Closed Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Dru finds a bat

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 2nd, 2015, 4:10 pm

Day 10 of Spring 515AV

Continued from here

True, he had reached the city, but now he still had to enter it. A huge mountain was the host of the Inarta, and their whole city was built within it, he knew. But could he actually get in there? Sure he could! The gates had to lead somewhere, right? Using those for the purpose they were built for shouldn’t be a problem, nor would the darkness he’d find inside. Eyesight was not something he had to rely on in this form, a simple fact he was really thankful for; no dark place couldn’t be traversed. Hell, even thin wires could be detected and avoided thanks to his echolocation, something that wasn’t always as easy when using your eyes only.

Shrieking and flapping his wings, the bat headed into the grand vastness of the cave that supposedly held the gates. Finding them was easy, but as he should have expected, they were closed. Of course, no sane person would leave the gates open at night, when everyone was sleeping… this wasn’t Lhavit. The people here actually slept during the night, and were awake during the day. Brandon would have sighed and shrugged if he had been able to, but right now he had to be content with a swift change of direction, and returning to the outside world once more.

It was funny how accustomed to Lhavit he had become without actually noticing it himself. The rhythm of the days, the skyglass, the rest periods… it all seemed so normal to him now, whereas he clearly remembered being extremely confused when first arriving. Wind Reach would probably be just as strange as Lhavit had been, perhaps even more. Either way, he’d have to adapt, which shouldn’t be that much of a problem… except for once again changing his own rhythm. In Lhavit he’d been able to just sleep through the day and stay awake at night, and no-one had cared about it. Here though he’d have to do what ‘normal’ people did. The thief didn’t quite like the idea.

By the time he had reached the end of the hall, Brandon had decided to try and fly over the whole structure, to see whether he couldn’t enter that way. Surely the Wind Eagles had a way to enter the city without having to pass through the gates, and where those giant birds fit through, Brandon could pass as well. Quickly shifting his position in the air, Brandon gained altitude fast, circling around until he figured he was high enough, and changed course again, now flying over the structure and towards what he presumed was the city itself. Finding a spot to land was priority now, his wings became harder and harder to flap, feeling heavier and heavier. And then, for a moment a sharp pain in his muscles made him falter, his wings skipping a beat, and so did his heart.

Adrenaline rushed as the fear of falling was suddenly so very real, but that was the least of his problems; a burning pain exceeding that of the cramp in his muscles shot through his back, a warm liquid ran down his body. Blood? Yes, that pain! Something had just torn through his flesh, but what? And then his echolocation picked something up, something large was detected. A bird. An owl. Damn those stealthy fliers! But Brandon had been lucky, if his muscles hadn’t cramped, if he hadn’t been flying for so long, he’d have been snatched out of the air and eaten! Now however he had a different problem… a second attack from the owl, and a paralyzing sort of pain that made it nearly impossible to stay in the air. He fell.

One good thing about that was that the owl couldn’t get him anymore, not immediately that is. At this rate however, the bat would just fall to his doom. Enduring the pain, Brandon spread his wings, managing to glide down instead of falling, though that was all he could manage. The pain was too much, he felt as if he was on fire, as if he was tearing himself apart by moving. The ground was barely evaded, but the wall of some sort of tunnel wasn’t, though he had tried to grip it with his claws, his speed had been too great and instead he slammed into it, and fell to the ground, shrieking in pain and fear. Well, at least he was safe from that owl now… hopefully.

Credit goes to Nyxie Nadira Draer
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on March 2nd, 2015, 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on March 2nd, 2015, 4:50 pm

Drusilla found herself returning from the market late. She had met some friends there and had been entranced with a stall of candles. Some of the scents were crazy sounding and the Symenestra and her friends had taken to seeing just how dead on each scent was to what it was suppose to be. All were pretty dead on, even the one claiming to smell of wind eagle. As they giggled and wondered how one made a candle smell like an eagle, Drusilla picked up a few. She had missed Chickadee's birthday and she and Zhol had that fight... Yes these would work, the now Avora bought some for herself as well before the group headed to their rooms.

