D usk was falling and shadows started to form across the snow. Night time birds started to chirp and twitter about. Saraphina crouched low in the snow bank, still and unmoving with golden eyes focused out on the clearing. Patience was key to a successful hunt, trying to rush things only resulted in failure. Her animal form was best suited as an ambush hunter, one who sprang from the darkness and quickly overcame her prey with brute strength and razor talons. But she needed to wait for something to come close enough. Saraphina had an advantage other predators didn't possess, she had the intellect of a human mind behind her feline appearance. It made her able to react to the situation differently, predict how the game would act and made her a far more deadly and successful predator. Ears swivelled about to pick up the slightest sound around her and she had to consciously stop her tail from twitching in anticipation.
I t took less time than she'd thought before the slow moving shapes emerged from the treeline. Thin, willow sharp legs, long necks and lithe bodies crawled from the woodworks in a snail paced brigade. The herds ears twitched and turned, their heads were held high as they scanned the clearing for danger. For a prey animal, it was a constant fight for survival. Everything and anything seemed to always be looking for a way to end them, so caution was taken with every beat of their hearts. But the herbivores were too far away to detect the stealthy Tiger hidden in the snow so they moved further into the clear to feed. One bell passed by as Saraphina stayed unmoving and studied the herd carefully. There were seven deer in total, ranging from full adults to adolescents. She was getting a bit frustrated that none of them had moved close enough to her position to warrant a successful strike and was just about to consider moving to a new location when one of the deer lifted its head. Nostrils flared and scented the air. Ears flicked back and forth, before slowly, inch by inch, the deer started to walk towards her. Saraphina struggled to contain her excitement, her heart started to beat faster and muscles coiled in anticipation.
S he crouched lower to the ground, staring unblinking at the brown deer as it moved closer and closer towards her. Its head lowered to the ground, sniffing curiously at the snow. The bait had worked, the false scent she'd spread out was drawing the flighty creature in. Saraphina's claws slipped from her sheaths and her lips pulled back from her teeth. Almost time, it was almost close enough to risk a strike. The deer took a few more steps, smelling the ground...and then its head snapped up. Knowing she only had a few precious moments, Saraphina burst from the cover. Muscled coiled and fired, launching the massive Tiger across the opening. Snow flew from under her in a white cloud and the deer's legs scrambled to find purchase. Five lunging strides found the hunter alongside the deer and Saraphina pivoted on spot. Leaping into the air, she wrapped her ham sized paws around the deer's torso. Using her greater size and weight to her advantage, the Tigress latched her wickedly curved claws into course fur and rolled, bearing the deer to the ground. Feet kicked widely as it tried to throw her off, but it was already too late. Serrated teeth designed to severe flesh and sinew tore into the soft tissue of the struggling prey's neck. Blood filled her mouth as she whipped her head back and forth to rend open the fluid filled vessels faster. The deer struggled helplessly for a few more minutes before its flailing became weaker, its kicks less frantic, before it soon ceased moving and its breath fell in short, shallow breaths. The hunt was over moments later, the predator was victorious.