Sometimes You Just Need Some Goddamn Oreos
Things have been a smidge stressful in our house lately, mostly revolving around phase one of our master plan for this year – my boyfriend getting a job. The downward spiral this weekend wasn’t the result of a rejection, even though he’s had those. It wasn’t the result of a bad interview, and he’s had those too. In fact, it was because he got an interview…the sixth in a series of them at a very nice company who’s clearly interested in him. The problem is, when he got the call to set up a 15 minute ‘chat’ on Friday afternoon, we both excitedly assumed the call was to finally make that all-important offer. So when you’re expecting an offer and instead the guy starts asking you about your strengths and weaknesses, it’s more than a little disappointing.
So Saturday was a bit of a downer as we tried to remind ourselves that this was a good thing and meant they were still interested. We just had to wait even...longer...for that offer to come in. I tried to make the best of it with some Miz time, some anime, and I did get all my cooking for this week done, but come Sunday morning, we had to try hard to snap out of it.
And you know what? It worked. We spent the majority of the day munching on Oreos (chocolate-on-chocolate, YES) and playing Fallout. I can’t remember last time we had a lazy day like that, and it was the most enjoyable day we’ve had in a long time. Yes, I needed to do laundry, and I know I needed to clean the house, and sure, I’d wanted to work on the Eyph rewrite some more. Oreos and Fallout didn’t really help anything, but it turned out to have been the best thing we could have done this weekend.
So if you’re in a bad place, maybe see what can wait for tomorrow, pick up a game or two and take a pause in front of the cookie section in the grocery store. The world may seem a little easier to face afterwards.