The walk was pleasant enough. As they approached the entrance into the mountain a small noise caught her ear. She motioned her friends to go ahead without her as she looked around and listened. It was a strangely familiar noise. One she had heard many a times. Not here though... Kalinor? Yes! But what in Kalinor had mad- A bat! Her amethyst eyes fell to not just a bat, but to her horror a bloodied little flyer. A strange sort of panic set in and she looked to the sky. "Sshhh, hush! They will hear you!" Picking the shrieking creature up as gently as one could she wrapped it in the extra fabric of her sleeve and held it close.

With that the Symenestra made a mad dash through the tunnels up to the Aeries. As she ran she shoved a group of cheits out of her way. Why did the aeries feel so far away? She could feel the bat move slightly. Thank Rak'keli it was still alive! Finally she made to the steps that led to the Endals' homes. "Almost there Bitta. Almost there!" Coming to the door with a vine wreath hanging on it she rushed inside and into her room. Tossing her bag to the floor, she pulled off her sleeve now able to properly examine the bat.

Drusilla gasped at the poor thing it's back was in pieces. She bit her lip and fought back tears at the shrieks. "I-it's okay Bitta. I'll get you better, I promise." Her voice had wavered and by habit she mental kicked herself for it. "Okay, first we gotta get this bleeding to stop."


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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 3rd, 2015, 1:12 pm

To be honest, Brandon had not expected anyone to be around anymore, much less coming from markets or whatever it they bought stuff from here. Every time he moved, he cried out in pain, and yet he did not stop, he had to find a safe place, somewhere where he wouldn’t be trampled or detected. For a tick he considered shifting, but he supposed it would only make things worse. Not only would the wound grow in size just like he would, he might even risk destroying his body. Brandon had never shifted when wounded, and neither had he ever been this hurt- well, with this much blood. Broken bones did not count, even if they were ribs.

The bat focused on one thing, and one thing only; crawling away, crawling to a safe place. Pain burned in his back, and he was pretty sure he was soaked in his own blood already, possibly leaving a trail too. Progress came slowly, and enduring the pain was difficult. Breaks were taken every so often, and every time they grew longer and longer. And then there was a voice, a female one speaking in a language he had never imagined to hear in Wind Reach, where the redheads spoke Nari.

Symenos. Funny sounding Symenos, with some way too high, chirping tones in it even. Did she address him? Perhaps, but he couldn’t care less. Her plea to hush was ignored as he crawled onwards, heading for a crack in the wall. He could fit in there, he would be safe there. Words did not mean anything to him right now, but pain did, and panic too. Of the latter there was more added as large, pale hands grabbed his tiny body. For just a moment, the bat froze, trying to see who or what was holding him, and then the spell was broken. It mattered not who or why; being grabbed was not something he liked, especially now. It hurt, the wound burned and stabbed, maybe even more than when he had been moving. Brandon wanted back, back to the floor, but she had other plans, it seemed, lifting him higher as he weakly struggled for his freedom.

Of course, it didn’t help at all, and biting seemed like a good option. However, something was wrapped around him, and the hands were not touching his body anymore. The fabric now acted as a barrier; he couldn’t get to her flesh, and while that was maybe for the best, the fact that he was now some sort of pancake made him feel rather uncomfortable. Sounds were muted, and his sight was blocked, he had no real idea what was going on, but he could feel his body bumping up and down, and it too only worsened his pain. With the little bit of strength he felt he had left, Brandon tried to get out of the fabric, but his attempts were not successful. Giving up was inevitable, and Brandon just succumbed to the exhaustion, letting the pain just wash over him, shutting the world out.

Next thing he knew he was on some sort of table, or platform of some sort. He really couldn’t tell, everything was way too large and as such he couldn’t be sure what exactly he was lying on. Beady eyes stared upwards, catching some glimpses of the woman that had brought him here. Her mouth moved, as she gasped for breath, her face displaying some extreme shock. It scared Brandon; was his back worse than he had imagined? Agony translated itself in some squeals of fear as he tried once more to crawl away, irrationally afraid of the person in front of him. She was too large, he was too small; helpless and hurt too. His ears did pick up what she was saying, but even though he understood her words, his mind did not convey the meaning. Right now she was just making funny sounds, and he was in a panic.

