[Location] The Gallows

The final destination for those that wind up afoul of Sunberth's mobs.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

Moderator: Morose

[Location] The Gallows

Postby Monarch on February 8th, 2015, 10:55 pm



There is not a man or beast alive that can tame the city of Sunberth. No army can bring it to heel, no kingdom can subdue its spirit...and no one can ever rule it. However, throughout the pages of history there are tales of those who have attempted to seize the freedom of Sunberth away from its people. Some have known a small shred of success whilst others have been decimated overnight. Yet, despite the best efforts of numerous, the people of Sunberth will never bend or bow to anyone...

...and they are not afraid to rise up to put down a threat.

Such is the purpose of the Gallows: a solemn reminder to all men of what is most sacred in Sunberth. Power, wealth, and even survival are secondary to the spirit of freedom; and this simple structure of wood and rope is a reflection of this collective thought. Should any man be foolish enough to attempt to seize power, the denizens of the city will be quick to rise up against him. They will snatch the fool from his bed and drag him out into the streets, where he will meet his ultimate demise at the end of a rope.

So a word of warning to all who tread the streets of Sunberth: Beware! Beware tyrants! Beware revolutionaries! Beware to all those who would seek to control or change the most free city in the known world! Try to snatch that which belongs to the people and you will meet a swift end; for the Mob will seize you and the Gallows will end you.

ImageName: Morsare
Race: Nuit
DoB: Winter 45, 400 AV (114 years old)
PoB: Sahova
Title: Mistress of the Gallows
Skills: Intimidation (65), Embalming (53), Undertaking (46)
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: There is very little about the mysterious Morsare. No man knows where she comes from, but all are familiar with her face. When the mobs swarm and bring their victim to the Gallows, it is she who first takes the stage. According to the cries of the people, she announces the sins of the accused...before pulling the lever that extinguishes their existence. She is, quite literally, the final face that Mob victims see before being slain. Depending upon the mood of the crowds, she may or may not be left with the body to do as she pleases. However, there are times when the Mob feels the need to burn what remains upon the Slag Heap; which is perfectly fine with her. In the event that there is a body left after the looting is done, she will take it upon herself to carry it off. No one knows where she takes the corpses, yet most assume the Dust Bed...while others speculate that she dresses them and sends them straight to Sahova.

Immediately after an execution, players are free to indulge in the most primal of Sunberth's practices. After drawing his or her last breath, the body is cut down and tosses to the masses; where it is then looted of everything of value. From jewelry, to clothing, and the occasional tooth: all is up for grabs in this barbaric display. Players participating in this event must exercise care...for the risk of being trampled as the crowds rush the body is quite high.

Credit :
Credit to AS Avarice
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Did it for the juggles.
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Joined roleplay: May 7th, 2011, 1:32 am
Location: Sunberth
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