“You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”
-Jack London
Looking for a place to submit wages or request a moderated thread in Alvadas? Please don't look any further! No, really, don't look any further. You won't find it.
Job Requests
Name: For the sake of my sanity. Job: What do you want to do? Wages: How much are you getting for it? (Please note I will double check these to account for accuracy as well as competency bonuses) Relevant Skills: Please list at least one or more applicable skills Location of Employment: Many jobs allow for a stall or small area in the Bizarre, while others might require you to work at a specific location |
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Seasonal Wages Requests
While technically I cannot award wages, please post your requests down below and I will get them sorted and send you a confirmation PM that they have been awarded!
Name: For the sake of my sanity. Job: What are you doing? Wages: How much are you getting for it? (Please note I will double check these to account for accuracy as well as competency bonuses) Job Threads (2): Please have at least two finished job threads! Seasonal Experience Threads: Any threads pertaining to your job that aren't your job per say? Post them here along with a short summary under the links and we'll see if seasonal experience can't be awarded! |
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Moderation Requests
As of 09/01/15: All PCs will be given only one moderated thread at a time (not per season). Upon completion of a moderated thread, that PC is then eligible for another thread until completion and so on. PCs who do not finish their moderated threads will not be given different threads, please keep this in mind.
Moderated threads should be avenues to explore your character and challenge yourself as both a writer and a roleplayer! Do not ask for a moderated thread if you do not intend to finish it. Please do your best to reply as quickly as you are able to, and I will try to do the same.
Moderated threads should be avenues to explore your character and challenge yourself as both a writer and a roleplayer! Do not ask for a moderated thread if you do not intend to finish it. Please do your best to reply as quickly as you are able to, and I will try to do the same.
Name: For the sake of my sanity. Thread Type: A quest? A prompt? A PvP situation? Desired Rewards: Skills? Lores? Items both mundane and magical? Summary: I would like an explanation as to why (on rewards especially) as well as anything else you would like to share! |
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Please be aware: Just because something is requested doesn't mean it will be rewarded. I am more than happy to weave or work on a plot with you, but unless you go through the steps IC to gain both reward and punishment, it won't be handed to you!
Gnosis Quest Requests
As a DS, I am able to run Gnosis quests along with god appearances and interventions within my domain. There are, however, prerequisites that I will insist on before I can run a Gnosis quest.
1. You must have completed a moderated thread with me.
2. You must have prior HD approval before asking me to run a thread.
3. You must not already be in the process of another Gnosis or god/dess related thread.
Aside from these three absolutes, I would prefer a PC have at least two other completed threads within my domain and have at least 50 posts. Gnosis quests can be a lengthy and time consuming process (and rightly so!), so I believe that they should be approached as such.
Finally, I would like to place a preemptive caveat here, as the word "favoritism" has been thrown about far more than it should lately. If you put in the work, the time, and the effort, I will reward you, because that is my job and the reason I wanted to ST in the first place. If I see dedication and hard work put into posts and can tangibly feel the effort a player is putting into the development of their PC, don't be surprised if I put in an HD request myself. Be proactive. Write what you want to write for the sake of the story, and you'll find that the story will write back.
1. You must have completed a moderated thread with me.
2. You must have prior HD approval before asking me to run a thread.
3. You must not already be in the process of another Gnosis or god/dess related thread.
Aside from these three absolutes, I would prefer a PC have at least two other completed threads within my domain and have at least 50 posts. Gnosis quests can be a lengthy and time consuming process (and rightly so!), so I believe that they should be approached as such.
Finally, I would like to place a preemptive caveat here, as the word "favoritism" has been thrown about far more than it should lately. If you put in the work, the time, and the effort, I will reward you, because that is my job and the reason I wanted to ST in the first place. If I see dedication and hard work put into posts and can tangibly feel the effort a player is putting into the development of their PC, don't be surprised if I put in an HD request myself. Be proactive. Write what you want to write for the sake of the story, and you'll find that the story will write back.
Name: For the sake of redundancy. God/dess: Will you brave the depths of Laviku's oceans? Perhaps dance in the twisted mischief of Ionu's playground? Pick your poison, as they say. Mark Level: A single mark? The second? Dare I say a third? Special Requests: Expectations? PC fears/dreams? Anything you think might be relevant, please include it here. |
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