Brandon was hurt, and terribly afraid, and while the pain did not really register in his mind anymore –it was there though, only not as prominent as before- he knew that he was in bad shape. He should hide somewhere safe, and heal up there.

Credit goes to Nyxie Nadira Draer
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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on March 4th, 2015, 2:13 am

With every pained shriek the bat gave Drusilla fought back tears. Finally the bat's cries of agony broke her and she felt her eyes well up. Why did owls attack bats? It's wasn't like they stole their food or anything. It didn't seem fair. Wiping her eyes on the sleeve she still was wearing she scolded herself and buckled down. She would save this bat. She would give it her all and then some. Drusilla prayed, begging Rak'keli to give her strength and to watch over her and this little bat.

Looking back to the bat the Symenestra found it was still trying to move and hide. "You dear Bitta have resolve rarely found in men! Sadly, your instincts to go and hide are just going to make things worse. Come here, I need to stop the bleeding. I'm sorry if it hurts, but I have to." She carefully got the bat onto her hand, and with her other hand picked up her badly stained sleeve and used it to gentlely dab the bat's back. She broke into a Symenos lullaby, not that it would help any. But it was a calming song. "Twinkle, twinkle little bat~" She dabbed it's back and sang.

It took some time but Drusilla finally stopped the bleeding, she had sung a dozen songs and taken a few bites. But now she could now assess the damage the little bat had taken. She looked over it's back. "Okay Bitta, I have to check you out now.. Make sure that bird didn't hurt your wings or your tummy, and find out if your a boy bat or a girl bat, okay?" She was expecting another round of bites. Drusilla carefully spread out one of the bat's wings looking for tears or rips of any kind. "This wing looks good, now the next," Drusilla smiled at the bat. Releasing the bat's wing she carefully extended the other wing and looked it over. "Congratulations your wings are fine!" She shifted the bat in her hands, "Now for your tummy." She brushed a finger over the bat's belly, "Looking good here. Now are you a 'he' or a 'she'?" Moving the fur on the lower half of the bat she found what she was looking for. "And you Bitta are a 'he'! Well Mr. Bat, now I have to clean your back."

She placed the bat on her bed, and slipped out to fill a bowl with some of the warm waters of the bath and returning to her room. Drusilla set the bowl aside letting it cool a bit before trying to clean the bat.


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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 4th, 2015, 7:09 pm

For a second time, Brandon felt the hands on his body, and this time he fought back. Though small, his little fangs were sharp and quick, snapping at one of the fingers and sinking his teeth in the pale flesh. Of course, she initially retracted her hand, and Brandon let go, crawling further away only to be picked up again and placed on her hand for real now. Something pressed into his back, something that was not supposed to be in there was dabbed on his injured back. The wound protested and sent a wave of pain to the little Kelvic, who couldn’t help but cry out again.

More words rolled off the person’s tongue, words the bat did not initially comprehend, but the tone was recognized. Soothing, calming, a song. Believe it or not, but it helped, and Brandon did calm down a bit, enough to focus a little. That song doesn’t make any sense. Bats don’t twinkle, his mind commented before the something was pressed onto his wound again and Brandon reacted by biting one of the fingers, letting go for just a bit and then closing his jaw around it again once the cloth –he’d seen something that looked like some sort of rag out the corner of his eyes- touched his back again.

This time though, Brandon did not release the finger, instead he nibbled on it softly, as he found it helped him to resist the pain and focus on something else than the injury he’d sustained. The songs were a welcome distraction, and while the Kelvic did tighten his jaw every single time the cloth was used, he felt a little bit better. Safe, even. A bit calmer, Brandon noticed more things, things he had initially failed to see or smell. One thing were the large black nails the female possessed, one adorning each finger, long and sharp-looking. Claws, black claws.

