Rather than keep posting vlogs in my scrap, I figured I would shuffle myself over to this forum and make them easier to find!
I apologise in advance (and probably throughout as well) for how rambly, distracted, and long-winded I can get in some of these... wild horses drag my thoughts all over the place some of the time, and who knows where I end up. I'm trying, though! Hopefully the rambles will subside over time! Please feel free to shoot me comments (especially if they are weird / nonsensical) - the more questions I have, the less lost and confused I get!
My first four vlogs are over in my scrap, and they're also linked in the little index listy thingy down yonder (I really like listy thingies)... so unless the laws of mathematics changed since I wrote this, the first one you come across in this thread should be #5!