[Unverified] Keris Rowe

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Keris Rowe

Postby Keris on February 23rd, 2015, 4:52 am

Keris Rowe


Race: Inarta –Human
Caste: Dret
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty One
Birthday: Day 14, Season of Fall, 493AV
Birthplace: Wind Reach

Keris has dark burgundy hair that sits atop of his head in an unruly mess that is a constant state of bedhead. He stands roughly at 5’10” or 177.8 cm and weights about 150lbs. His eyes are a golden-amber, a darker color outlining the pupil. His expression can usually described as stoic, narrowed eyes and mostly accusing. Frankly, he seems unapproachable.

Despite being only 177.8 cm, his posture causes him to look a bit taller than he is. Keris is hardly ever known to slouch or seem hunched over. He stands tall, normally watching his surroundings like a hawk. One feature about Keris is his freckles, which are sprinkled across his nose and cheeks and even a few on his forehead. While he thinks they give him a childish look, many people seem to find them appealing. Keris doesn’t really care for his appearance, not saying he’s unhygienic, but he never dresses to impress. He generally is known to wear things based off of how useful they are rather than it being stylish. This makes his sense in clothing seem somewhat bland, in contrast to his appearance.

While he doesn’t wear extravagant clothing, Keris does have an interest in body art (Tattoos) and piercings. Though due to his little to none income, he currently only has one earring that adorns the cartilage in his right ear, which is a simple silver ring. He is also always seen with a woven bracelet on his dominant hand’s wrist.

Character Concept

If his outward appearance makes him seem unfriendly, his attitude helps him none. The Inarta can be described as reserved and ultimately cynical. Anything coming from his lips is normally laced with sarcasm or comes off condescending and hardly ever genuine. Because of this, Keris is rarely seen with another, most finding him too rude or blunt to keep decent company. Keris is impulsive and hot-headed, hardly ever thinking things through before acting.

While he seems hostile, Keris normally will stop and intervene if he sees someone being harmed. He doesn’t think, just acts. Due to his history, he feels the need to defend people who get dealt a bad hand. Whether they be a knight or a criminal, he will defend the one being hurt. Though, if he does in some way help, do not expect him to stay for a thank you, as he will leave once he is sure you’re okay.

While Keris comes off as reserved and broody, once you get to know him he can be a loyal friend. Trust is something Keris hardly ever comes by, so he’s normally skeptical of genuine kindness and the like, but if you push hard enough, and stay long enough, Keris will help in any way he can and be there till the end.

Once you get past that wall and have his trust, you will come to realize that behind his reserved arrogance, Keris is much like a child. He has trouble understanding things by simply being explained them due to a learning disability, and he stubborn as all hell. Which generally means he refuses asking any questions and trying to understand it by himself. This has gotten him in trouble before. His quick temperedness and impulsive actions don’t help him either.

Character History

Born as the bastard child of an artisan man and a drudge woman, Keris was raised by the commoners in Wind Reach. While he never knew his actual parents, he learned early on that he wasn’t like the other children. Many of the adults looked down upon him, as well as the other kids. The family that raised him treated him with disdain until he was put with the rest of the youth.

Keris never got along with the other children, he always fought with them. The older kids made him a target of their harassments when they found him fighting one of the younger kids. Up until the older kids had left the youth, he was constantly seen with cuts and injuries due to the older teens’ “pranks”.

Because of his learning disability, most of the adults were certain he would be placed with the drudges, normally calling him slow and too distracted to do anything of value. While he was still young, Keris knew they looked down on him and he resented it, thus causing him to leave when he was nineteen.

When he was of age Keris took everything he had, even stole a few things so that he could leave Wind Reach. The stolen merchandise was later sold except for one earring that he now wears. He vowed that he would never go back, and so far he has kept that vow.


Fluent Language: Nari
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: N/A


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Wilderness Survival 5 SP #5 Novice
Stealth 7 SP #7Novice
Tracking 5 SP #5 Novice
Agility6 SP #6 Novice
Endurance7 SP #7 Novice
Climbing 5 SP #5 Novice
Brawling 5 SP #5 Novice
Cooking 5 SP #5 Novice
Hunting5 SP #5 Novice
Weapon: recurve bow 10 SP #10 Novice*

*Racial perk


Lore on Learning Disablities
Lore on Birds Of Prey


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

He has an earring that he planned to sell but instead pierced his cartilage and wore it instead.It is a silver band, tiny carvings of birds and feathers adorn the earring.


