Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Nidassasyae on November 21st, 2010, 10:38 pm


OOCIt's fine, don't worry about it! :D RL always comes first anyways

Nidassasyae returned his nod, leading the way towards the Bazaar. She almost skipped in excitement. Once they got the hunting supplies, she could be out of this city! Her heart raced at the thought of the thrill of the hunt running through her veins once again.

She led him through the streets, trying to remember the way to the Bazaar. After a while, Nidae was about to tel Seliarus that they were lost, but as they turned, the street ahead of them was suddenly full of shopkeepers setting up their stalls! With a sigh of relief, she continued forwards, looking for someone who seemed to be selling hunting goods.

"No room in the citadel once again, had to set up here for the fifth time in a row!" sqwacked one old woman, who was selling clothing, to the person setting up beside her. All Nidassasyae's relief disappeared. Basement? They'd have to go into the basement to find the sled and preserving kit?

Continued here

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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Nidassasyae on November 22nd, 2010, 2:32 pm

Nidassasyae Iskedarst wrote:
The shopkeeper seemed at a loss. It certainly wasn't everyday that a random child learned to count right in front of him, the proceeded to dig out a large sum of coins. With a weary sigh as he tried to figure out how to put them into his purse, he gestured for her to collect her purchases. With a grin, Nidae tucked the preserving kit into her pack, and proceeded to drag the sled along. "Sel, where to now?"

Receipt :
1 sled= 45 gm
1 preserving kit= 5 gm

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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Seliarus on November 22nd, 2010, 2:48 pm

Seliarus simply shrugged, and turned around from the shopkeeper. He would point towards the gates, or at least to the direction the gates were. He wanted to go out. Away from the city for a moment. Afterwards looking at his Kelvic companion, and sighed lightly. He was not in the mood for speaking, then there were still people around him.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Nidassasyae on November 22nd, 2010, 10:23 pm


Nidae nodded, understanding where he wanted to go. The leopard grinned, and with a wink, started dragging the sled along. The people that were up and about at this time of the morning parted easily, not liking the idea of the sled running over them. Once or twice she accidentally ran over some people's toes, but they usually yelped and just walked away faster. With the sled, the Kelvic left a large wake for Seliarus to follow.

After a bit of walking, the two came upon the city gates. Nidassasyae's eyes fixed on the trees she could see outside, and she smiled in excitement. With a quick glance behind her to see if Seliarus was still there, Nidae continued forwards.

She nodded to the guards, stepped out onto the road. A few steps more, and the soles of her boots rested on the grass. Spying a large boulder, she sat down on one end, and settled her pack in her lap. Nidae tapped the place next to her, indicating that Seliarus could sit there if he wanted. She rummaged in her pack once more, pulling out a small square of cloth. When the Kelvic unfolded it, there were several strips of meat in it. She held out the cloth to Seliarus. "Breakfast?"
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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Seliarus on November 23rd, 2010, 5:49 am

As soon as the two would leave the city, a sigh of relief would escape the Dhani. He was getting used on the whole stone buildings thing, but still, his heart was almost jumping in joy once they left it. He liked the outdoors much more. His eyes traveled around the landscape, and taking a few deep breath-ins, just feeling relax that they are out.

When they arrived to the boulder, Seliarus nodded at her, and went to sit down beside her. It was strange. Living almost like a lone wolf for more than he could imagine, but now he did found someone who, as weird as it sound, did care for him. While sitting he lightly rocked back and forth. His snake nature was gone for a few moments.

