Una Nox Race: Human Gender: Female Birthday: 67th Day of The Season of Fall, 490 AV. Heightt: 5'6" Weight: 135 pounds Character Concept: „You can call me strong, you can call me weak, still your secrets i will keep“. Quite the straight forward type is what Una seems to strangers and newfound acquintances. Deep down inside she feels fears as well as doubts of an everyday life, but she just chooses not to let them show while she is surrounded by people. Ever the strong one when it came to character as well as various skills gave her a rather superior role to the kids of her age so over time she developed two primary characteristics when spending time with people. One of these is facing every single question with humour and jokes, while tackling them seriously none the less; And the other is her bossy nature. She was born to be a leader and she knows it. Quite arrogant at times, she still picks to be idle in most enviorments unless provoked by something. Being passionate about all aspects of life gave this girl a fiery temper, the more she cares, the more she struggles to claim victory over something. The temper is one of those things that she learned to control bit by bit over the years, still it was never fully subdued nor will it ever be. Falling in love with almost anyone who seemed gallant enough was quite a tear jerker in her early years, but over time she matured along with her tastes. Always keeping a cool head to judge the situations she never lets out of her iron grip is not a characteristic that just about anyone can notice easily, but when given some time around this hot tempered woman all of her actions start to make more and more sense. She was never a firm believer in taking roads that were set out in front of her feet and so she became a soul full of wishes for adventure, and filled her being with both courage and curiosity. These are the parts of her that she to this day holds as her greatest virtues, even though she will never speak of herself in a grand manner. When it comes to friends, Una really dislikes people being too close to her, as she hates to depend on others. Physically it’s ok, but mentally, someone as strong as her can hardly bring herself to be submissive enough in order for someone to shoulder her grief and shelter her from the inner storms she has from time to time. As she is mostly self sufficient, she gets lonely at times, and therefore can talk with pretty much anyone, just about anything, no matter the time or place. If anyone actually asked Una how much friends she has, they would probably get the answer „Never enough“; But when someone would ask her how many people can truly say they know her, all they would get is a piece of drifting silence as her presence becomes absent, distant and somewhat pitiful. She is always the pillar of every community she takes part in and gladly has people depending on her. When it comes to conversations, she prefers one on one moments, followed closely by small groups of friends, but she shuns down on any war party like sizes of the group. Ethics: „What we do in life, echoes in eternity“. Una lives and will one day die by the guiding principles of her existence. She respects life among other things and therefore will never kill anyone even though she has no problem seriously crippling someone for life. She believes that all problems can be solved, but that the ones solving them will not always like the solutions. The woman is driven to grant those around her an air of fairer and better existence and will never back down when facing a tough opponent. Believing in a peaceful solution does not leave her defenseless however, as she will not refrain from resorting to violence when there is no other way. She could never stand by idly as someone else undertook any form of major punishment or pain even if it was for a good reason. She is always either protective of the sinners or the one doing the actual judgement on them. Being but a simple watcher, a paserby… it is all too idle, actions are to be made for her guiding principle is that everyone is what they choose to be, no more and no less. Likes: „Ah, the joy of fantasy“… Being quite romantic by nature, Una has developed a soft spot for legends and stories of old. She also likes having eloquent conversations with people of admirable intelligence. She does not despise the stupid folk, she just does not find any common ground to stand on with them and therefore deems them „Not her type“ when it comes to making friends. Dislikes: „All people are equal, some just seem to be equally screwed“. What She dislikes more than anything is violence over women, as whenever she sees something like this taking place, no matter the reason or the consequences, she will most likely beat the person responsible to a bloody pulp, if she is given the advantage of the first strike that is. The only thing that follows closely to this in her eyes are weak willed people that shift their beliefs and truths in accordance to the wind that’s blowing around them. She also tends to dislike people that like creepers stick onto stronger individuals and let them carry the load of their sorrow. Even though she dislikes weak people, she will never bring herself to tell them and will act as if she gladly harbours any problems they did not manage to solve. Religion: „I believe in you and me. Mountains split in our path, for the human heart is a curious thing“. Una is devoted solely and completely do the goddess Priskil who she deems both a friend and an ally. Probably the only major cause she believes in is returning the heart of Aquiras from the back stabbing Sagalius. This is the one thing for what she would be willing to part with her life no matter the time or the place. She believes herself to be the sword of divine light that should spread the word of the greatness of Priskil in both times good and times bad. She would do quests for other gods as well but only if she was absolutely sure that it will either not hurt the cause of Priskil in any way or it will benefit it, even if it's just a little. A long time ago, Priskil was the one person she could turn to when she was in need of guidance and hope, she was a weak and pathetic, lonely creature. But through the wisdom and the kind nature of the goddess she came to know both courage and companionship. Physical Description: „Oh you can see me, yes, but can you truly hear me?