If you plan on threading in Sunberth this season, register in this thread first.
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Xavior Silhouette on April 15th, 2015, 11:59 pm
Character Registration: Spring, 515- PC Name: Xavior Silhouette
- Race, Age, & Sex: Ethaefal, 13, male
- Occupation: Beggar
- Length of Stay: Long time inhabitant
- Residence: Usually found at Temple Of The Unknown
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: None, but would love to get affiliated with Night's Eye Down the line.
- Likes to Thread About: Social threads, adventures.
- Dislikes to Thread About: Depends
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Possible intelligence gathering as well as a lead to becoming a part of Night's Watch.
- Willing to Guest Moderate: If asked, sure.
- Additional Comments:
Life is what you make of it. Why not make it a piece of art that lasts till the end of time?

Xavior Silhouette - Player
- Posts: 183
- Words: 195782
- Joined roleplay: January 10th, 2012, 3:58 pm
- Race: Ethaefal
- Character sheet
- Storyteller secrets
- Plotnotes
by Slaughter on April 16th, 2015, 4:25 pm
SlaughterCharacter Registration: Spring, 515- PC Name: Slaughter
- Race, Age, & Sex: Zith, 13, male
- Occupation: Kill things/be Zith
- Length of Stay: Indefinite
- Residence:
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: Not yet
- Likes to Thread About: Things happening - action or characters affecting each other, change occurring as a process of the thread
- Dislikes to Thread About: Long threads that have gone essentially nowhere because both characters remained unchanged
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Not IC, no, though I would like to participate in some group threads if the mods set one up
- Willing to Guest Moderate: Absolutely

Slaughter - Fear is the greatest weapon
- Posts: 38
- Words: 33554
- Joined roleplay: April 14th, 2015, 12:49 am
- Location: Sunberth, Sylira
- Race: Zith
- Character sheet
- Storyteller secrets
by Dread on April 17th, 2015, 2:42 am
Character Registration: Spring, 515 - PC Name: Dread
- Race, Age, & Sex: Zith, 3, Male
- Occupation: Rogue Prankster. [Too young to have a job.]
- Length of Stay: Indefinitely
- Residence:
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: None yet.
- Likes to Thread About: Pretty much anything!
- Dislikes to Thread About: Pretty much nothing!
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Possibly, but maybe not.
- Willing to Guest Moderate: No, not until I gain more experience.
- Additional Comments: PM me if you want to thread!

Dread - The Imp
- Posts: 9
- Words: 1423
- Joined roleplay: April 16th, 2015, 10:14 pm
- Race: Zith
- Character sheet
by Quinten on April 22nd, 2015, 10:33 am
Character Registration: Spring, 515- PC Name: Quinten Rutherford
- Race, Age, & Sex: Human, 25, Male
- Occupation: Beggar/Informant
- Length of Stay: Indefinitely
- Residence: His apartment in the Sunset Quarter
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: Not yet.
- Likes to Thread About: Manipulation/strategy.
- Dislikes to Thread About: Fighting... for now
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Participation in group threads possibly?
- Willing to Guest Moderate: Still new... So no
- Additional Comments: Quinten needs a catch-phrase <.<

Quinten - Player
- Posts: 9
- Words: 3548
- Joined roleplay: April 13th, 2015, 12:11 pm
- Race: Human
- Character sheet
- Plotnotes
by Tubby on May 2nd, 2015, 12:44 am
Character Registration: Spring, 515 - PC Name: Tubby
- Race, Age, & Sex: Pycon, 1, Male
- Occupation: Fat jolly homeless man
- Length of Stay: Indefinible
- Residence: In a tent around random, secluded places.
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: Not yet.
- Likes to Thread About: Anything and everything!
- Dislikes to Thread About: Tubby's death.
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Maybe, maybe not.
- Willing to Guest Moderate: Maaaaaybe?
- Additional Comments: PM for threads, I can't wait to thread with ye all!

Tubby - The Jolly Fat Pycon!
- Posts: 21
- Words: 18844
- Joined roleplay: April 29th, 2015, 12:12 am
- Location: Sunberth
- Race: Pycon
- Character sheet
by Thaloyss on May 2nd, 2015, 4:10 am
Character Registration: Spring, 515- PC Name: Sessanissasyathaloyss.
- Race, Age, & Sex: Constrictor Dhani, 117, Female
- Occupation: Barmaid
- Length of Stay: At least a season.
- Residence: The Sunset Quarter.
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: N/A
- Likes to Thread About: Shenanigans.
- Dislikes to Thread About: Purely social threads.
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Not yet, no.
- Willing to Guest Moderate: Nope.
- Additional Comments: Hopefully I can knock out my job threads before the end of the season. If you're willing to help, maybe you could shoot me a PM...?


Thaloyss - Player
- Posts: 72
- Words: 49907
- Joined roleplay: April 28th, 2015, 5:27 pm
- Location: Sunberth
- Race: Dhani
- Character sheet
by Hwyn on May 3rd, 2015, 3:52 am
Character Registration: Spring, 515- PC Name: Vayle Vacerone
- Race, Age, & Sex: Human, 18, Male
- Occupation: Musician
- Length of Stay: As long as it takes
- Residence: Bought a hose in the sunset quarters
- Gang/Organization Affiliation:Not yet
- Likes to Thread About: Anything?
- Dislikes to Thread About: Dunno yet, hopefully I won't find out
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Not that I know of
- Willing to Guest Moderate: Sure
- Additional Comments: Undead beware

Hwyn - Soul endowed plushie
- Posts: 363
- Words: 275288
- Joined roleplay: May 3rd, 2015, 1:26 am
- Location: In Eva's pocket
- Race: Human
- Character sheet
- Storyteller secrets
- Scrapbook
- Plotnotes
- Medals: 2
by Julia Tristal on May 8th, 2015, 9:09 am
Character Registration: Spring, 515 - PC Name: Julia Tristal
- Race, Age, & Sex: Human, 16, Female
- Occupation: Courier/Thief
- Length of Stay: For a while
- Residence: Sunset Quarters
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: Might join Vince's gang
- Likes to Thread About: Anything
- Dislikes to Thread About: I'm cool with anything
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: nope
- Willing to Guest Moderate: no
- Additional Comments: Merp

Julia Tristal - Player
- Posts: 82
- Words: 44834
- Joined roleplay: January 7th, 2015, 4:29 pm
- Race: Human
- Character sheet
by Kaie on May 12th, 2015, 5:57 am
Character Registration: Spring, 515- PC Name: Kaie of the Cutthroat Shadows
- Race, Age, & Sex: Myrian, 19, Female
- Occupation: Mercenary
- Length of Stay: 89th into the next season.
- Residence: On a docked ship (subject to change).
- Gang/Organization Affiliation: Ex-Scar
- Likes to Thread About: Combat, intrigue, adventure, and just about anything else we can come up with. I'm not picky and I enjoy challenging my character with new, interesting situations.
- Dislikes to Thread About: Plot stagnant threads.
- Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Maybe. I'll get back to you.
- Willing to Guest Moderate: Sure.
- Additional Comments: Enjoy the season.


Kaie - Player
- Posts: 1558
- Words: 1635197
- Joined roleplay: May 9th, 2013, 3:13 am
- Location: Sunberth
- Race: Myrian
- Character sheet
- Storyteller secrets
- Scrapbook
- Journal
- Plotnotes
- Medals: 7
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