Ryndra 'Stormwulf' Alvarez
Character History
Ryndra Alvarez was born to Marcus and Sophia Alvarez. Marcus and Sophia lived in a small village on the very outskirts of the Syliras domain. The village itself was in a great position, arable farmland land surrounded the village and food was plentiful. So much so that trade routes were made between the village and Syliras to ensure the city had a continued food supply. As such, it was decreed that at least a wing of Knights were always present in the village to help guide the Town Watch in the ways of defence. The village being as valuable as it was drew bandits, raiders and thieves to try and steal food. With the village only meant to be a stable housing area for the workers of the land, there was little in the way of defences. All the villagers learned to use weapons to help fend off would-be thieves. Some went so far as to set up the town-watch.
So it was, the scene was set for Ryndra to enter Mizahar. The Alvarez house was small but it was enough for the young couple. It consisted of three rooms. One bedroom upstairs, one room set aside as a living area and the final room was meant for preparing and storing food. The couple always had time for friends and the home was and still is a source of many happy memories for the family. They would spend long nights in front of the hearth sharing stories, singing and just enjoying themselves. The day they realised Sophia was pregnant with her child, it was a time of great happiness for the village. Nobody was more excited than Marcus who looked forward to fathering his first child. Sophia held fears that, if the child were a girl, Marcus would not be pleased with her.
Ryndra was born on a frostbitten morning during the second week of winter. Sophia looked to Marcus, worry on her face as she held her newborn in her arms. She confessed her feelings to Marcus who smiled as he always did to her, warming her heart. She knew before he spoke any words that she need not worry. Marcus was a loving husband and now father, he promised to look after his daughter and teach her everything she needed to know.
Marcus kept to his word. He was second in command of the Town Watch and Ryndra looked up to him. By the time she was able to walk, she had watched her father train and it wasn’t long before Ryndra was ‘practising her skills’ with sticks. Ryndra was by no means a child who sought fights. Her mother instilled humility in her and her father compassion. She had an air of confidence around her but was never over-confident.
Ryndra grew up around boys who sought to make fun of her and the other girl of the village. Ryndra was the youngest of them all but never took the jests of the boys to heart unlike the girl who eventually turned timid. Every once in a while, one would challenge Ryndra to a ‘duel’. They used sticks to fight with and more often than not Ryndra would win. But rather than boast, she would always congratulate her opponent. This carried with her up until she was a woman.
Ryndra helped where she could whilst still under her parents’ watchful eyes. Be it helping out on the land, fixing damage done by any raids on the village or preparing meals for those who worked in the fields and stood watch during the day. Ryndra’s compassion and love for those around her always astounded both Sophia and Marcus but they were proud of their daughter.
When she reached the age of eighteen, like everyone in the village, it was her turn to start work in the fields. However, Ryndra turned to her father and asked if she could join the Town Watch. The question shocked her Mother who protested her decision. But if there was one thing her Mother hadn’t counted on was Ryndra’s sheer determination. Eventually, her Mother realised that Ryndra’s heart was set. Marcus had no choice but to test his daughter’s skills in combat.
She was given a training blade and faced off against the Sergeant Knight at the time. Ryndra’s skill was a blade was something to behold. She moved with the grace and elegance of a cat but her lightning strikes caught even the Knight off guard. The Knight, of course, bested Ryndra but she earned his respect in the process. Ryndra went on to earn her keep with the Watch several times. But her greatest moment happened merely a few seasons ago.
A small raiding party attacked the village, intent upon taking the fresh food supplies that had been gathered. The Barbarians would have succeeded if not for the Knights and the Watch. Several buildings were left burning as they searched for the food stores. The Barbarians were ferocious felling three of the Knights from the wing and many of the Watch. In a last ditch effort to buy the villagers time to escape, the last two Knights and several members of the Watch formed a shield wall around the entrance to the stores. As the Barbarians charged, Ryndra broke rank in a reckless counter-attack. Her small size allowed her to get amonst and disrupt the remaining attackers. Her skill and agility was evident and she herself slew several Barbarians. Not even the berserker’s fury matched Ryn’s. The speed at which his smaller opponent struck actually seemed to phase him, however, Ryndra was struck down by another barbarian, unable to defend herself against two opponents. But it was all the rest of the watch needed to strike back and repel the barbarians from their small village.
The village believe in the Gods themselves. But as has been passed down through generations of family traditions, they tell stories of mythical animals. Each of the animals symbolises an element of the world. The Storm Wolf, The Fire Bird, The Ice Lion to name but a few. Ryndra took the name Stormwulf as the stories of the animal seemed to match her personality. The Storm Wolf was a calm creature until it was roused into action. Out of the calm sky, a raging storm would strike, smiting the Wolf's foes. Once its job had been done, it vanished into the calm sky once more.
Eager to prove herself further, she studied the Knights and the god Tyeth long into the night and trained throughout day in hopes of becoming stronger to help better protect the village she had left behind.