Completed Written in the stars (Sophia Tyrinn, Aislynn)

The stars bring people together at Iraltu's Observatory

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Written in the stars (Sophia Tyrinn, Aislynn)

Postby Ornea on March 2nd, 2015, 3:24 pm

ImageThe seven sisters. The turning trio. What more could there be to see on the night sky ?

“Astronomy starts with studying the sky and the stars the way you are doing now” said Corinne. “You need to familiarize yourself with the sky and learn to identify the stars and the constellations, their names and their positions, before you can start to gather information about them in a systematic way.” She made a short pause, like she expected a question.

“So first of all, as the very first step in learning about astronomy, I need to get familiar with the sky and learn how to find and identify the stars and the constellations” Ornea repeated in order to show Corinne that she was listening and learning. “And later on when I have learnt this, the next step is to gather information about them?”

Corinne nodded. “Nearly. It’s not idea to start to gather information before you recognize the stars and their patterns, but there’s also more things that need to be in place. We need maps and we need tools and we need ways to organize the notes and archive them...there’s a lot of things to think of. The study of the stars is a complex knowledge. You need to be very systematic and clear. Otherwise you’ll just risk to mix things up and create a lot of flawed and confusing information. So I actually think we will go slowly and focus on just learning stars for a while. As a next step it may also be good for your learning to help out a bit with our work at drawing maps of the sky.”

“Maps of the sky” Ornea echoed in fascination. “So. The first step is to watch the stars, and the second step is to draw maps of the sky?”

“Correct.” Corinne sounded pleased. “Now, I would like you to have a new look at the stars and search for a constellation called The Frog.” Corinne explained this somewhat more complicated star constellation to Ornea, but didn’t tell her where to find it.

Ivak...the frog. It took a great deal of imagination to study the stars, Ornea thought to herself as she searched the starry sky for something even remotely reminding her of a frog. To be more exact, she had been told it would look like a leaping frog. At least somebody had thought so, and named the constellation accordingly, though Ornea was silently wondering if that astronomer had been totally sane. She was starting to feel a bit annoyed ...

“I can’t find it” she said finally. “There is no such constellation”

Corinne laughed. “You’re right. It was a test. I wanted to see if you have the kind of mind that finds things that aren’t there, just because you have been told to. Or if you are the kind who think for yourself, see things like they are and give a true answer. Astronomy requires accuracy. You need to have imagination enough, but you need to be in charge of your imagination and not start to see things that are not there.”

To be honest, it didn’t sit so well with the Inarta to be tested this way, but she didn’t complain. She had after all not come off as stupid; the opposite.

Thoughtfully, she studied the astronomer. The woman seemed to hold more than met the eye. It felt to Ornea as this sudden test had given her a glimpse of a deeper layer of Corinne Rowland, and connected her for a chime to the silent, sharp and enigmatic presence of an unknown but tantalizing being. She felt intensely interested.

A first successful contact had been made between Lucis and Lucis and the Iraltu Observatory. Ornea had now started to learn about astronomy. It remained to be seen how this would progress in the future. For now she was done for this evening, and stood back while Corinne turned to other people to give them what information they might want to ask her for.

OOCFor real life reasons I need to get my threads completed, so I am done with my part of the thread and hand this in now. Should you return before the grading is done and want to add something for your characters please feel free to do so.
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Written in the stars (Sophia Tyrinn, Aislynn)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 13th, 2015, 2:33 pm




  • Observation +4
  • Socialization +5
  • Astronomy +3

  • Lhavit: Iraltu's Observatory
  • Sophia Tyrinn: Seeker
  • History of the observatory
  • Aislynn: Kelvic scribe
  • Astronomy: sighting lenses
  • Astronomy: the Seven Sisters constellation
  • Astronomy: how sighting lenses work
  • Astronomy: the Turning Trio constellation

Sophia and Aislynn; your grades have been withheld due to inactivity.

How do you keep coming up with these things for Ornea to collect data on? This was interesting and really nicely written. The little details make the scenery seem real, the hurried Mrs. Rowland for example, the old man and the woman who left... Great work.

Please remove or edit your post in the request thread.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding your grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM.

credit goes to Adelaide Sitai
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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