Berend nodded in agreement with the sentiment, none to happy to have been woken up in the middle of the night. His work called for it though, so he couldn't really complain in 'polite' company. Just thinking about it made him want to look about, and see whom was staring at him. Ignoring the impulse, he stuck to staring forward while he listened. "Ah, you know, depends on the day. Somedays plenty to do, other days you scrape for something else" He tried sounding confident, and sure of himself, but his voice cracked as he spoke which had his cheeks redding a tinge more. "Winter's always a bad time for finding things though" Having hoped for a change of subject, he could've easily sighed in relief when it sounded like he hit upon something important, but he dared not to make any noise that might interrupt her. What with all the wondering about his work, and his voice cracking, he was entirely content to just listen. Reflexively, he stopped when she did, finally giving in to the urge to look about suspiciously before relaxing a little, and facing her more squarely. Not having any alley behind him, he was confident enough to loiter in front of a few stalls with her. The merchant guards at his back gave him small comfort, but reassured him of a certain kind of security. At least the subject was now relatively tame for anyone overhearing. "All day eh? Must have been good friends to take such a trip" He said, a bit of wonder in his tone as he mused what that would be like with his own little circle of 'friends'. Any way he spun it though, it didn't end well. "Never really considered it. Sunberth is all I know, and Ma talks an awful lot about how anywhere else your either powerful, or a slave. Besides, works never so good to get me on one of those ships in the harbor, or a caravan for that matter" Berend spoke, softly now, and shrugged. "Is that why you came here? To be free?" "Uh.. Not to say you were a slave miss or anything like that, but I heard they regulate a lot you know, and uh, just didn't word that proper!" He hurriedly added, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. |