A warm welcome to the Vitrax (Clyde) Season of Winter, Day 10, 514 AV While her training in poisons, shielding, and interrogation was moving forward, Irriari found herself venturing out of the city more and more to hunt animals and anything else that dared move in her presence. The few bar fights that humans had initiated in the Silver Sliver were quickly stopped by Jeb. The sudden absence of a challenge left the zith aching for true combat and the visceral pleasure that came with testing her limits. The voices of the colony Elders taunted her each morning when she woke, ensuring that she couldn't forget how far she had fallen since leaving the Sea of Grass. ‘Do you like your comfortable human housing, Sunder? Does it please you to be little more than the vermin you should be enslaving? When was the last time you were like us? You don’t even deserve your wings.’ The last statement stung more than most. Irriari no longer felt like a zith. She was detached from her soul, her people, and her slaves. What remained was simply a human with wings, trying to fit in and grasp for the last vestiges of her nature before they slipped away. She had heard of the Vitrax multiple times from other apprentices of the Ebonstryfe. They complained of lingering injuries from combat drills and spoke highly of the armory. While Irriari had no interest in the stockpiled weapons, she did want to find someone to spar with. Perhaps there would be a human brave enough to take on a zith. The Vitrax was a fifteen chime walk from her house, and she ignored the vermin that move around her as she made her way to the building. Instead, Irriari focused on the litany of combat drills she had practiced in the colony. How long had it been since she practiced dodging arrows in the sky? How many seasons had passed since she sparred against someone wielding a mace? The answers were annoying at best, and depressing at worst. Vowing to fight more and study poisons less, the zith strode into the entrance of the Vitrax, intent on finding the training hall. Thankfully, the training hall wasn’t far away. A soldier of the Ebonstryfe leered at her, and pointed the general direction she needed to head. Though she served Rhysol, many within the city were still leery of her kind. The training hall was expansive, and the zith stood just within the doorway, trying to take it all in. It was nothing like the colony, where sparring took place on the ground with naught but the walls to contain the combatants. Inside the hall, combat dummies lined three of the four walls. The dummies were equipped with an assortment of armor and weapons, and many stood in threatening stances. Small and large sparring arenas were strewn throughout the room. A few arenas had pillars and other obstacles within them that could provide cover or a place to pin an enemy. Ebonstryfe soldiers patrolled lazily, keeping an eye on apprentices that were too zealous or sadistic in their fighting. The zith stepped forward as another apprentice cleared his throat loudly. She spared only a moment to look back at him before laughing. He lacked muscle and height. Surely he wasn’t here to train? After a few moments of watching the weakling make his way to the other side of the room, the zith began stretching. Her wings and arms were first, and many of the humans turned at the sound of her leathery wings snapping open. She smiled at them viciously, pleased that she could unnerve them so easily. Others looked unimpressed. Outwardly, she ignored them, but still hoped that they would be bold enough to challenge her. Next, she stretched her legs. More than anything, this was a waiting game. Irriari wouldn’t approach any of the humans here. She was confident that one of them with too much bravado would approach her in hopes of having a story for that nights drinking and mayhem. |