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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]
by Lora on January 24th, 2015, 5:04 pm
Timestamp:82nd Winter 514
Lora picked up a few of her blank white canvases, carefully placing each one into her leather satchel. She was planning to look around the island a bit for a new subject mater to paint. The majority of Lora's paintings were of the beach outside of her house and while she did love painting that, she was interested painting something different. Besides that, what had really brought on Lora's urge to paint something different stemmed from a few days ago when Lora had been selling her wears down by the dock, as usual. Having just finished a painting, she had been sitting there observing the things around her as she often did, and her eyes had swept over the paintings she was selling. Suddenly she had realized how similar all of them were. Each painting had a slightly different point of view and lighting but-with the exception of a few different ones- she had a lot of the same. After that she had had her mind set on painting something else and as soon as she had found time she had started preparing to head out.
Lora pulled out her paint brushes, fingering each one before carefully placing the brushes into the bag. She loved these brushes. She had been using them for as long as she could remember, then being a gift from her mother when she was younger. The brushes still sort of reminded her of her mother and their nostalgic properties made them irreplaceable able, at least to Lora. Picking up the wooden bowl Lora used to keep water to wash off her brush with she inspected it. A small speck of yellow paint was caked onto the inside of the bowl. Lora realized she must have missed it while she washed out the bowl. Lora found it wasn't uncommon for her to miss things like this. Just little things but she was trying to work on focusing more so he wouldn't miss these things. With the hand she wasn't using to hold the bowl Lora scratched off the dry paint with her finger nail. It wouldn't have really mattered if she had left it but she just felt better if she fixed the mistake she had made. Holding the bowl in her right hand she picked up her pallet in her left. Earlier she had already put all the colors of paint on it and they were set out in colorful glossy globs. Each glob reflected the sunlight that streamed through the window in beautiful colored reflections that stretched the image in a variety of ways.
Suddenly Lora realized she needed a hand free to close her bag. She started by try to flip it closed with her elbows- which she did manage to do but when she had to close the latch on the bag she knew her elbows weren't going to cut it. Setting the items she had been holding down on the table, she quickly closed and fasted the leather bag. She slipped the bags strap over her head and around her neck. She shifted the strap around on her shoulder until it found a comferable place to rest, about half way across her shoulder where it dipped down slightly. Picking up the pallet and bowl once more, she was ready to go.
Luckily her cottage door was opened saving her the trouble of trying to open it with her hands full. The sun was yet to rise but there wasn't a cloud in the sky, giving the outside the illusion of warmth. Lora knew, however that it was actually quite cold out on this winter day and had prepared by wearing her olive green cloak. As she stepped across the rocks that lead from her cottage to the shore she thought over how much she liked the cloak. It wasn't just that it kept her warm-which it did- but also the way it swished around her ankles. Something about the feeling of a cloak swirling around her made her feel important- in a way, almost regal.
Lost in her thoughts, Lora almost lost her footing as she stepped onto the last rock. Quickly leaning backwards to try and regain her balance, she shifted around on one foot. The foot she hadn't been using to step on the smooth gray rock flailed wildly in the air as Lora tried to get herself balanced. Suddenly she swung her leg forward, firmly planting it on the rock next to her other one. As she did she was able to get balanced and steady. Carefully, Lora hopped off the rock and into the soft white sand. It was when her feet hit the ground that she realized she wasn't wearing any shoes.
Generally when Lora was going to paint she didn't wear shoes. They were just annoying, in her opinion, and unnecessary especially when the only place her feet would be going was the soft sand of the beach. The problem was, this time she was planning a further venture. This time she wasn't going to stay on the beach painting the same seen one again. She was going to paint something else. Glancing back up at the cottage she had just left Lora frowned at its wooden exterior. It wasn't far but she didn't want to have to back track this early in her venture so she elected to going with out shoes. Whats the worst that could happen?
With her mind made up, Lora made her way to the water's edge so she could fill her bowl with the ocean's cool water. |
Last edited by
Lora on February 5th, 2015, 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lora - Seer of Talent
- Posts: 98
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- Joined roleplay: March 22nd, 2014, 11:45 pm
- Location: Syliras
- Race: Konti
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by Lora on January 30th, 2015, 12:12 am
With a bowl full of water and high spirits Lora was faced with the decision. She now needed to find a subject she wanted to paint. When she had decided she wanted to find something new to paint she hadn’t specifically thought through to where she was going. Aimlessly she began walking towards the town hoping to get some inspiration along the way.
As she got closer to Mura, the cool sand having previously been shifting under her feet turned into stone filled light brown dirt. As she stepped on countless stones-although they were smooth and small- she began to wish she had warn her shoes. Not about to turn back just because of a few stones she pressed forward knowing it wouldn’t be long before she made it to the cobble stone roads that would feel fine on her bare feet.
