Barlows' Bees Business Type: Goods Concept: Molly has spent her life watching her family try to start a business for their honey, struggling to sell bottles of honey to anyone who would have them. In the time of crisis within the city, Molly has hoped to strike out and create something to bring up others spirits and her own and prove the city is not failing. The idea itself is simple, to use honey for everything. She has plans to grow the business and use honey in things from cosmetics to food and beyond, it is a way to keep her family name alive, have something to pass on and to enjoy doing what she loves and truly gain from it, as well as to introduce people to the wonders of honey. To start, her business will be small and add as time progresses and she gains more skills in her craft. Items Sold:
Base Income: Beekeeper 6 gm/day Skill Bonus: Novice Negotiation 1 gm/day Sale's Bonus 0 gm Total Income: 7 gm/day 637 gm/season 2,548/year Assets: