Sarina goes to do a heist she thought would be easy
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Sarina on February 4th, 2015, 3:44 pm
Timestamp:78th Winter 514AV
A client was in need of a weapon and she thought Sarina was the person to do it. After stopping Sarina on the street, not the usual way of employing her, a young woman, who went by the name of Hanna, had asked her to steal a knife from a blacksmith who worked down the street from her house. After the woman had taken her to see the blacksmith, Sarina was surprised to find that he had nothing special about him, just a normal blacksmith. The other strange part was the woman didn’t want a specific knife stolen ‘any knife will do’ she had said. When Sarina had asked why she wanted it from this specific blacksmith she had made up a quick excuse, not one that Sarina believed but she didn’t think it was a topic worth pursuing. So, with all the strange simplicity of the job, Sarina was hiding in an ally way just across the street from the smith.
She had considered just going and buying the weapon and demanding a higher price for her services than what she had pay for the knife. That plan seem good because the woman hadn’t specified a price but Sarina hoped the woman had enough money to pay for Sarina’s services and needed the knife stolen for a specific reason, not because she didn’t have enough money to pay for it.
Sarina could have easily just walked by and swiped the knife but she figured if she was going to take such a simple job she might as well try to make it interesting. Although she itched to look at the shop she knew if she did it would be suspicious so instead she played with her Tamo Daggers, spinning then in her hand, making sure to look preoccupied but still listening intently. She knew if all went according to plan she would hear when it was time to make here move.
Suddenly she heard the gruff yell of the blacksmith, “Hey, you give that back!” His angry bellow followed, attracting the attention of the nearby on looker. Now Sarina looked up pushing herself away from the wall she was leaning on so she was ready to move, sure it would cause no more suspicion than the rest of the onlookers caused. Just as she had planned, the man she had said she would pay, but really wasn’t going to, was running down the street and waving the sword he had picked up from the blacksmith in the air. Sarina smirked; he looked like a complete lunatic she might even pay him just for the show he had given her.
The look of amusement melted off her face, now was her time to act. She was going to go to the sword that was being made and carve the words: The Emerald Rose into it. A small publicity stunt, she knew but she needed to her name out somehow.
As she took a step towards the blacksmiths building she felt and arm wrap around her stomach and another arm press a damp cloth to her mouth and nose. Her eyes widened in surprise but she didn’t even get the chance to wonder what had happened before the liquid on the cloth caused her fall unconscious.
Last edited by
Sarina on February 22nd, 2015, 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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by Sarina on February 22nd, 2015, 9:11 pm
Sarina awoke to the sensation of cold water being splashed in her face. Instinctively her eyes flashed opened and her mouth gasped for air. She found herself to be tied to a wooden chair. Standing smugly in front of her were two people, a man with a now empty bucket and a woman. Where had she seen them before? Her mind was groggy from the drug she had been given and her head was pounding painfully.
“Glad to have you back.” Said the woman. Her voice sent chills down Sarina’s spine. Slowly the events leading up to her capture came back to her and she realized who her captors were. The woman who had employed her and the blacksmith. How had she not known it was a trick? She blinked hard trying to bring up any other details that might give her some hint about where she was but nothing came.
“I think you know what we want.” The blacksmith’s voice was gruff but higher than Sarina had expected. What did they want? Sarina couldn’t remember having taken anything from them.
“Do I?” Sarina said in a hoarse voice. She began to wonder how long she had been unconscious for. She glanced around the dark room as best she could being bound to the chair. It was completely empty except for the chair she was sitting in and her and the two other people. The walls were made of solid stone and she doubted she could break through them. Though the floor was dirt she could distinctly make out spots of what looked like dried blood and she hoped her own wouldn’t soon be added. She began struggling to form a plan of escape, though she couldn’t think strait.
Her attention was drawn back to her captors as the blacksmith said, “Yes, and you’re going to give it to us.”
Sarina frowned still not quite sure of what it was then smiled coldly trying to give the illusion of being in control. “Why don’t you remind me what it was?”
The pair made eye contact briefly as if to ask how Sarina could not know what it was before the man answered the question. “Two months ago you stole a silver bracelet from my wife now we want it back.” Sarina realized the woman she had employed, Hanna , must be his wife. She frowned again. What bracelet? Sarina couldn’t remember through her pounding head ache.
“Why should I give it back?” She said know the answer already but needing more time to think.
“Because,” Said the woman stepping forward with a knife Sarina hadn’t realized she had and placing it against her neck. “if you don’t we’ll kill you.”
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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by Sarina on February 22nd, 2015, 10:11 pm
Sarina barely glanced at the knife pressing against her thought and instead focused her eyes on the eyes of the woman holding the knife. As she glared into the dark brown eyes she tried to determine if the woman would really kill her. It took a certain kind of person to be a murderer and a woman looking for her bracelet probably didn’t have what it took.
“It’s at my house. I need to go get it.” Said Sarina. She couldn’t remember taking it or if she really had it but walking to her house would buy her more time.
The woman glanced towards her husband and he nodded. Slowly the woman retracted the knife from Sarina’s neck and instead began slicing through the rope holding her to the chair. “If you’re thinking about running you’ll regret it.” The woman hissed into her ear. Sarina’s eyes narrowed. She had been thinking about making a run for it.
“Stand.” The woman commanded when she had finished with the rope. Sarina obliged. As she stood the room began spinning around her and her head ache worsened. She stumbled forward and rubbed her eyes to try to get the world to stop spinning. The man dropped his bucket and grabbed Sarina’s wrists roughly as she tried to stay standing, blinding rapidly in an attempt to clear her mind. The man twisted Sarina’s arms painfully and tied them tightly behind her back. When was finished binding her arms he grabbed her chin and yanked her head up so she was facing him.
“Don’t try anything funny. Understand?” He said. Sarina just glared at him. He continued to look over her for a second before dropping her chin. Luckily the man outburst had helped the world to stop spinning around Sarina. He walked over to the door and pulled it opened. Light flooded the room.
The man led the way and the woman walked behind Sarina pushing her forward into the cold air outside. The bright sunlight stung against Sarina’s eyes as she tried to adjust them to the light. Sarina didn’t realize she was missing her cloak until the freezing air brought goose bumps to her bare skin that was still wet with the water that was used to wake her up.
“Can I have my cloak?” Sarina asked twisting around and noticing that the woman was holding her cloak wrapped over her arm.
“No,” She said briskly prodding Sarina in the back with her knife to get her to walk faster.
The man must have known where she lived because he led them straight to her house without asking for directions once. By the time they had made it their Sarina was shivering uncontrollably from the cold. He tried the door and seeing that it was locked turned to Sarina.
“Open it.”
“That’s a little hard to do with my arms tied behind my back, don’t you think?” Suddenly Sarina felt the man’s palm strike her face. Her head snapped sideways from the force of his slap. He grabbed Sarina’s chin and forced her face back towards his before she couldn’t even make a move of her own.
“Don’t get smart with me.” He growled. Sarina once again just glared in return. The man’s grip on her chin tightened to a painful level Sarina did her best not the grimace. “Now, do what I say and no one will get hurt.”
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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by Sarina on February 22nd, 2015, 10:41 pm
As soon as her bonds had been cut Sarina immediately started to massage the red lines where the coarse rope had cut into her skin. She ignored the man’s tight grip on her arm as if he was sending her mental message saying if she tried to run he would break her arm.
“My key is in my cloak.” Sarina said bluntly. Unfortunately the woman didn’t give Sarina her cloak like she had hoped and instead began rummaging through the pockets until she pulled the key from the cloaks protective folds. She handed her knife to her husband and stepped forward to unlock the door. Her husband immediately took to knife and held it to Sarina’s neck not loosening his grip on her arm. It was a matter of seconds until the door was unlocked and opened. Sarina was tossed trough the door way, almost losing her balance as she stumbled into her room.
The couple quickly followed her and just as quickly shut the door. “Get the bracelet.” The man ordered roughly. Sarina glanced around the room trying to think of anything that could get her out of this situation. Her only weapon in her cloak pocket which was being held by her captors and she didn’t know where the bracelet was.
Something about the familiar surroundings must have stimulated her memory because she remember about two months ago having stolen a silver bracelet. Her heart plummeted as she remembered that she had almost immediately sold it.
Slowly she took a few cautious steps towards her chest. She needed more time to think of a way out. She mentally went over the items in her chest before she even opened it and she knew what would be her best chance as a weapon.
Pulling the lid off of the wooden chest she knelt beside it and reached in. She felt her hand wrap around the handle of her hairbrush and immediately swung for the woman behind her. She got the woman in the side of the head knocking her side ways. Rushing past the pair she ran towards the door.
Sarina grabbed the door’s handle and easily was able to open the door. She slammed it shut and started running not sure where to just away. She had made it to a nearby alley way before the world started to spin again and she began once more to feel light headed. Her pace slowed down slightly thinking that she had lost her attackers. Just then the man appeared ahead of her at the end of the alley. He was cracking his knuckles and smiling cruelly. Sarina didn’t fully understand the source for his excitement until she spun around and saw that his wife was coming from the other side of the alley. Sarina was trapped.
