answer. None came. His non-existent brain wracked itself over and over, but still nothing. "Do you expect.. do you expect a fair fight, or an exciting one, from a squirrel? A clay squirrel? Do you think I even fight at all, what.. what in all of Sylir's good name made this even happen."
It was, to say the least, a random lapse in his normal smart-alec quotes and quips. Maybe trying to fight with bigger people was just becoming a little more tedious than he'd thought. Sure, they were all big and slow and they all did the same things that never even worked. Most of them were arrogant shykes and the rest just weren't even worth the effort put into avoiding their stomping. Still, it was better than trying to pick fights with the smaller creatures.. rats and mice and other squirrels ran away at the sight of him and couldn't hold up in conversation. If not spent fighting, honing himself.. what was the point in getting out of bed each day? Was he at a point that he just didn't see any reason to go on?
The more he thought, the more the thoughts slowly drained away. He swore he could feel them leaking out of his little ears, until.. "Oh. Right. Where were we. You going to hit me yet or what?" Poof. Gone.