1 - I'm going to be working on clearing out the grade queue soon and getting it up to snuff.
2 - I'll also be doing some reorganizing of the main page. I'm not changing things for Syliras, just organizing to make it easier to find things. If there are any thoughts on this I'd love to hear them, considering you all are going to be the ones effected by the change.
3 - I'm working on cleaning up the Wages/Jobs and Seasonal Experience with the aide of Prophet.
Needless to say Syliras is getting a proverbial mop and broom.
Total sidenote... I had a couple thoughts I wanted to share. Knights! So the city is generally centered around the knighthood, I want to figure out what would make the Knighthood more appealing to move onward and upward, albeit with anything it does require time and effort. I'd love to see Knights building keeps or housing (or anyone for that matter), I also want to see Squires completing their Knighthood Quest. I've asked the aide of fellow STs who have generously stepped up to make this process of the Knighting Quests slightly smoother. I would really enjoy feedback from anyone on what they would like to see around the city, being developed, what is useful/what isn't.
Thanks guys!