"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change."
"This process of the good life is not, I am convinced, a life for the faint-fainthearted. It involves the courage to be."
—Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person
A wee psychology quote from one of my favourite fathers of psychotherapy (psychology major here too, woot). As I read your scrap post (& i hope you don't mind that I did), i thought of these quotes. It's so nice to listen to you write about your life with excitement, because really life is a journey, an adventure into unknowns with horribly challenging mountains in our way sometimes (depression is horrible, I'm glad you took a year out to look after yourself) & lovely sunlit meadows like this at other times! Reading someone else's "up" moments brings out the light in myself, too; joy is infectious, so, thanks for sharing Orin x