OOCLong post, girly emotions. FEAR THEM!! 
"You're welcome, Sel," she said, though words could hardly express how she was feeling. Ever so faintly, she could feel a bit of his emotions. The leopardess could taste the joy that he felt at being back outside. Nidassasyae could sense how odd he felt, that there was someone who cared for him. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized that he meant her!
It was as if a silken ribbon had begun to tie her to Seliarus. Nidae hadn't noticed its presence before, drawing her closer to the Dhani man. A battle of emotions raged inside her head, all confusing for her. Foreign emotions, the likes of which she had never felt before. Though the Kelvic girl had the human body of an eighteen year old human, she was still new to the world. Naieve. The emotions that buffeted her like the Northern Wind were both terrifying and comforting. She felt the confusion, but also desire, the bond, wanting it more desperately then she had ever wanted anything. The Snow Leopard was a solitary animal, but she felt this need more powerfully than anything, it pushed her to go against and with her nature. As a Leopard, she thrived by living alone. As a Kelvic, she craved to be with a bondmate. The two natures, along with the emotions, warred inside her. There was no resistance to it, it was who she was. Nidae could not go against the grain, not follow what she was.
Hands trembling, she carefully laid the deer strips on top her her pack, her eyes never leaving Seliarus. She hoped he could feel it too, the strands wrapping around him, loosely tying him to her. Unless he accepted it, accepted her, they would go no further.
"Sel," she whispered, half a murmur, half a whimper. Nidae could hardly speak, so strong her were emotions, so unknown were what they hinted at. She bit her lip, trying to figure out what to say, drawing a small bead of blood in the process. Nidae absently ran her tongue over it, the metallic taste bringing her back to Mizahar.
Delicately, because she could not bear not seeing his face, needing to know he felt the same, she placed one finger under his chin, trying to get him to look up at her. "Sel, can you feel it?" she whispered just loud enough for him to hear, frightened that, if by saying it, the threads would disappear.
Nidae didn't know how to ask, how to even begin to tell him how she felt. Over the extremely short time they have known each other, she felt drawn to him. Drawn to him by both what she was, and what she felt. Both her Kelvic nature, and something... else. Sel looked after her, he stood by her side in the city. He protected her from the nightmares. He was lonely, unused to friendship and love. He needed her, or at least, that was what she told herself. The words just escaped her mouth, hardly eloquent, but the girl had no idea how to voice what she was feeling. "A bond, our bond. It's something that I can't control, I don't know if I want to. I want it," she admitted, a few tears streaming down her cheeks. "But, it will change us, both of us. I don't know how it works, or exactly what it will do. I don't know why I'm this way, or why this is happening. I just know that it's a part of me... and I need to know if you feel it too." She looked away, letting her hand drop back into her lap.
"It doesn't have to be, the bond can be... stopped, if you want. I just need to know..." her voice drifted off, emotions and tears evident in her blue eyes. The Kelvic girl looked down, her tangled black hair forming a curtain between them. If he says no, please let him do it now. Before I can feel his thoughts, his emotions, in my soul. Before I can hear what kind of monster he thinks I am. Tears dripped off her eyelashes, landing with small plops onto the stone. Biting her lip once again, she reigned in the emotions, not wanting his sympathy, his pity. It was who she was, what she was. If he accepted her, she wanted it to be because he felt the bond to, because he wanted the bond. Because she loved him, she did not want to trap him in a web he could not escape. The Kelvic girl could simply not bear the thought of Seliarus hating her because of the bond they could not sever.
"I'm sorry," she whimpered, making no move to wipe the tears from her eyes. She was sorry. She didn't know if this was the right thing, for either of them. All she knew was that she craved it with her whole being, she was made this way. The leopard Kelvic was both ashamed and desperate. She didn't want to force him to reply, but at the same time, she hoped desperately he would say something. Nidae hoped against hope that he would say yes, though already preparing herself for rejection. What was she to him? He was probably more interested in a female Dhani. Even if she remained his bondmate, when he would find another female to partner with, she would be content. Even if she was only a guardcat, if she only protected his wife and children, she could be content. At one glance from him, she would be filled with happiness. Was such was the nature of the slowly growing bond, or something else entirely? She didn't know how to answer these questions, but only hoped he would reply. Regardless of her need to bond, regardless of her very nature, she wanted him to be happy. If that could only be found far away from her, then so be it. The Kelvic race was only supposed to mimic human emotions, and the bond was part of that. An animal mated when the season was right, drank from a stream when it was thirsty, hunted when hungry. It was not concerned for others, it was not concerned with feelings.
So how was it, that she felt beyond the bond? If she was only supposed to feel love once bonded, how could she want what was best for him, even though she thought he was going to say no, to reject their bond entirely?
Nidae didn't expect Sel to talk much when he rejected the bond. He was a male, and not a very talkative male at that. Nidae knew him, she knew that he was hardly the most warm male. He was hardly the type to express emotions as she had done, by weeping all over the place. Nidae wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't so much as bat an eye. She closed her eyes, waiting to hear the single word: No.