The Dhani nodded lightly, and with a nod, took one single stripe from the cloth. He smiled appreciatively and started to eat. He was done with it quite soon, and afterwards looking around if there was anyone beside them in that area. As he realized they were alone, he lightly sighed, and finally spoke. "Thank you, Nidae." He said, even though this 'thank you' wasn't simply said because of the meat. It had a deeper, more complex meaning. But Sel wasn't really up to explaining anything, so he just looked at his Kelvic friend once more. "Much appreciated." Before the smile on his lips vanished, and his head simply bowed down.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Nidassasyae on November 23rd, 2010, 8:43 am


OOCLong post, girly emotions. FEAR THEM!! :D

"You're welcome, Sel," she said, though words could hardly express how she was feeling. Ever so faintly, she could feel a bit of his emotions. The leopardess could taste the joy that he felt at being back outside. Nidassasyae could sense how odd he felt, that there was someone who cared for him. Her eyes widened in shock when she realized that he meant her!

It was as if a silken ribbon had begun to tie her to Seliarus. Nidae hadn't noticed its presence before, drawing her closer to the Dhani man. A battle of emotions raged inside her head, all confusing for her. Foreign emotions, the likes of which she had never felt before. Though the Kelvic girl had the human body of an eighteen year old human, she was still new to the world. Naieve. The emotions that buffeted her like the Northern Wind were both terrifying and comforting. She felt the confusion, but also desire, the bond, wanting it more desperately then she had ever wanted anything. The Snow Leopard was a solitary animal, but she felt this need more powerfully than anything, it pushed her to go against and with her nature. As a Leopard, she thrived by living alone. As a Kelvic, she craved to be with a bondmate. The two natures, along with the emotions, warred inside her. There was no resistance to it, it was who she was. Nidae could not go against the grain, not follow what she was.

Hands trembling, she carefully laid the deer strips on top her her pack, her eyes never leaving Seliarus. She hoped he could feel it too, the strands wrapping around him, loosely tying him to her. Unless he accepted it, accepted her, they would go no further.

"Sel," she whispered, half a murmur, half a whimper. Nidae could hardly speak, so strong her were emotions, so unknown were what they hinted at. She bit her lip, trying to figure out what to say, drawing a small bead of blood in the process. Nidae absently ran her tongue over it, the metallic taste bringing her back to Mizahar.

Delicately, because she could not bear not seeing his face, needing to know he felt the same, she placed one finger under his chin, trying to get him to look up at her. "Sel, can you feel it?" she whispered just loud enough for him to hear, frightened that, if by saying it, the threads would disappear.

Nidae didn't know how to ask, how to even begin to tell him how she felt. Over the extremely short time they have known each other, she felt drawn to him. Drawn to him by both what she was, and what she felt. Both her Kelvic nature, and something... else. Sel looked after her, he stood by her side in the city. He protected her from the nightmares. He was lonely, unused to friendship and love. He needed her, or at least, that was what she told herself. The words just escaped her mouth, hardly eloquent, but the girl had no idea how to voice what she was feeling. "A bond, our bond. It's something that I can't control, I don't know if I want to. I want it," she admitted, a few tears streaming down her cheeks. "But, it will change us, both of us. I don't know how it works, or exactly what it will do. I don't know why I'm this way, or why this is happening. I just know that it's a part of me... and I need to know if you feel it too." She looked away, letting her hand drop back into her lap.

"It doesn't have to be, the bond can be... stopped, if you want. I just need to know..." her voice drifted off, emotions and tears evident in her blue eyes. The Kelvic girl looked down, her tangled black hair forming a curtain between them. If he says no, please let him do it now. Before I can feel his thoughts, his emotions, in my soul. Before I can hear what kind of monster he thinks I am. Tears dripped off her eyelashes, landing with small plops onto the stone. Biting her lip once again, she reigned in the emotions, not wanting his sympathy, his pity. It was who she was, what she was. If he accepted her, she wanted it to be because he felt the bond to, because he wanted the bond. Because she loved him, she did not want to trap him in a web he could not escape. The Kelvic girl could simply not bear the thought of Seliarus hating her because of the bond they could not sever.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered, making no move to wipe the tears from her eyes. She was sorry. She didn't know if this was the right thing, for either of them. All she knew was that she craved it with her whole being, she was made this way. The leopard Kelvic was both ashamed and desperate. She didn't want to force him to reply, but at the same time, she hoped desperately he would say something. Nidae hoped against hope that he would say yes, though already preparing herself for rejection. What was she to him? He was probably more interested in a female Dhani. Even if she remained his bondmate, when he would find another female to partner with, she would be content. Even if she was only a guardcat, if she only protected his wife and children, she could be content. At one glance from him, she would be filled with happiness. Was such was the nature of the slowly growing bond, or something else entirely? She didn't know how to answer these questions, but only hoped he would reply. Regardless of her need to bond, regardless of her very nature, she wanted him to be happy. If that could only be found far away from her, then so be it. The Kelvic race was only supposed to mimic human emotions, and the bond was part of that. An animal mated when the season was right, drank from a stream when it was thirsty, hunted when hungry. It was not concerned for others, it was not concerned with feelings.

