Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birthday: 16th of Autumn, 490 AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Appearance: Leeson is thin, somewhat wiry. He weighs in at a mere 160 pounds and reaches a height of 6”1, if he isn’t slouching at that given moment. His hands are abnormally large and are marked with the scars that come with initiation to Reimancy, though upon closer inspection they seem jagged and messy, as if performed drunk or in bad lighting. His face reflects many aspects of his body: His jawline is thin and pointed, his face is slim and his cheekbones high. His eyes are a light blue, as is usually the norm with the thin, yet brightly colored blonde, hair he has, which he more often than not keeps swept neatly to one side.
Character ConceptLeeson, overall, is a very charming, stable, knight-in-shining armor type of character. And he is totally a good person.
I was lying.
Leeson is good at heart. Probably. At face value, he’s not exactly the type of person a mother would trust her children around. He has a certain look in his eyes, as if wherever he steps he sees opportunity. Opportunity for what? For fun. If Leeson does something it’s for personal gain nine times out of ten. Most often, he does things because he has an overdeveloped sense of humor, like a boy who never completely grew up. He will think before acting, yes, but his thoughts are not necessarily the wisest, most generous, but could possibly be the most creative. If Leeson talks to you, looks at you, or interacts with you in any way, it’s most likely at your expense. Ever the jokester, Leeson Marillion will do anything and everything to get himself to somewhere fun, whether it be a mental state or a physical repercussion of his action.
Character HistoryLeeson was born to a happy family that remained happy for about six years. His father was a student at the university, taking classes mostly to further his skills in Auristics, Morphing, and Reimancy, but stopped the moment his first son was born, who was, you guessed it, Leeson. His mother was a nice girl by the name of Julia Everard, who Leeson didn't know well. She had lived in Zeltiva all her life and hadn't done much, save fishing. From a young age, Leeson admired Papa Marillion’s magical abilities, as he often used his magic to impress Leeson. When they played Leap Frog together, he elongated his tongue and balded his head. When he told stories to Leeson, he would make the wind blow, the air moisten, or even zap Leeson’s skin lightly at corresponding parts of the story. Needless to say, Leeson adored his father and his peculiar talents endlessly. But Mr. Marillion was not an imperfect man, nor was he an imperfect father. He had spent his entire life in Zeltiva, and as most who do, grew a liking for Kelp Beer. A great liking, in fact. Not so great for him to have been labeled a drunkard or an abuser, nor enough for him to have visited The Kelp Bar on regular occasion, but enough for Leeson to recognize patterns.
Leeson was a smart child, at least as clever as one the age of five could be, and it wasn't the first time that his father had by some miracle found his way home. Leeson knew that he could manipulate his father however he wanted to when he was vulnerable. So that night when he came home, Leeson begged and begged for magic, he begged and begged and pleaded to the man. And it was rewarded.
The next morning his father taught him his first morphing model, a duck's bill, taken from a delicate oil drawing that Mr. Marillion had purchased some years ago. Granted, the relationship between his mother and his father was weak, but this was the last straw. She left with Leeson’s now estranged brother, who was at the time at the age of 1, to protect him from his father. Leeson, however, was left with his father when his mother left. His father, on good days, taught Leeson to control his powers, to not hurt himself. On bad days Leeson would rather avoid him. However, the good days were few and far between, seeing as being a single father takes an obvious toll on the man, and his job as a dockworker was unrewarding to say the least, and yet he had found time to initiate his son, after much convincing, into Reimancy at the age of seventeen. Despite his loving father's gifts and affections, Leeson jumped at independence the moment that he could, and he moved away from his father. There is no bad blood and Leeson holds no grudges against his father but they are by no means friends. Leeson now lives a mostly solitary life, with little social contact, and works as a Reimancer.
LanguageFluent Language: Common
Basic Language: N/A
Poor Language: N/A
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Morphing | 15 SP | 15 | Novice |
Wilderness Survival (Forest) | 20 SP | 20 | Novice |
Reimancy (Earth, Water) | 15 RB, 15 SP | 30 | Competent |
LoresEdible Berries in Sylira
Morphing Model: Duckbill
Possessions1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
Heirloom: Loincloth that Leeson, himself, made at a very young age by cutting apart his father's clothes with an eating knife and stitching them back together to essentially make a crosspatch diaper. It is mainly colored with a pleasant ocean blue at the hips and cup and a light pink everywhere else.
HousingLocation: Zeltiva
House: Cottage, roughly 20x20, in the Old Quarter. Includes bed, hearth, chest, table, chair.
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM |
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