However I remembered something a couple days back when I was taking a nap. The lore on Unarmed Combat states this:
The master of unarmed combat is without equal. Their entire body is a natural weapon of death. With but a touch to the right part of an opponent's body, the master can paralyze or even kill.
Also Flux says this:
Nerves connect the physical body with the astral body - Djed flows through these neural pathways in order to transmit orders to the limbs. With effort, this energy powering the nerves can be harnessed and manipulated.
So, this leads me to my question: can one with Master Unarmed Combat make use of precise blows to block or disrupt these Djed-nerves? For example you strike the arm of an opponent in multiple spots so enough of the Djed-nerves are hit and the opponent can't use it anymore for a while? Kind of akin to detaching the astral body from the physical one with projection, though only without actually detaching the bodies, just blocking/disrupting the djed-pathways. Or is that just impossible?
I thought that perhaps it could be done, since in Miz things are not the same as they are IRL, and while pressure points may or may not exist here -perhaps only in comics and such- they might exist in Miz?