So how was it, that she felt beyond the bond? If she was only supposed to feel love once bonded, how could she want what was best for him, even though she thought he was going to say no, to reject their bond entirely?

Nidae didn't expect Sel to talk much when he rejected the bond. He was a male, and not a very talkative male at that. Nidae knew him, she knew that he was hardly the most warm male. He was hardly the type to express emotions as she had done, by weeping all over the place. Nidae wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't so much as bat an eye. She closed her eyes, waiting to hear the single word: No.
Last edited by Nidassasyae on November 23rd, 2010, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Seliarus on November 23rd, 2010, 12:06 pm

Seliarus was caught somewhere beyond expanation. For him, who only lived to kill, or run away for that matter. He was lost. Openly speaking, he had no real idea of what a Kelvic's nature even looks like. But then again, he had no clue of what love looked like. Or friendship. Even the companionship the two girls offered to him. He indeed was a monster. Something that couldn't control himself. Something that wanted to feel still warm blood on the tip of his tongue. But, whatever he was, or thought he should be, was gone. Or at least pushed in the very deephs of his being. Then something other took it's place. Something stronger. Even though that was hardly even possible. He feared to look at the Kelvic at that moment.

But going against that, as soon as his name was called out, he followed the voice. Looking at the the Kelvic. Who was shaking. Who acted different than the feral child he remembered her for. Only moments later, the question came. Could he? Of course he could. It made him doubt into the pillars of his existance. This wasn't him. This couldn't he him. Yet it didn't feel wrong. Even worse, what is he supposed to answer? A yes? Something more complex? Should he even?

But before he could answer, she started to speak further on. A bond? Was this so called 'bond' at fault for the change in her? For the change in his own mind? For his strange urge to simply do something that was against his nature? She was crying. This wasn't some sort of a joke. her voice was just too honest for that. A change. 'Bonding' with her, as she called it.. With a Kelvic who understood his animal side. It was weird, but something did pull him towards her. The urge of having someone to lean on. Or a soothing voice when everything else fails. Could he get that from her? His mind was saying yes, but how can he be sure. He didn't want to burn himself, but... He had the lust of trying. Hoping, even.

This all was just too much for the reptilian side of him. Yet, he was, at least, part human. He closed his eyes, and sighing. Afterwards, taking a long, deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He knew he should answer. And he knew what to say, just not how. He silently turned himself towards her. He didn't know what to do, but he acted purely on instinct. Purely copycat-ing his mother's movements. He tried to pull her closer towards him, his arms wrapping themselves around her back. Pressing her closer towards his chest. Not for her sake. Not entirely for her sake. He needed someone. More than he needed the hunt. Locking her inside his embrace. More like a spider does, but his movements were soft. Carefull.