“ Her slender figure is covered by simple woolen garments that consist of ankle length green trousers and a short sleeved red tunic. Her small feet are protected by simple boots of black leather that reach up to her knees. Covering over her back is a brown cloak that shelters her from the winds with a giant hood that lets her go by unseen when she wishes for such things. Being a mature woman, she is well rounded up as far as the curves are concerned and it is not irregular for someone to drop their daily business for a second, simply to take her measure. Soft and delicate, her pale hands are usually in the pockets of her trousers, and the pockets hide her long and thin fingers quite well. Her face is that of an everyday pretty girl, but the air around her is somewhat different. This is likely a side effect of her confidence. Skin with a bit more color than her arms covers the front of her head as two eyes that glimmer somewhere on the border between grey and blue make their nests there. Two Dark eyebrows arch over her eyes both equally small and equally apart from one another. Her face is completed with a small nose that takes a center spot on her face, with her cheeks blushing when it's cold and her long hair falling all the way to her cloaked shoulders. The funny thing about her hair is that no matter how you look at it, it seems to belong to both red and brown colors, depending on the light, and maybe, just maybe, that is a small token of difference from Priskil. Her lips are the last thing one notices about her, but not the least, not even by a long shot. Over her back a single gladius is strapped firmly in a diagonal manner, so she can easily use her left hand to draw it out in times of need. History: „Where I Once Were“ Una's parents were both traveling merchants, so their home was shifting places quite often in seek of new profits. Her father was a drunk, a well respected drunk, but still a drunk. He gambled quite often and quite lousy so they had one more reason for moving constantly, the loan sharks. Una was fine with the things the way they were for quite some time, until one day the debts caught up with them and her father was killed, but he took from them just enough time for his wife and daughter to escape safely with what money they had left. All of this has taken place in the area of Zeltiva and therefore she always harboured a serious disappeal to that city. The new life and what seemed to be a new hope was established in the grand city of Nyka, still not even that was of the longest duration. Her mother fell in love with a monk of Uphis, Rem was his name. He was acting quite alright while he did not know of the beauty Una held under her sway, but once that secret was out, his other, rather perverted side came out on top. One night while both him and her mother were drinking, he got out of bed just after the mother was asleep and headed for the young girl's bedroom. Una was always a light sleeper and so she sensed him as soon as he had entered the room. She might have been confused and drowsy, but still she could hear the metallic click of his sword as he was laying it down next to the door and the sound of clothes coming off. Why was he undressing? Quickly getting out of bed, Una stood up faced the man only to have a hand put over her face and than she was pushed to her knees by the dominant man. What Rem knew not and to this day must still regret is that Una was never the submissive one, not then, not ever. A loud scream went through the house as what little he had was now lost, Una quickly spat out the dirty thing, but it was going to take a while before the taste would fully disappear. Before the agonizing man could come back to his senses, Una quickly grabbed his sword and used it's hilt to exert judgement on the fool's right temple bone, his eye was probably gone for good after that one as well, but she never stuck around long enough to check. It was not even a full chime since the incident as her mother stormed into the room, only to go into a state of shock and blame her for everything. She could no longer stay, she knew it, so she knocked out her hysterical mother as well as she got herself cleaned up before dressing properly. She strapped the sword over her back and covered it up using a hood of the cloak she carries to this very day. Taking all the money she could find, she was determined to leave the cursed city forever. At the first chance of going through the open gate, she stole a horse that she later named Nox. She rode out of the city getting lost in the unknown area around it, and it was a long time from then that she finally came to the place she was now. Nox died while traversing the cliffs around Lhavit and so she started calling herself Una Nox in order to remember the sacrifice of the brave animal. It was not long after that and she had reached the floating city, hope coming back to her eyes after all she had for so long was what little light Priskil could spare her, she found that place to be her new home and lives there to this day. „The Choices I've Made“ Following Priskil :
Skills, Lores, Gnosis: „We are what we know“. Skills: Gladius: 26 (SP+RB) Leadership: 26 (SP) Wilderness Survival: 13 (SP) Socializing: 2 (XP) Unarmed Combat: 1 (XP) Deception: 1 (XP) Seduction 1 (XP) Lores: Never trust a monk of Uphis The pain of losing home, time and time again Somewhat Attractive Boys Guy Magnet Proposing Awkward Nights Needing to Be Alone Baring Her “Fangs” Vendaril’s Family Jewels Kissing Vendaril Men Are Stupid Gnosis: 1 mark (Priskil) Equipment And Possessions: „What i have and what i need are different things...“ - A 20x20 room in Solar Wind Apartments - Heirloom: The gladius that was taken from Rem - Ordinary starting package gear Ledger: „Just a bunch of reasons for them saying i have something to live off...“ 100 Kina (starting package) - 45 Kina (Living expenses for the season of Fall - Poor) - 1 Kina (Tea) Thread List: „What, who and where...“ [Mhakula Tea House]Peace And Quiet? You Wish... (Open) PIck Up Your Toys And Get Out of My sand (Vendaril) [Lhavit] Conflicting Friendships (Vendaril, Tao) [Shinyama Pavillon] May i enter? (Hyacinth) [Surya Plaza] My dog won't bite, but I will [Pain, Ennis] Nightlife (Open) |