Sarina raised the hairbrush that was still in her hand tried to clear her head even though she knew she couldn’t win this fight.
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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by Sarina on February 24th, 2015, 8:05 pm
The pair advanced on Sarina as she held the knife up, probably looking like a complete idiot. What was she doing? There was no way she would win but fighting was going to get her injured. She cast a weary glance between the couple walking slowly towards her before lowering her hair brush and pealing herself off the stone wall she had plastered herself to.
“I sold it.” Her attackers stopped only feet from her. Sarina let a smirk hit her lips.
“What?” The man growled, waving the knife at her.
“I sold the bracelet.” Sarina repeated.
“Then why did you say it was in your house?” The man’s volume escalated with anger. His loud words struck Sarina’s headache like a wall. She tried not to flinch.
“I don’t know where it is now. I thought maybe I would find something that you would take instead.” Sarina narrowed her eyes as the man took a step forward. Her grip tightened on the handle of her hairbrush.
“Lucky for you I know where it is.” The woman announced. Sarina swiveled her head towards her.
“Really?” She said in mild surprise.
“Yes, I’ve seen them with it. We need you to steal it back.” A cocky grin appeared on the woman’s face.
“Then why did you take me all the way to my house.”
“You said it was there I thought you might have stolen it back already. This really shouldn’t be so hard for you to understand.”
“Believe me, it really should.”
“It doesn’t matter what you think. You just need to take the bracelet back and we will let you continue with your life.” The man interrupted.
“You can’t stay with me while I’m stealing something. What’s to keep me from just running off?” Sarina decided if she was going to end up doing this robbery anyway she might as well just start asking the questions.
“We know where you live and as soon as you go back to you house we would kill you.”
Sarina sighed realizing the arguing was more work than it was worth. “Show me where the bracelet is and I’ll steal it back for you.”
The man nodded to his wife and she began to lead the way to who had the bracelet. The man grabbed Sarina’s arm but she ripped it out of his grasp before he could get a good grip.
“I can walk myself and as you so kindly pointed out; if I ran it would be futile.” They locked eyes for a second before he shrugged and made no attempt to hold her again. Sarina followed the woman in silence for the rest of their walk.
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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by Sarina on February 24th, 2015, 8:40 pm
It wasn’t long before Sarina and her two captors stood outside of a small house. Hanna claimed there was only one person who lived there: a konti in her fifties. More importantly the one person who lived there had Hanna’s bracelet.
“I need my cloak back.” Sarina said. The couple met eyes before the woman, Hanna tossed it to Sarina.
“Thank you.” She said, her voice overflowing with sarcasm. She strung the cloak back on, thankful for its familiar warmth and the weight of her Tamo Daggers in her pocket. She put her hairbrush, which she was still holding; one of thee cloaks numerous pockets.
“I’ll need to wait until she leaves the house to take the bracelet back.” Sarina stated. She was getting a bit irritated with having to explain herself.
“Do whatever you need to. Just get that bracelet back.” The man hissed. “We will be waiting at your house. Don’t come back until you have the bracelet.” He and his wife got up in unison and began to leave back the way they had come leaving Sarina kneeling in an alley way and waiting for a woman to leave her house.
Sarina sat crouched in the alley for who knows how long but the sun was starting to set and Sarina doubted the woman would willingly go outside during the night. The man had made it fairly clear that if Sarina went back to her house without the bracelet he would kill her. If she choice to sleep outside she would at best just get robbed but more likely get killed. Now she need to act.
She rummaged on the ground until her hand hit a small rock. It was smooth with rounded edges but Sarina hoped it would do the job. Quietly Sarina crept across the street closer to the house. People were already beginning to get to their homes and the street was totally deserted. Raising the rock above her head Sarina threw it as hard as she could towards the woman’s window.
She heard a crash and a rock shaped hole appeared in the woman’s window. Sarina ran to the side of the house opposite the window and waited. She knew the woman would first go to the window to see who had thrown the rock, then, when she saw no one Sarina hoped she would go out her door. That’s when Sarina would strike.
Seconds passed and Sarina continued to wait. Suddenly Sarina heard the sound of a door handle being turned. Sarina waited, hiding behind the building until she heard the door close behind the woman. At least Sarina hoped it was behind her and not in front of her as she went back into her house.
Sarina stepped out from behind the house holding out one of her Tamo daggers at the woman.
“Don’t move.” Sarina called the woman’s attention to herself. She scanned the woman’s wrist and was relieved to see the bracelet glimmering in the moon light.
“Give me your bracelet and no one will get hurt.” The words flowed over Sarina’s tongue sounding cliché even to her. She wasn’t use to doing a strait up mugging and didn’t really know what to say. The woman’s hand moved slowly to her wrist. She unclasped the bracelet and held it out to Sarina as if trying to keep it as far away from her body as possible.