Location: Syrilas

1 basic 20x20 single room apartment (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

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Last edited by Keris on February 25th, 2015, 2:43 am, edited 9 times in total.
If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh.
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Keris Rowe

Postby Keris on February 23rd, 2015, 11:16 pm


General Information

What is your Name?
My name is Keris Rowe, obviously enough.
Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
Pet names are childish, and do I look like a child?
How old are you?
I am twenty-one years old.
What is your height?
I stand at a tall 5’10”. Yes, tall.
What is your weight?
I weigh about 150. Why do you ask such questions?


Describe yourself as you see yourself.
Describe myself? It’s rather hard to describe someone who doesn’t know exactly what they are, wouldn’t you say?
Describe yourself as others typically see you.
I don’t know how they see me. Why don’t you ask them?
What is your favorite body feature?
Favorite body feature. Maybe my eyes? Hell, I don’t know.
How physically fit are you?
I’d say I’m fit. Not fit to the point where I could throw boulders, but I’m agile if that counts for anything.
How do you typically dress and what is your style?
I dress in clothes that is good for my needs. I don’t really care if it’s pretty, if it doesn’t suit what I need I don’t want it.


Who are your parents and what are they like?
I’d rather not talk about them.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
What is your extended family like?
Horrible, for the most part.
Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
Poke, poke, poke. ‘Tell me all about yourself!’ is this what this is?
Do you treat animals like family?
Next subject?


Where were you born?
I was born in Wind Reach.
Where do you live now?
I live in the Stormhold Castle of Syliras
If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?
Anywhere but Wind Reach. I plan on never returning.
Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
I do spend a lot of time sitting in trees. I find it most peaceful and calming to be above the rest.
Where do you fear to be?
Isn’t that obvious?


Do you have any physical weaknesses
Physical? No, none that I can think of. I mean, I have a few scars but I wouldn’t call them a weakness.
Are you right handed or left handed?
Left handed. It’s so infuriating though because if you’re not careful you smudge the ink you were writing with and- it’s a hassle.
What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
I speak Nari and then Common. I try to speak more common though because I’d rather leave my heritage behind.
Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
Oh yes. I crack my knuckles a lot, and it’s always so loud.I also play with bracelet when I feel anxious? Why am I even telling you any of this?
Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them)?
I only have one piercing, but I do plan on getting more, as well as a tattoo. But the reason behind it is a bit personal.


What is your occupation?
Oh. I’m currently unemployed. Well, I haven’t taken any jobs yet.
Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
Depends on the job, doesn’t it? I mean, I get paid either way, so I’m not one to complain.
If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
I don’t know, rich?
What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
I don’t really admire any job. But I suppose I do find some interest in spies and whatnot.
What occupation do you least like? Why?
Definitely anything of hard labor, or tossed down to those in the slums.


What sort of child were you?
Ha, well I wasn’t a very good one. Rebellious, angry. I blamed everyone for anything I could, and loved to get into fights with the other kids.
What is your favorite memory from childhood?
Hm. My favorite memory as a child was when I had a conversation with a merchant. He loved telling anyone who’d listen stories of his travelling. And that was when I knew I’d much rather see the world then stay in Wind Reach.
What is your worst memory from childhood?
That’s not something I’d like to talk about.
What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
Again, not my favorite subject.
Who was your most influential rolemodel?
Myself. You don’t really get to look up to people when the rest look down on you.


What sort of education do you have?
Oh goody, my favorite thing to talk about. I have a basic knowledge of most things. And that’s that.
Do you like/dislike learning?
I hate learning. It takes forever.
Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
Self-taught. Not many see the point in putting effort into a bastard, right?
How do you learn best?
Hands on experience. I have trouble understanding if it’s just explained to me.
What are your educational goals for the future?
You mean you want me to learn more?
If history is to change, let it change. If the world is to be destroyed, so be it. If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh.
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Just a nobody
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