Another thing was the scent of the woman; despite being covered in the smoky smell of the volcano, there was something underneath he recognized, something that strangely enough made him feel more comfortable with this person. It was the scent of Kalinor, of Symenestra. He’d always believed he disliked the place when he’d been living there, but truthfully, once he’d been in Lhavit for a while Brandon had noticed he actually missed the cave and its denizens. Haughty and strange, yes, and his mother loathed them, but was there anything wrong with them? No, they were just people, just like humans were. Some were annoying, some ‘bad’ and others ‘god’. Some were cruel and others were gentle. Except for their appearance there wasn’t really anything that made the spider people any different from humans.

It had taken almost two years of living in Lhavit for him to see that. Back in Kalinor, there had been only a few humans, maybe a handful, maybe a little more. Either way, except for Gallan he hadn’t really interacted with them. The fact that he was nocturnal hadn’t helped either. However, that was not the point. Brandon had believed all humans were like his stepfather, and they turned out to be different. Some were interesting, some nice, and others… others were just plain horrible. Kriegsfelt, Burton Tally. Dirty, blackmailing merchant and the rat-faced leader of a bunch of thugs. Well, he hadn’t been for long, from the bat’s understanding Tally had come from another city and had tried to make a gang in Lhavit, but his actions had attracted Shinya suspicion quickly. Well, Tally was probably just as dead as Kriegsfelt was.

One of his wings was carefully extended by her hands -those cool hands- and released again, Brandon retracted it immediately, and did the same with his other wing once she was done. This was alright, he could deal with this, as long as she did not pick him up again- wait, he was still being picked up, wasn’t he? Oh yes, that was a hand underneath him, but it barely bothered him; he was comfortable and this position did not hurt that much. Yet, being twisted and shifted was not pleasant at all. Once again, Brandon responded with biting the finger she used to brush his belly with.

And then he was on the bed for some reason, he wasn’t really all that attentive anymore. The multitude of the words she spoke just flew past and weren’t registered, half of the events that happened weren’t really experienced either. It just seemed as if his life was hopping from moment to moment instead of following a fluid path. Oh well. At least he had been called Mr. Bat; he liked that. And the bed. It was soft, and warm. But the bowl was eyed with suspicion. It had fumes coming from it… wait… hadn’t his mother once told him Symenestra ate bats? Like some sort of snack or so? Once more the bowl was glanced at, only now with a bit of fear mixed in. It was then that Brandon noticed his body’s trembling was getting worse –had he been trembling this whole time?

Hot water, his mom’s warnings, this Symenestra… It all made sense now.

She was going to boil him alive!

This was it, Brandon decided to escape. Where was the edge of this huge-as-Rhysol’s-butt bed? Where the hell was the edge?! Was he scurrying around in circles? Aaaaaaaaggghhh!

OOCIt's official. If you want to describe something huge with a curse mixed in, now you can use "Huge as Rhysol's butt" instead of "Huge as f**k" :lol: I doubt Rhysol would like it though :paranoid:

Credit goes to Nyxie Nadira Draer
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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on March 5th, 2015, 12:57 am

Drusilla looked down at her own bloodied fingers, tiny little puncture wounds covered them. But, that was okay. She chuckled, "If a bit of my blood is what it takes to gain your trust, Bitta. Go ahead and bite."

Once she deemed the water's from the bath were cool enough as to not scald the bat she went to fetch him. Confusion hit her as she watched the bat going around in circles, "No! Don't! You'll get your back bleeding again and we'll both have to go through all that all over again!" She was pleading with a bat... Drusilla scooped up the bat and took him to the basin. Holding the bat with his tummy toward her hand and his head resting just above her pointer finger. She was in for more bites, she knew it.

Thinking for a moment she tried to figure out the most well known lullaby from Kalinor. Once she had made her choice, she sang and gently poured water over the bat's back. It had to be cleaned, the last thing she wanted for her little friend was for a nasty infection to set in. "Does the water feel good? I would imagine it does. It's not too hot is it?" Drusilla looked at the bat and gave it a reassuring smile. "You're going to be okay." While she was cleaning out his back, she might as well try and clean off the dried blood that covered the bat. Stretching out one wing she poured water over it. The red color covering it slowly dripped off. Then the next wing.

Once she was satisfied the wound was clean and the bat was no longer red, she took her sleeve finding a clean spot to carefully dry off the wound and his wings. "There, don't you look better!" She risked a finger to rub the bat's head.

"Now to dress it. You're lucky I'm a seamstress and have scraps laying here and there." She found a scrap from Azira's dress, black Kalinor silk... and some wool Drusilla hadn't gotten around to spinning. She wrapped the wool in the silk. Looking at her ruined sleeve, she pulled off the other. Looking everything over, she nodded to herself. Holding the bat in her hand she took the silk bandage and placed it on the bat's back. Carefully she laid the bat on his back and swaddled the bat with her good sleeve. Once the bat was swaddled, Drusilla looked at the empty cage that had been empty for well years. Well, it had a purpose now.

She laid the bat on his tummy. Closing the cage she smiled, "I'm going to go get you something to drink, okay?" She found a small dish and filled it with cool water. She placed it in the cage and draped a scrap of linen in it so that the bat could drink the water from the fabric.

It was only now Drusilla noticed the small fluttering bug near a candle, with a smile the Symenestra caught the bug with her claws. She turned to the bat, "Hungry, Bitta?" Once more she risked her fingers as she offered the moth to her little friend. "I'm Drusilla by the way. In the morning I'll see what medicine I can get to speed up your wound recovery."


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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 5th, 2015, 7:26 pm

Okay, he had been mistaken; the water wasn’t nearly as hot enough to boil anything or anyone, and Brandon was glad it wasn’t. He had a lot more living to do. In the meantime he didn’t feel guilty at all for biting the gentle Symenestra every time she touched him, well, every time she touched him with something he could bite in. Those claws were too hard, and as such there were things he just had to endure. However, that wouldn’t stop him, she’d learn eventually; don’t touch, or get bitten. This should be fairly easy, and even though that he supposed he should make an exception to allow her to tend his wound, the bat didn’t. It was best to teach early before some annoying habits formed.

Admitted; the water did feel good… though the thief had rather stayed dry than wet. His fur was all heavy and sticky, and to be honest, he rather disliked anything other than himself touch his wings. That included water, no matter how great and comfortable it felt. Just as the Sym had promised, the water did feel rather cleansing, and though it stung a little bit, it did in a positive way. Hm… the longer he was in the water, the better it felt actually. In fact, he started to relax a little bit, thinking back to the few times he’d visited the bathhouse in Lhavit, remembering how great the slightly hot, scented water had been…

But to all things came an end, and so too did it to his time in the bowl. With some fabric he was rubbed dry, and his fur became all poofy, transforming him in a furball with ears and wings. Great. I’m sure I don’t. I look ridiculous, I just know it. A slender finger came dangerously close to his head, petting it. Brandon twisted his skull so his nose was pushing the finger away, and opened his mouth slightly, revealing his small but sharp teeth. I’m warning you..! The message was clear, it seemed, seeing as the finger was retracted quickly, though he supposed she had just been satisfied with the brief moment of rubbing his skull.

Somehow though, the Sym had gotten it into her head that he needed to be restricted in his movements and rolled him into some fabric, sealing his wings and thus his movement. Only his head stuck out, and if he’d been able to make use of human expressions he’d have eyed the woman coolly, with his eyes half closed and his mouth a horizontal line. Really? Was this necessary? I don’t think so! Unwrap me now and you will be forgiven for- for what exactly? What was there to forgive? For your … mistakes? And then he was in a cage. Things only got better and better. First an owl, now a cage. This was his lucky day. Ah, sarcasm.

I see, you’ve heard of my legendary escapes haven’t you? Rolling me in fabric so I can’t move, clever, clever! But don’t think that measly lock will be able to keep me restricted for long! … I’ll just slip between the bars when I can get out of this … eggroll. He tried to move one wing, then the other, but it had no effect. Brandon’s reaction to the dish of water was the same as when he’d been swaddled in fabric. And how exactly am I supposed to drink from that? I can’t even move! This is psychological torture! It’s just out of reach! Aaaaaaaaaaaggghhh! He’d have send the Symenestra a dirty glare if he’d been able to. Well played. I give up. I need sustenance. I accept your offering. He wanted to sigh, but instead devoured the twitching bug with gusto. I liked Mr. Bat better. Call me that instead, will you? Bitta sounds too … cutesy and just plain stupid. And I’m not small enough to be called that either.

After his meal there was just one thing left to do; sleep. Rest was good for healing, he’d heard. Not to mention that plenty of doctors from Lhavit had suggested he should rest for a couple days when he’d been injured. It was settled then; he’d sleep the rest of the night and the following day. Too bad he couldn’t even move a muscle, he felt like a caterpillar, and that was not a good thing. But well, maybe he’d be released from the cloth tomorrow.

Credit goes to Nyxie Nadira Draer
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on April 3rd, 2015, 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Drusilla on March 6th, 2015, 4:47 am

Drusilla frowned and moved the drip cloth closer to the bat. "There can you reach it now, I'm sorry I didn't realize you couldn't reach... Forgive me?" She bent down looking the bat in the eyes. "You've got beautiful eyes, you know?" She smiled gently at the bat. "Cute little ears too. Now that you're clean, I can see your a grey ear-bat..." Who could blame her for wanting to pet him?

It was only now the Symenestra noticed she was covered in the bat's blood, some had even found it's way into her long perfectly white hair. Thankfully most of the blood was on her exposed skin. Picking up her ruined sleeve she sighed and tossed it into the trash. Taking the basin, Drusilla emptied and refilled it and grabbed a cloth and returned to her room. It was too late to take a full on bath, plus she didn't want to leave the little bat. A quick wash would have to do.

She pulled her Vinati over her head and shivered as she tossed it to the floor. It was impossible to wear her wraps under the Inarta top. Why did they have to show so much skin? She grumbled as she kicked off her Bryda letting them join her vinati on the floor. Now clothingless she poked at her overly protruding ribs, which were getting slightly better. Drusilla picked up the cloth and dipped it in the steaming water. She washed the blood off of her making sure that she was thorough. Her hair would be stained for awhile, a thought that annoyed her to no end.

Blowing out the candles that lit her room Drusilla crawled into bed, cocooning herself in the blankets. She poked her hear out and watched the little bat. Even though the room was only dimly lit by a small Opalgloam that sat next to the bed. Even without that, she could of seen the bat. Darkness was no problem to Symenestra. "Good night, Bitta... Sorry for having to do all that to you." She hadn't wanted to swaddle the bat but it was the only way to keep the silk covered cotton on it's back. Oh well, maybe being wrapped in her scent would help the bat get used to her as her fingers were how she made her living. Gods, they were sore..

LedgerTree Agate-8cm, Opalgloam-6sm, 5 scented candles-15gm=15gm,6sm,8cm


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Not So Pleasant Arrival (Drusilla)

Postby Verilian on April 3rd, 2015, 1:16 am



Thread Award

Brandon Blackwing

  • +2 Endurance
  • +3 Intimidation

    Lores: Inarta: They sleep at Night, Saved by a Cramp, Snatched by a Symenestra, Bathed by a Spider, Resting in a Cage, The Benefits of Echolocation, Mr. Bat, Fear of being Boiled Alive, Biting so as not to be Touched, Being Boiled isn't so Unpleasant,


    • +1 Medicine
    • +3 Animal Husbandry
    • +1 Observation
    • +1 Running
    • +2 Singing
    • +2 Rhetoric

Lores: Bat Saver, Bat Anatomy, Bathing a Bat, Bitten by a Bat,The Bat is a Boy, Swaddling a Bat

Notes: Alrighty, hopefully I got everything this time. Please let me know if I missed anything. I promise I won't bite like Brandon does. I want to know when I miss things, how else am I supposed to become a better storyteller? Sometimes there is a reason why I didn't award something, but other times I just missed it and I need to be yelled at, so don't be afraid to give me a good smack on the head if need be. Anyway, great thread, and keep writing!

Oh, and the parts in yellow are where things have been changed or added.
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