13th Spring, 502AV
The Docks
The Docks
Her mother had been whoring herself out again. It was not a surprise; the previous day Kinsha had been in a cold sweat, clawing at her forearms like she always did when she needed a hit.
The first time she watched her mother self-harm, Shakune had been terrified. Her arms were streaked with blood, her fingernails filthy with her own skin. When the young Shakune had asked what her mother needed, Kinsha had practically thrown a leather purse full of coins to her daughter and ordered her to meet with a friend. The man had been itchy, his skin marked with numerous pocks and scratches similar to the ones Kinsha inflicted on herself. He'd snatched the purse straight from Shakune and given her a smaller bag, told her petch off.
The girl had been terrified on her walk back home. East Street was far from the classiest place in the city, but she had never before socialised with a person who looked so unstable, so dangerous. The drug dealer had looked at her with hungry eyes that had stared straight through Shakune. By the time she returned to her mother, she was almost crying. But Kinsha had not cared. She had taken the drugs off her daughter, snorted them into her system and eventually fell asleep. Shakune had had to learn how to comfort herself. She was a pro at it now.
Kinsha used to work at the brothel, but last season another woman had visited their home and had a screaming match with Shakune's mother. She accused Kinsha of betraying her, of soiling her business and trying to steal her clients. Shakune remembered one phrase in particular that the other woman had said to her mother: "I will not let a drug-whore fuck her way into an early grave in the name of my business. You are no longer welcome to work for me."
Since then, Kinsha had been even more psychologically unstable. Men started to visit at night, and Shakune would hear as her mother had sex with them in the kitchen or living room. They would grunt and moan together for several chimes, some called her mother a bitch or a whore as they fucked, but eventually the man would cry out, coins would hit the table, and the house gust would leave. A few times the sounds were more violent, as if someone was punching a bag of flour in the kitchen. On three occasions Kinsha had entertained two or more men at once. In those instances, her mother would come and join Shakune in the bedroom to sleep for the rest of the night. Otherwise she would only come into the bedroom just before Shakune rose in the morning.
She felt no pity for her mother now. Kinsha had wasted her life away. Her pregnancy - the one that had resulted in Shakune - may have started her downfall, but Kinsha had turned self-destructive. She cared about nothing other than her drugs, not even her only daughter.
Shakune wished she could leave. But the Orphanage was too busy with other tragic children, and she had no family in the city to stay with. Living with her mother had stolen a lot from Shakune; namely her patience, tolerance and sympathy. It had also taken her childhood, but she was still too young to truly appreciate that fact.
But living with Kinsha did provide some things: a roof over her head, a bed, and the chance to steal a few coins from her mother when Kinsha was passed out from her drugs. Shakune squirreled the money away in a purse stuffed under her mattress. So far, she had collected about fifty gold coins, and a handful of smaller coppers. It wasn't much, but one day that money would pay for Shakune's passage out of Zeltiva, and away from her mother.
She also had a job at the Market gutting fish. It paid relatively well when it could, and more importantly it ensured Shakune ate at least one hot meal a day. She had long stopped sharing the food with Kinsha, who would only throw it up after snorting or injecting herself. She wasn't quite sure how her mother survived, but surprisingly, she did.
The first time she watched her mother self-harm, Shakune had been terrified. Her arms were streaked with blood, her fingernails filthy with her own skin. When the young Shakune had asked what her mother needed, Kinsha had practically thrown a leather purse full of coins to her daughter and ordered her to meet with a friend. The man had been itchy, his skin marked with numerous pocks and scratches similar to the ones Kinsha inflicted on herself. He'd snatched the purse straight from Shakune and given her a smaller bag, told her petch off.
The girl had been terrified on her walk back home. East Street was far from the classiest place in the city, but she had never before socialised with a person who looked so unstable, so dangerous. The drug dealer had looked at her with hungry eyes that had stared straight through Shakune. By the time she returned to her mother, she was almost crying. But Kinsha had not cared. She had taken the drugs off her daughter, snorted them into her system and eventually fell asleep. Shakune had had to learn how to comfort herself. She was a pro at it now.
Kinsha used to work at the brothel, but last season another woman had visited their home and had a screaming match with Shakune's mother. She accused Kinsha of betraying her, of soiling her business and trying to steal her clients. Shakune remembered one phrase in particular that the other woman had said to her mother: "I will not let a drug-whore fuck her way into an early grave in the name of my business. You are no longer welcome to work for me."
Since then, Kinsha had been even more psychologically unstable. Men started to visit at night, and Shakune would hear as her mother had sex with them in the kitchen or living room. They would grunt and moan together for several chimes, some called her mother a bitch or a whore as they fucked, but eventually the man would cry out, coins would hit the table, and the house gust would leave. A few times the sounds were more violent, as if someone was punching a bag of flour in the kitchen. On three occasions Kinsha had entertained two or more men at once. In those instances, her mother would come and join Shakune in the bedroom to sleep for the rest of the night. Otherwise she would only come into the bedroom just before Shakune rose in the morning.
She felt no pity for her mother now. Kinsha had wasted her life away. Her pregnancy - the one that had resulted in Shakune - may have started her downfall, but Kinsha had turned self-destructive. She cared about nothing other than her drugs, not even her only daughter.
Shakune wished she could leave. But the Orphanage was too busy with other tragic children, and she had no family in the city to stay with. Living with her mother had stolen a lot from Shakune; namely her patience, tolerance and sympathy. It had also taken her childhood, but she was still too young to truly appreciate that fact.
But living with Kinsha did provide some things: a roof over her head, a bed, and the chance to steal a few coins from her mother when Kinsha was passed out from her drugs. Shakune squirreled the money away in a purse stuffed under her mattress. So far, she had collected about fifty gold coins, and a handful of smaller coppers. It wasn't much, but one day that money would pay for Shakune's passage out of Zeltiva, and away from her mother.
She also had a job at the Market gutting fish. It paid relatively well when it could, and more importantly it ensured Shakune ate at least one hot meal a day. She had long stopped sharing the food with Kinsha, who would only throw it up after snorting or injecting herself. She wasn't quite sure how her mother survived, but surprisingly, she did.