My Words | Your Words | My Thoughts
The squirrel soon brought back the Py-Pole from where it'd lodged into place at his shoulder, rearing it back in both paws to prepare for the next to try their luck. Apparently it wasn't going to be that easy. An arrow streaked through the air and slammed straight into the squirrel's leg, burying deep into the soil on the opposite side. Shyke, it hurt - a lot. "Petching!" He couldn't finish his sentence as cold air sucked through his teeth, the squirrel struggling to stop himself from straining against the shaft and cause more pain.. but at the same time, he needed to get it free. The woman was already notching up another arrow - this one wasn't aimed to finish off the squirrel. Much worse. The tip was pointed square at Clemens, ready to strike him right in the ribcage.
Neither was his attacker retreating any time soon. He twisted and rammed the shield against the shaft of the halberd like he wanted to punch it, trying to force Clemens down into submission with brute force while preparing the tip of the sword just behind it for a final, finishing stab right through the head or chest - whichever he preferred. For now, it was just finishing off Clemens and moving on. One still stood to the side, watching patiently and making not an ounce of noise. "Suppose I've got to finish everything. Sylir be good, you can't even get rid of him without being all dramatic about it," the woman said from a distance.
Perhaps what neither of them expected was the sudden swing that threw the balance of the shield, tossing it down to one side and dragging the man with it. The side of his head was exposed for just an instant - a gap between the spot at the bottom of his jaw, where the crude metal helmet ended, and at the shoulder where the leather straps of the steel shoulder-guards began. The fact that a sudden jarring shove had thrown the skilled combatant off in his moment of egotist showmanship wasn't even the truly surprising part. That came when, to Arch's horror, the arrow released and flew through the air as though a fish through water, straight for Clemens.
Yet it buried itself straight through the back of the assailant. In a bizarre turn that could not have been predicted, the shove had pushed the sword-and-shield attacker right in the path of the arrow - it'd sunk straight through one of the patches of unprotected armor and buried itself deep. He screamed in pain and dropped down to his knees, both sword and shield falling from his hands and landing flat on the floor. It was oddly satisfying to see a man crippled in the same way that Arch was. Satisfying and saddening at the same time, if he was completely honest with himself.
The archer lowered her bow, staring in shock with her mouth hung wide open, unabashedly. The other assailant stood next to her mimicked the shock exactly. Even the attacker, amid his immense pain, was surprised. All of them didn't even notice the snapping of trees and crush of soft snow until its maker, a hulking red Akalak, had stepped in behind her and literally slapped her with his tower-shield as tall as a man. She fell, unable to catch herself and slammed face-first into the ground just as 'Jordan' had done. The other raised his hands immediately in submission, but still got a good punch with the side of the shield that knocked him backwards and slammed his back into the ground as well for all the trouble he'd caused.
"Well shyke." Iros' eyes looked over the scene slowly, before finally back up to Clemens and down to the little impaled squirrel in that order. "This mean I'm going to need a new squire or something?"