Sarina snatched it quickly and stuffed it into her pocket. “Now, go back into your house.” The woman obediently did what she was told. The woman cast one last wistful glance at Sarina before shutting the door behind her.
Sarina sheathed her Daggers together and put them back into her pocket. Now for the fun part.
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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by Sarina on February 28th, 2015, 2:34 pm
Sarina walked up to the blacksmith’s forge with a smirk lighting her features. By now the light was all but gone and Sarina paced the streets by the lights of candles streaming through windows. She was delighted to see the faint glow of warm embers in the fire of the forge. Sarina had never tried anything near blacksmithing before but she doubted this would need any delicate skill. She had seen her mother doing blacksmithing plenty of times but had never tried it herself. The thought of her mother made her slightly sad.
Walking up to the shop Sarina saw a few knives and other small weapons lying on the ground. They looked as though they had been missed as the blacksmith had hastily packed up, obviously to deal with his new prisoner.
As she grew closer to the first the smell of burning filled her nose. It smelled vaguely of the slag heap, though it lacked the pungent quality. Sarina was surprised that the weapons that had been left were still there. They were unguarded and a prime target for thieves.
Sarina bent over and carefully picked one of the knives. It was a simple knife with a leather hilt. The blade looked sharp and never used, as expected. She put the end of the knife into the smoldering fire. Walking over to the billows, she began pumping them as she had seen her mother do. With each gust of air, the embers glowed brighter then began fading again.
Sarina couldn’t be sure when the blade would be hot enough to work but she didn’t think it would need to be too hot. She looked around for something she could use to keep from burning herself. The hilt of the knife had been sticking out of the embers but Sarina didn’t doubt it had gotten warm.
Nearby she spotted a left over piece of leather Sarina thought was probably used to make the hilts of the blades. She grabbed it and used it to pick up the blade, making sure she kept the thick leather between herself and she weapon. The blade of the knife glowed a dim orange.
Sarina set the knife down on the anvil. She grabbed a large rod of metal that was set down nearby. With the end of the rod she began carving letters into the knife. It got progressively more difficult as the weapon cooled off. Sarina considered putting it back in the embers but Sarina worried that would mess up what she had already done. By the time she was on her last letter she practically just scratching the weapon to get her marks on.
When she was done she set the rod down. By now she had done away with the leather because the hilt had cooled down enough for her to hold comfortably. Looking down she admired her handy work in the dim light of the smoldering fire.
The words ‘Emerald Rose’ were scratched into the knife otherwise perfect surface.
Quickly she said the knife into the small crack between the billows and the support they were on. This way they wouldn’t work properly until they the knife was removed. Sarina then gathered all the weapons that were scattered across the ground and wrapped them up in the piece of cloth that covered the table were the man’s wares would be set out. There weren’t too many weapons left they were a heavy weight in Sarina’s make-shift bag.
Sarina smiled as she walked away. There was no way the black smith would know it was her unless he found what the name she goes by was which she doubted he would anytime soon.
Sarina made her way back toward her house. When she got there she was careful to keep out of sight of the window as she put the deep purple sack of weapons in the shadows of the alley next to her house. Then she made her way to the door of her house.
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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by Sarina on February 28th, 2015, 2:58 pm
As she approached the door Sarina could hear the voices of her captors inside. She couldn’t make out what they were saying only that they were saying something.
Without knocking she slowing turned the door handle and was delighted to see that the door wasn’t locked. Her mind was already racing through all the ways she could enter the room.
Pulling the door opened she stepped into the room. Her captors immediately stopped conversing and were now both staring at her. They were obviously looking to see if she had the bracelet. She saw that they had lit a fire in her hearth and it was glowing warmly illuminating the room.
“Hello,” She said breaking the silence that had filled the room.
“Do you have the bracelet?” The woman asked. Seriousness flooded her tone.
“I do.” Sarina said, pulling the silver bracelet out of her pocket and dangling it in front of the woman’s face. Hanna immediately snatched it up. She rubbed her finger over it as it reflected the warm glow of the fire light.
“Good, we will leave you now.” The woman rose from Sarina’s chair and brushed past her on her way out the door. The man followed close behind.
Sarina watched the pair leave and didn’t move herself until their voices had faded off into the distance. She then moved and took the sack of weapons she had taken from the alley and back into her house.
She smiled as looking over her earnings. The next day she would sell them and make back more money than the trouble that had been caused her today.
Common | Tukant | Ancient Tongue(Nader-canoch)

Sarina - The Emerald Rose
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