24th Winter 514 AV
Morning, or near as. The colours had painted their way across the sky, the velvet black blurring out into the shades of reds and purples. Beyond the streaked colours faded out into the strips of blue, before at last dipping out into little more than that grey nothing. There was the cool silence, the sounds that would be seen as native to a coast line being absent, wrapped instead by the morning fog that was quickly being burned off by the slither of sunlight. And it was there, with her perch upon the cool stone, the pebbles having been rounded here by the weathering of the tides - unlike the sharper stones that existed further up towards and past the steep cliffs. Fallon's eyes turned upwards, chasing the shadows back across the surfaces, the shapes dancing to and fro as she watched them change, grow and then diminish with the changing of light.
Still, it was with that still frame in her mind that Fallon turned her gaze back to the relatively quiet strip of beach she had taken up - undisturbed for the most part and left to her own devices. The other inhabitants of the island did not seemed to mind if she was absent. A visiting pulser, nothing more or less - even if she was the leading lady of the Scars. Still, the absent of eyes meant she could partake in other things, understand and learn more about those skills that would most often be shunned by others. Pursing her lips she inhaled, her attention turning down to her bare hands and the digits that wiggled back. Around her the equipment lay, coat discarded and the blades with it. Sleeves were rolled back, hands clapping together in an attempt to snatch her focus back to what was important.
Reimancy, fire and the successful making of it. Holding her hands apart she began her focus, slow and careful as the palms mirrored each other. Fingers begun their curl inwards, clawing and tensing as she plucked upon her djed. Rivulets, her mind pressed the mental image, dipping back to the description that had been given to her previously. Her jaw tightened, summoning forth the illusion of ink, the racing black of djed that formed into the movement of the quill - herself - and then the inevitable creation of words. Her throat tightened, lips peeling back into a slither as she felt the chill set in. That push, the itch of her palms as the Res gave a bubble, sticking and congregating upon the palms of her hand. The dark green rolled, cheeks puffing as it peeled off from the palms and hovering between in a globule.
Limbs gave a shake, her right hand peeling back and away as the other turned to cup beneath the Res. Inhaling deeply in she watched it, lips curing round in pleasure - success thus far, she figured as she held it there above her flesh. Nostrils flared, her attention slipping once more as she took in the surroundings. Higher now, though barely, the sun had barely managed to cusp the horizon. The orbs gave a blink, her eyes snatching back down as she willed the Res into shape, rounded, smooth, ball like in nature and context. It rippled as she ran a finger across the edge, her mind slowly thinking and pushing it around across up to the clawed fingers. It was lured, hovering across and resting at the tip of her finger as she watched it - studying as she held it there. It was slowly that the ring and little finger curled inwards to the palm, the others stretching out as the orb of Res hovered there teasingly.
Now, it was time to make it from ink and into a passage. Stretching out her arm slowly, she pointed it up the pebbled beach, back straightening and the index and forefinger still pointing forward. A suck in of the cold air, a chilling of her core - calming, soothing, leaving everything under her control, do not let impulse get the better of her. Lips were wet, the rolling natural accent escaping forth with all its lilting. A prompt was spoken, "Be fire. Vaknui." A ripple in response, the surface gave a tremble as she stared it down and forced her will upon it. Teeth flashed, her eyes narrowing down upon it as she spoke the word again, "Vaknui."
The outer layer seared into flame, swirling tendrils of heat that hovered and licked upon the air. She pressed, thinking of the layers of the Res, the fuel it supplied to the fire and what kept it going. Aiming upon a rocky outcrop, she looked down the length of her arm to it, another inhale as she held it there ready. Her mind searched for a word, fingers tingling at the warmth that now radiated. Forward, movement, shoot, charge towards, she gave a swallow the bitter taste now strong in her mouth as she brought out the sensation of simply throwing it forward and in the desired direction and simultaneously igniting the remaining Res. Her arm whipped back, the snapping hold upon it sending it shooting forward at a steady rate - wild and burning. Slipping further beyond her control, she sent her will chasing after it. Firmer, controlling, it was hers to manipulate and rule over.
"Vaknui!" Her arm fell, watching after it as it flickered and burned into flames, far beyond her control now and inevitably burned itself out with a crackling hiss. She muttered to herself, "Petching hai this is hard."