As she walked she thought about what it was she wanted to paint, muttering each option aloud as if she was having a conversation with herself. Lora had always found saying something out loud to help her organize her thoughts so it wasn’t uncommon she would talk to herself, though she tried not to if she was in social situations
“Hm,” She murmured quietly. “Well, I usually paint nature so, something natural. A scene? No, I always do scenes. Plants, buildings, flowers. Hm, what else? No, flowers sounds good. Yes, I should paint flowers.” Lora paused taking a glance around and wondering where she would find flowers. She could distinctly remember flowers around the Konti Island. There were plenty of beautiful flowers all over the island. She was sure she had seen them she just couldn’t pinpoint where. Specifically a flower she had once scene came to mind. It was a flower with deep blue petals speckled with bright yellow dots. She wondered if she could find this flower again or a flower similar to it.
Suddenly she realized that by walking towards that city she would be going towards where the flowers were less of the natural nature and more ones planted by residents and while these were still gorgeous Lora was looking for a more natural flower. Coming to an abrupt halt Lora turned, taking care to keep her water from spilling, so that instead of walking towards the city she was walking parallel to it.
“Where are there flowers?” She said, talking to herself again. “I know they usually grow more inland farther from the beach so maybe I should walk towards somewhere there is more dirt. The other side of the city? No that is way much too far. It would take me to long to get there.” Lora continued to think of places muttering them over with herself. Much like the flowers she couldn’t specifically think of a place that had a large quantity of dirt that was nearby.
As she thought her feet continued to carry her forward almost subconsciously. She was just walking forward not anywhere in particular. The air was chilly but there was absolutely no wind whip Lora’s cloak off of her so the cloak kept her plenty warm. Additionally as she got ever closer to spring the air got continuously warmer and despite the fact there was a definite chill in the air, it wasn’t as prominent as it had previously been.
As she spoke to herself trying to decide where she would go she had been staring at her bare feet, watching the walk of the rough half sand half dirt and stones ground and making sure she didn’t step on anything she didn’t want to. Because of this she hadn’t looked up in a while, suddenly realizing this, her head jerked up causing her wavy hair to bounce against her neck.
Spinning in a circle she was happy to see the city still to her right and the water to her left but she found she had traveled a fairly large distance. Her swift spin caused a bit of water to splash out of her bowl, dripping down along her had arm and running to the elbow of the hand the held the bowl. Figuring the water droplet wasn’t going to cause her any harm she ignored it and looked forward to a spot in the not so far distance. She could see a large rock imbedded half way in the sand and a green moss crown adorning the top of it. She had seen it before many times when she had gone for walks along the beach but this time it was of significance. As her eyes settled on the rock she remembered before having gone to the rock and inspecting it, wondering what was on it and having found there to be a collection of small white flowers.
Lora walked with more purpose now as she made her way to the rock and its pretty flowers. |
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Lora - Seer of Talent
- Posts: 98
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- Joined roleplay: March 22nd, 2014, 11:45 pm
- Location: Syliras
- Race: Konti
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by Lora on February 5th, 2015, 11:37 pm
Wrapping her arm around the top of the boulder, Lora pulled herself up onto it. She had left her supplies on the ground below the rock so she wouldn’t be hindered as she tried to climb it but she hadn’t yet figured out how she would get her items up when she did want to paint. Suddenly disappointment filled her previously elated face. Her eyes looked over the rock searching for the white flowers she had seen there before but they were only met with bright green moss and small grey spots where the stone shone through the moss.
Lora realized it had been a while ago she had seen the flowers and by now they had probably died and the cool of the winter froze away many of the islands plants. Pulling her legs onto the side of the rock Lora moved so she could sit on the soft carpet of moss. Lora stretched out on the rocks surface. She needed a new item to paint and her plans having just been crushed she didn’t know where to go.
Sitting on the rock she looked around for some inspiration. As her eyes fell on the city her mouth fell opened in a joyous look of surprise. She had seen the city at sunrise before, each of its ivory white buildings reflecting the first rays of sun light but this was different. Form her high vantage point the city sparkle brighter and looked that much more beautiful, that much more surreal.
Rushing to the side of the rock Lora slid off of it. As she hit the ground bursts of sand shot out from where her feet made contact. She knew it would be a few chimes at most before the moment was gone and there would be nothing more than the plain city left to paint. Quickly she grabbed her satchel and pulled it over her shoulder. Taking her palette in one hand and her water bowl in the other Lora started to climb the rock attempting to do so with only her feet.
She couldn’t even begin to climb the rock and with time quickly fading she elected to take the palette and the water up one at a time. Setting the water bowl back on the ground Lora adjusted the satchel so the bag fell to her back and not to her side. Climbing the rock was harder with one hand but only had to get high enough for her arm to reach over and put the palette on top of it. Sliding the palette forward onto the rock’s flat top Lora jumped backwards off the rock and with as much haste as she could, repeated the process with the water bowl.
As soon as she had placed the water bowl on top of the rock, she moved quicker using both hands to pull herself on top of the rock. The red light case from the rising sun was already starting to face into its normal yellow glow as Lora pulled a medium sized canvas from her bag, which she had taken off and sat on the rock.
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Lora - Seer of Talent
- Posts: 98
- Words: 100649
- Joined roleplay: March 22nd, 2014, 11:45 pm
- Location: Syliras
- Race: Konti
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