Tao finished working through the plants quickly, only becoming aware that he was being watched once he was finished. There had been a few wild onions and some other spices that were always useful to have in the kitchen. He looked up at Vendaril, clutching a handful of stalks that no doubt looked inedible, and smiled sheepishly at his rudeness.
As he packed away his prizes, he thought back to the little he knew about the Symenestra. They certainly didn't eat like most people he knew, though he didn't know what sort of cuisine they preferred. He made a mental note to look it up somewhere later; it could be interesting.
While he had been working, Vendaril had apparently been inspecting the animal tracks around the water. He raised his eyebrows as he was told about the trails. He couldn't possibly understand how one could tell that there was a goat out of some dust.
"So... what do you do now?" He asked, swinging his bag back onto his back. "I mean, they were here a while ago, but they're gone now..."