Woah Woah!
What is this? Shimoje is using a boxcode? Yep, you guessed right! I am back from the field!!!
So for those of you who didn't know. I am military, more precisely I am in the United States Army, stationed here in Ft Carson, Co. Lovely place, a lot of nature, a lot of mountains, and a lot more trying to catch your breath... both from the view, and from the high elevation!
During this field exercise you are tasked with setting up a CP (control point) to defend and prevent enemies from crossing a said boundary. I belong to what is called a BSB (Brigade Support Battalion), but sadly we are an infantry division. Due to this we will often practice for the worst, and that is what happened during this Field Problem. We were being attacked multiple times a day by a variety of different forces. I can't go into too much detail here, but just know it is a lot of work!
I have some pictures if you would like to see some of what occurred out there, of course it won't show you everything, like how the FOB was set up or a variety of different intel which is usually a no-no in sharing! Enjoy!
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