Kavala worried about Dhanya, but the simple fact was the kelvic wouldn't open up to her. The Kelvic didn't trust her enough to even talk to her about any of her problems, and Kavala simply didn't understand why. The Konti had shown her nothing but hospitality and welcome, giving her a place to stay and a chance to rest after the birth of her children. Kavala didn't push her, but she hoped perhaps with Descant's presence in Sanctuary, maybe Dhanya would open up to him or Mao or perhaps one of the others. The Konti could feel her pain, her tangible sense of loss and fear and need for privacy. Kavala respected that. But it was still a bit painful for the Konti that the woman wouldn't trust her.
So Kavala gave her time and offered Dhanya a smile that seemed to say
"I'll be here if you do ever need to talk." It wasn't as if Kavala could truly help her. She wasn't looking to do anything but provide shelter for those that needed it. The Konti didn't consider herself bondmate material at all, not as a Nakivak.
So she sighed, looked thoughtful, and got on with Descant's bath. Kavala dug right in, not shy at all to clean out Descant's hair and make sure he was pest free. When the washcloth went unattended too as well as the soap, Kavala took them from his hands and gently set to work on the rest of his body. As she worked she talked to him quietly, her voice gentle. At first she only started out with simple things, like the weather, how well the grass and gardens had grown this year, and then started in on describing the other people that worked and lived at Sanctuary.
"There's a falconer here by the name of Raiha. I'd like you to meet her. She's an Akontak which means shes half konti half akalak. Her skin is blue and her hair is white and she looks so lovely that it'd take your breath away. She doesn't deal with people well, but she loves animals and they find her just as fascinating. She has three bondmates, companions, a bear, eagleowl and a falcon. They come and go though, so I am not sure how strong their kelvic bonds with her are. She's soft spoken but has two personalities like the Akalak." Kavala said gently.
"One's very gentle, but the other one is more fierce. You'll need to watch for her. Raiha will make sure she isn't too hard on you, but she does like to fight." The Konti said.
"Aweston is the stable hand and hes free to be anywhere here he wants. He also teaches riding and grooms. " Kavala said, going on to describe a little more about the stablehand and his mannerisms. She'd washed Descants face, neck and chest up until now, and had started on each arm.
"My sister Akela lives here too. She looks like me but is very handy with a sword. Her humor is over the top and I think you'll really like her good natured attitude. She kinda thinks if things are too big of a problem, her sword can solve it." Kavala said, her cloth taking care of his back and moving down to wash his stomach and more intimate parts.
"There's a few more kelvics here - Mao and Flick. They come and go as they please sometimes staying here at night but often times staying wherever it is they want too. I like them both, though Mao is a bit of a fighter being a jaguar and Flick can be easily swayed to mischief being a fennec fox." Kavala said thoughtfully. She'd finished the most embarrassing parts as she told Descant more about the two kelvics she knew the most of, leaving Raiha's trio for Raiha to introduce to Descant.
Kavala started on his legs now, which meant she had to bend way over the tub and scrub getting herself as wet as Descant was. She was particularly interested in inspecting his feet, knowing that most slaves weren't given shoes and there might be problems there. As she did so, Kavala spoke about other residents, from the patchwork cat named Patches to her dog and to the one-eyed owl overhead. Finally she spoke about Hatot.
"There are Akalak here too. Sorian roams in and roams out at will, and hes half feral but you might run into him from time to time. Just give him a lot of patience and you'll be fine. The other resident that you'll be seeing a lot of is Hatot and Radris. They both occupy the same body, and are my Talvis." Kavala wasn't quite sure how to explain what a Talvis was to Descant, but it still was important that she tell him. Instead she showed him the silver bracelet on her wrist, one that had no sign of a way to remove it or unlock it. In fact, it looked a lot like a symbolized manacle.
"I'm a Nakivak, which means the city of Riverfall owns me and my life until such a time as I pay off my debt. I've made arrangements to pay off my debt - which was my life - to Riverfall via Hatot. I am his Nakivak and he is my Talvis, which means patron. The Akalak have no females of their race, so they must use other races females, such as myself and humans or kelvics, to reproduce. That's why all the female kelvics were being sent here that you were shipped with. They are going to be used for breeding, just like I am. The Akalaks saved my life because I was captured by slavers who intended to sell me to the zith for food or pleasure. They rescued me, and this is how I'm going to repay my debt." Kavala said softly, finishing on trimming one of his toenails and then releasing his leg to work on the other.
"Hatot is a friend though, so its not a hard burden to bare. He's a good friend too, so you will see him take liberties and stay with us a lot. It is his right and my obligation and I am glad to fulfill it." Kavala wasn't certain Descant understood, but she hoped he could. She'd already explained the rules of Sanctuary to him... and he knew he was welcome to stay yet could move about as he pleased and be free to roam as he wanted too. All he needed to do was contribute something eventually after he'd rested, healed, and felt stronger inside. Until then, they'd care for him completely.
When she was done, Kavala gave the drain plug a tug, pulled fresh towels out of the shelving, and a bathrobe as well. She asked Descant to stand up, gave him a good final rinse from an urn of stored warm water, as the water drained, and handed him a towel.
"Go on, dry yourself off then put this on..." She offered the robe.
"I have a feeling your going to want to sleep for hours. Have you had enough to eat?" She asked, not wanting him to sleep hungry.
"I'll show you where we keep the food too so if you get hungry between meals you can find something there." Kavala said, leading him to the veranda now, an outside meeting place where most of Sanctuary gathered.
"Is there anything else you want to talk about or ask questions about?" She asked, curiously.