He stayed silent for a moment, leaning his head lightly on her's. Having someone so close to you, after so long. The Dhani felt lost, but found at the same time. "I can..." He spoke, whispering in her ear. he was trying to give her an answer, but that wasn't so easy. "...But I..." He continued, just to go silent once again. But then, he simply sighed. If he couldn't answer, he doesn't even deserve the attention. The words spoken. Not even a thought. "If...I accsssssept..". He started, speaking slowly, his heart speeding up. "If I...Will you ssstay by my ssside?" He asked, but was not just ready to finish. "If I...Will you be there for me? If I...Can I lean on you in the timesss of need?" He stoped. "No..." Afterwards shaking his head.

Who was he to even ask something like that. He wanted that, but he couldn't play like that. There shouldn't be any 'if'-s. No buts. Just an answer. He would lift up his right hand, up to her cheeks. He lightly caressed the bare skin there with his fingers. He tried to wipe her tears away. But yet this whole thing made even his own eyes water. No, he was not going to cry. He wasn't like that. He hoped he wasn't like that. "...I couldn't sssay no..." He spoke. "I don't know what my anssswer is going to change. I jussst hope...I wont be alone again." He took a deep breath. "I'm accsssepting the bond...Nidae."
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Nidassasyae on November 23rd, 2010, 12:31 pm


Nidassasyae's tears still streamed down her cheeks as she let him pull her against his chest. She didn't look up, certain that this was it. That he was going to give her a hug, then gently tell her "no". She pressed against him, savoring the moment she knew would not last. When no more tears would fall, she still sobbed, a dry sort of weeping. There was nothing more of her to give. Nothing that she already hadn't told him. Her tears had gone along with her heart and soul, poured out for him to listen to and reject. Even so, she loved him for it. Even if he said no, at least she had this last moment with him.

The Kelvic stirred from her weeping, hearing his voice whisper into her ear. What was he saying? Where was the "no"? As soon as he began to ask if she would stay by his side, she nodded, her head leaning against him.

"Always" she whispered against his chest, but loudly enough for him to hear.

Then she heard it, the word. No. She knew it would come. She was not good enough for him. She never had been. Nidae knew she should get up, she should untangle herself from his embrace. Yet, she couldn't. Now she knew she had been right. That he was, in fact, rejecting it. It was probably the right thing to do. No, if it made him happy, then it was the right thing to do. Only a moment more, she told herself. She'd stay here, in his arms, for only a moment longer. Then she would go. She'd go back to the wilderness, she'd become the wild animal once again. She'd roam the wild lands once again, lost without her bondmate, and die out in the open, food for the carrion. Yet strangely, she didn't care anymore. She wasn't sure if she could care about anything but him. If he was happy, then she would be alright. She would rather die a greater number of times than he had taught her to count, than to force him into a bond he never wanted. Nidae let him wipe her tears away, never having felt such a tender touch in her life. It was wonderful, and fleeting.

But then he spoke again. He contradicted his words! "You'll never be alone, Sel," she whispered again into his chest, afraid to look up into his eyes. Then, the most impossible thing happened.

"I'm accsssepting the bond...Nidae."

That was even more impossible than she had expected. To contradict his earlier words had seemed to her as if he was trying to apologize for the "No", as if she could still have been with him when he rejected the bond. But now, he accepted it. He'd accepted it!

Nidassasyae Iskedarst looked up, met Schssalissiaseliarus' slitted pupils with her own, and for the first time in her life, truly understood the meaning of love. "I found you, I've finally found you..." her voice faded off into a whisper as she felt the silken strands of the bond tighten around them, sealing the bond.

It was the most odd feeling to her. She literally felt as if crushed to him, breathless, yet unrestrained. She could feel his emotions more clearly now. His hesitancy, the way he didn't want to cry, even how he felt at having someone close to him after so long. It flooded into her mind, and she gave a small whimper of pain and surprise. In response, she tried to send him a message of her own. Nidae willed her feelings of love and how good it seemed to her to be this close to someone, to go to him. Gently though, she didn't want it to be unpleasant and painful for him.

