by Sairque on November 21st, 2010, 4:19 pm
Eyes had a natural inclination to skip over that which was unpleasantly permanent. Permanent, however, isn't quite the right word for what Damal was. Unpleasantly permanent would fit an open sewer, or birth goo from a new born baby; not Damal, however, because he wasn't permanent. He had been let in through the gates, yes, and perhaps even given a job at this point, and maybe even had a few friends. Ah, that's right, Aidara, the flight leader's highly adored twin, had even spent a little while, that Sai could attest to first hand, speaking with the pasty outsider. But Damal wasn't a feature of the city or a natural cycle of life; Damal had a pulse, he had veins, he had intestines that Sai currently pictured spilling onto the floor, over her hand clutching the knife that ruptured his bowels.
Killing him, however, was juvenile and would likely be a blessing to the pasty sod. Shrewd eyes sized up his intentions with little trouble. The kind and pitying way he looked at the Drudge, Iris, she had her name was, and the way he thrust the bread into her hands, knowing that she would not turn it down. The glare he gave her as he challenged her right to order the woman about. Laughter, low and condescending, spilled from between her cruelly grinning lips. He was saving her from a fate that he knew not of. Oh, how the best of intentions can turn fortune into disaster.
Sairque held one finger up, indicating that she had every intention of answering his query in just one moment, and turned to Iris. "Iris, darling, perhaps you should thank this young man for stepping in and preventing me from using for my evil purposes. But before you do, let me tell you what they were. My sister, Aidara, is a healer and requested that I find her a helper for the day. I was first supposed to go get her breakfast, fruit, fresh rolls, pastries, sausage," she listed off, glancing at the hard loaf the woman was gnawing on, amusement rife in her voice and hard features. "And, unfortunately, for you, Addy has a soft spot for every man and woman living in Mt. Skyinarta, so she would have subjected you to this horrid breakfast before viciously putting you to work stacking bandages." Oh, dear Gods, the horror! The horror! So heavy and such tedious work, so much worst than scrubbing floors!
Sai's eyes cut back to Damal, taking in his reaction to having ruined this reprieve from hunger and knuckle grinding work for the white woman. "But don't worry, I can find someone else right after you thank this kind gentleman for saving you from this fate worst than death." The flight leader crossed her arms, her foul mood showing on her face for the first time as she waited for the forced interaction between them.
There was no escape for either from this. Though, she suspected that Iris had quite a bit to say thanking this man, things like 'Wow, go bugger yourself for trying to play Silyrian Knight and failing epically' or perhaps telling him to stay far away and stop trying to help the lower caste. Damal, she would take between her hands force to take Iris' 'thanks', and then recite his feat, complete with failure, to all the Dek at the next meal time. Oh, yes, what a grand idea. Now there was a bit of a smile on the woman's face.
"Oneday I wished upon a star
And woke up where the clouds are far
Behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me."