Nothing else in the world mattered now. She simply looked up into her bondmate's glowing green eyes, lips parted slightly, as though wanting to say something, but not knowing exactly what.
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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Seliarus on November 24th, 2010, 6:02 am

What happened to the Dhani was something, that could easily be described as shattering a wall. The wall he tried to build around him and keep everyone away. He wasn't sure, but something happened as soon as he accepted the bond. He felt an attachment towards the Kelvic. And it felt better than any kill in his life. He could even feel her thoughts, or at least, he imagined he could. He had no idea how the bond would work, but he got her message. Inspiring, weird, but yet pleasant to have someone who thinks like that towards you. It warmed the cold reptilian heart Seliarus had.

He knew he only wanted her to satisfy his own selfish sociological needs. Or at least that's what he thought. Something far beyond that sneaked into being. It was, like he could relate to the feelings the Kelvic shown him. But it couldn't be love. It was too soon for that. Or was it? She was everything he ever wanted, or needed. Caring. Loving. He wouldn't need anything else. And he is happy. He shown an emotion he kept hidden for so long. All he wanted, is for her to be with him. So he wouldn't face the cold wind alone anymore.

He squeezed her even tighter against him, using his left hand to lightly stroke her back. His right hand would pat her hair, and wish the remaining tears away. This wasn't a moment of crying. But then again...Tears are not just a bad thing. He smiled at that thought. But then, the Dhani did something strange. Feeling like it's an urge. He lowered his head, and brought his right index finger on her chin. While resting there, he tried to tip her head upwards. If she wouldn't struggle against it, or move away, the Dhani would bring his own head even closer to her, and pressing his lips against her's. Worth mentioning, that his lips were in fact cold like a piece of metal.

He knew he shouldn't search for anything anymore. He could now even say it out loud. The Dhani liked quite some things in his life. But loving only a handful of those things. This Kelvic managed to sneak on that list as well. And he was glad she did.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Musicaly adaped animals (Nidassasyae)

Postby Nidassasyae on November 24th, 2010, 8:20 am


Nidassasyae enjoyed being pulled even tighter to her bondmate. How long had it been, since she had felt level of security and peace she now felt? Not since she was a small cub. But, even that could hardly compare to this. Any tale that told of a Kelvic Bonding paled in comparison to this. Her heart felt like it would burst. Here was someone who, knowing her faults, knowing her as a feral and wild animal, accepted her. Here was someone who accepted her for what she was. Regardless of her loving him, and not knowing if he returned the same feelings, the Kelvic girl had accomplished what she had deemed the most difficult task in her life; to find someone who wished to bond with her, knowing exactly what she was. Nidae was no human, though her form at the moment might lead some people to believe this. To bond with a Talderan Snow Leopard, who had no respect for morals, authority, or lives, was an odd thing indeed.

A Bond between two people, two beings whose actions seemed less than half human, was a step into the unknown. Nidae had never heard of bonding to someone other than a human, but she didn't regret it at all, how could she? She had the most perfect bondmate in the world, and she rip the throat out of any who would say otherwise.

Obediently, more obediently than she had ever done anything, the Kelvic let him tip her head upwards. She didn't know what he intended to do. Nevertheless, she trusted him with her whole being.

For a split second, she froze in shock, when his lips met hers. In that brief second, she battled against all instincts. This was new, and to an animal's mind, that meant it was a threat.

No, she convinced herself, taking control once more. Sel was not a threat, not to her. The tension melted away from her body, and she closed her eyes, placing her hands on his shoulders. Gently, she pressed her warm lips against his cold ones. A shiver ran down her spine, and she continued to kiss him. Animals had no such show of gentle intimacy, nothing could have prepared her for this.

When, and if, they came up for air, Nidae would open her eyes sleepily, as if awakening from a pleasant dream. She would look up at him, her bondmate.

"I finally found you," she would again murmur, as if not quite believing it. She nuzzled his neck, almost purring in contentment. Here was a show of intimacy she understood. Yet, it could not compare with the kiss. Her first kiss.
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